masters in statistics, Europe

Are you an international student? What information are you unaware of regarding masters in statistics, Europe? Looking at many information types about masters in statistics, Europe, but don’t know which to choose. This article will provide insight and details articles on the topic.

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online masters in statistics Europe






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Master of Science in Applied Statistics

masters in applied statistics Europe

A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis.

Studying statistics can give individuals the skills needed to collect, analyze, and interpret data in order to reach useful conclusions. This data can then be applied to social, industrial, or scientific problems, or organized for presentation to the public.

Europe is, by convention, one of the world’s seven continents. Comprising the western most point of Eurasia, Europe is usually divided from Asia by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting the Black and Aegean Seas.

View all Master Programs in Statistics in Europe 2022

Master’s Programme in Applied Statistics

Örebro University

Örebro UniversityÖrebro, Sweden

The Master’s program in statistics provides in-depth and broad theoretical knowledge, focused on applications and practical usage of statistical theory and methodology. It pre … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglishCampus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master’s Degree in Statistical Methods and Applications

Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of RomeRome, Italy

SMA – Statistical Methods and Applications – is the acronym of the brand-new two-year Master of Science (corresponding to the Italian Laurea Magistrale degree) entirely taught … +Featured MScFull-time2 yearsEnglishOct 2022Online & Campus CombinedCampusOnline Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Mathematical Statistics

Lund University

Lund UniversityLund, Sweden

The Master’s programme in Mathematical Statistics provides a broad spectrum of tools and methods for handling random phenomena occurring in scientific as well as industrial co … +Featured MScFull-time2 yearsEnglishCampus Compare this program Save this program Read More

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Master in Mathematics and Statistics

University of Helsinki

University of HelsinkiHelsinki, Finland

Studies in this Master’s programme will lead you into the fascinating world of modern science, giving you a solid basis for mathematics and statistics applications.Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglish, Finnish, SwedishAug 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Statistics and Machine Learning

Linköping University

Linköping UniversityLinköping, Sweden

Unleash the power of data and statistics to make the right decisions happen. We integrate statistical modeling and analysis with machine learning, data mining, and data manage … +Featured MScFull-time4 semestersEnglishAug 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc Statistical Science for the Life and Behavioural Sciences

Leiden University

Leiden UniversityLeiden, Netherlands +9 More

This two-year master’s programme provides you with a thorough introduction to the general philosophy and methodology of statistical modelling, data analysis and data science.Featured MScFull-time2 yearsEnglishFeb 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master’s Degree in Official Statistics and Social and Economic Indicators

Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Universidad Complutense de MadridMadrid, Spain

The Master’s Degree in Official Statistics and Social and Economic Indicators focuses on the training of students who wish to work in the context of official statistics or sim … +Featured MasterFull-timePart-time4 semestersSpanishSep 202225 Feb 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master in Mathematical Statistics

Umeå University - Faculty of Science and Technology

Umeå University – Faculty of Science and TechnologyUmeå, Sweden

Do you want to hone your analytical powers, learn to process reams of data and make this data sing? In this digital age, with an explosion in both the amount of data collected … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglishSep 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master in Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences

Utrecht University

Utrecht UniversityUtrecht, Netherlands

Through the programme’s cutting-edge research in methodology and statistics, you will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to carry out fundamental and applied research at … +Featured MSc MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglishCampus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master of Science in Psychology: Evaluation and Assessment

University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

University of Luxembourg, Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEsch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

The master’s degree program in psychology that we offer features key qualifications specific to the assessment field.Featured MasterFull-timePart-time4 semestersEnglish, FrenchSep 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master in Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Institut Polytechnique de ParisPalaiseau, France

This program offers a wide range of basic and more specialized courses in applied mathematics. This allows students to build a personalized curriculum adapted to their academi … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglish, FrenchSep 202231 May 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master in Mathematics and Modeling. Specialization: Mathematical Statistics and Financial Mathematics

Linnaeus University

Linnaeus UniversityVäxjö, Sweden

This program will suit anyone who is interested in mathematics and wants to apply his or her skills to problem-solving and for creating new mathematical models. It also gives … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglish29 Aug 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master in Statistical Sciences

University of Bologna

University of BolognaBologna, Italy

The International Master’s (Second Cycle Degree) in Statistical Sciences aims to train experts able to manage, analyze and interpret data in order to produce that knowledge re … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglishCampus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master of Statistics

Hasselt University

Hasselt UniversityHasselt, Belgium +1 More

The master program combines a solid study of principles of applied and biostatistics with up-to-date information on topics such as clinical trials, public health, longitudinal … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglishSep 2022CampusOnline Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Applied Statistics and Datamining

University of St Andrews

University of St AndrewsSaint Andrews, United Kingdom

The PGDip/MSc in Applied Statistics and Datamining is a commercially relevant programme of study providing students with the statistical data analysis skills needed for busine … +Featured MScFull-timeEnglishCampus Compare this program Save this program 

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masters in statistics, Europe

Statistics comprises of a set of mathematical techniques that help in analysing collected data. Professionals use statistical thinking, parameters and methods to explain results and to anticipate possible outcomes in diverse scientific, social and business issues. Therefore, statistics is a valuable tool used in other disciplines such as medicine, natural sciences, sociology, economics, engineering and marketing. Statisticians gather data, summarise information, draw conclusions and advance predictions.

Universities offer mathematical programmes with specialisation in statistics, usually at the undergraduate level, or highly specialised degrees in statistics at the graduate level. Specialisations of statistics degrees include: statistics and measurement, statistical inference, econometrics, quantitative methods of the financial markets, statistics in life sciences, computational finance, biostatistics. Applicants are typically required to have excellent grades in mathematics and at least one other science subject. Students and professionals will use computer literacy and transferable abilities such as analytical skills, a sound logic, the capacity to interpret vast amounts of information and to effectively communicate results.

Graduates in statistics can easily find jobs wherever there is the need for decision-making based on data. They can become business analysts, economists, mathematicians, data analysts, risk analysts, environmental scientists and may naturally advance in managerial positions. Professionals work in various industries, such as medicine, health care and pharmaceuticals, marketing research, public administration, sociology, business, or insurance.

Check out our list of Master’s degrees in Statistics. Keep in mind you can also study an online Masters in Statistics.

best masters in statistics Europe

The emphasis you opt for will have an impact