middle schools in weston

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2022 Best Public Middle Schools in Weston

The 2022 Best Public Middle Schools ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Ranking factors include state test scores, student-teacher ratio, student diversity, teacher quality, middle school ratings, and the overall quality of the school district. Read more on how this ranking was calculated.

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  1. City of Pembroke Pines Charter High SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-12 Rating 3.92 out of 5 841 reviews#13 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaAlum: My four years at Pembroke Pines Charter High School were definitely some to remember. There was constantly something going on, whether a drama show, dance, or game that students could get involvedRead 841 Reviewsgrade AOverall Niche Grade2,107 Students21:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  2. Coral Springs Charter SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-12 Rating 3.78 out of 5 317 reviews#27 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaJunior: Coral Springs Charter(CSCS) is a great environment to get a high level of education. Depending on your specific skill set, the classes match up with your pacing, allowing one ti get a betterRead 317 Reviewsgrade AOverall Niche Grade1,704 Students18:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  3. Ben Gamla Charter School – North CampusBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8#58 Best Public Middle Schools in Floridagrade AOverall Niche Grade151 Students— Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  4. Somerset Academy Middle School – Miramar CampusBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 3.27 out of 5 11 reviews#59 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaMiddle School Student: I grew up with this school and will always be in my heart. The school culture is great, there is lot the different cultures and backgrounds throughout the school. There will be teachers at the schoolRead 11 Reviewsgrade AOverall Niche Grade418 Students18:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  5. City of Pembroke Pines Charter Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 3.33 out of 5 3 reviews#60 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaAlum: Everyone prepares you relatively well for high school and ultimately college. A good environment. Easy to do well.Read 3 Reviewsgrade AOverall Niche Grade1,339 Students19:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  6. Beachside Montessori Village SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL PK, K-8 Rating 3.67 out of 5 6 reviews#64 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaParent: This is THE best school. Words can’t express how happy my children are! They come back home and have absolutely no homework other than maybe a 10 min two sided handout. Teachers are phenomenal andRead 6 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade790 Students18:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  7. Franklin Academy Pembroke PinesBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 2.33 out of 5 6 reviews#67 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaParent: Excelent school. Teachers are respectful and kind with children. I love the facility and the kind environment.Read 6 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade1,392 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  8. Hollywood Academy of Arts & Science Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 5 out of 5 1 review#81 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaMiddle School Student: This is a great school! I’ve been here for about 4 years and it’s been great. There is very little bullying. The lunch isn’t that good but that’s fine.Read 1 Reviewgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade466 Students19:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  9. Hollywood Academy of Arts & Science Elementary SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 5 out of 5 1 review#83 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaParent: We all was having an excellent experience with all the teachers of kindergarten, specially with Ms.Olysanya, she is an integral teacher. We appreciate the organization and the friendly environment ofRead 1 Reviewgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade1,108 Students18:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  10. Renaissance Charter School at Cooper CityBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 4.5 out of 5 14 reviews#115 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaParent: My son started attending this school in kindergarten and is now in 6th grade. I haven’t had any major issues with the school or the teachers/staff. The office staff is very friendly and knowsRead 14 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade1,210 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  11. Falcon Cove Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 3.91 out of 5 11 reviews#133 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaAlum: Amazing school with helpful teachers and staff. So many clubs considering it is only a middle school, and successful sports team. Also many student programs.Read 11 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade2,336 Students24:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  12. Imagine Charter and Middle School at WestonBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 2.33 out of 5 3 reviews#150 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaMiddle School Student: Amazing experience. I went here last year and everyone is so nice. The teachers teach very well and the students are niceRead 3 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade922 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  13. North Broward Academy of Excellence Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 4.7 out of 5 10 reviews#186 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaNiche User: Muy satisfecha con esta escuela, mi hija empezará el 8th grado y con clases avanzadas. Se notó el cambio de una escuela a otra. Recomendada totalmente.Read 10 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade354 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  14. Tequesta Trace Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 4.25 out of 5 4 reviews#196 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaParent: Tequesta Trace is a good school in general, but they are so disconnected from the parents. We rarely know what is going on. I am a PTA member but there is always limits to how you can help and howRead 4 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade1,577 Students22:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  15. Indian Ridge Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 3.44 out of 5 9 reviews#205 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaFreshman: In my opinion, this school was pretty good. Most of the teachers treat the students fairly. Some even go to the extent of helping students that need help with the subject during lunch or afterRead 9 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade1,985 Students22:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  16. Franklin Academy Sunrise CampusBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 3.5 out of 5 4 reviews#218 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaAlum: I’m currently a junior in high school, so I have no idea what the school is like now, but when I was enrolled there it was a pretty great school! Brand new at the time with very welcoming staff andRead 4 Reviewsgrade A minusOverall Niche Grade1,395 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  17. Greentree Preparatory Charter SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 5 out of 5 1 review#234 Best Public Middle Schools in Floridagrade B+Overall Niche Grade165 Students15:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  18. Somerset Academy Charter Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 4 out of 5 1 review#248 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaMiddle School Student: Overall the school is OK. But the lunch is the worst it is cold and hard!! It needs more teachers that are better and better sorts like dance they should expand the room and stuff like thatRead 1 Reviewgrade B+Overall Niche Grade991 Students23:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  19. Ben Gamla Charter SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 3.6 out of 5 5 reviews#250 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaMiddle School Student: The school is superb,the teachers are amazingly intelligent,and supportive to the students.There is no bullying,all peers get along,no one is left out.Ms Miller the principal is insanely terrific!SheRead 5 Reviewsgrade B+Overall Niche Grade506 Students15:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  20. Franklin Academy – Cooper City CampusBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 2.8 out of 5 5 reviews#266 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaParent: The school is divine, but some new rules are unreasonable. For example, they now have one-way hallways. They believed it would help the traffic problem but it just amplified it. Another rule is theRead 5 Reviewsgrade B+Overall Niche Grade1,339 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  21. Renaissance Charter School at UniversityBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8#314 Best Public Middle Schools in Floridagrade B+Overall Niche Grade1,432 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  22. Nova Middle SchoolBroward County Public Schools, FL 6-8 Rating 3.58 out of 5 12 reviews#333 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaNiche User: Nova middle school was a decent middle school experience. The teachers were certainly the highlight of the experience. Some alterations that would probably make it better is a better school spiritRead 12 Reviewsgrade B+Overall Niche Grade1,280 Students21:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  23. Imagine Charter and Middle School at BrowardBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 4 out of 5 1 review#348 Best Public Middle Schools in Floridagrade B+Overall Niche Grade842 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  24. Imagine Schools – Plantation CampusBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 3 out of 5 1 review#352 Best Public Middle Schools in Floridagrade B+Overall Niche Grade359 Students16:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  25. Renaissance Charter School of Coral SpringsBroward County Public Schools, FL K-8 Rating 5 out of 5 2 reviews#354 Best Public Middle Schools in FloridaParent: Catering for the school lunch is awful. Food is worse than fast food, in my opinion. No fresh fruit, just canned/preserved offerings. Potatoes are considered a vegetable – they are a starch!Academics are superb! Most of the teachers are wonderful. Administration is fantastic. Not a lot of sport offerings, however it is a small charter school. Very grateful for our school. Such aRead 2 Reviewsgrade B+Overall Niche Grade1,518 Students19:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  26. SponsoredMati Talent Institute Private SchoolPrivate School HALLANDALE BEACH, FL PK, K-12 Rating 5 out of 5 13 reviewsParent: No matter where you are, learning happens anywhere, everywhere!This are Ciela and Leila, students of MATI TALENT INSTITUTE.Both girls are currently enrolled in our English and Spanish programs. They also study Arabic and Chinese. Ciela loves doing horseback riding and enjoys art and Leila loves practicing ballet and sheThey live in California, but since their families travel a lot, homeschooling is working perfect for them!Read 13 Reviews4,500 Students50:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes Virtual Tour
  27. Review Your School 
  28. SponsoredAmerican Collegiate AcademyPrivate School CLEARWATER, FL K-12 Rating 4.43 out of 5 7 reviewsParent: I am so happy we moved our 5 children to ACA. This will be their 3rd year at this school. The teachers are amazing, the school staff is always willing to help. They take all Florida stateRead 7 Reviewsgrade B+Overall Niche Grade200 Students13:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes Virtual Tour
  29. SponsoredDivine Savior AcademyPrivate NetworkAdd to List

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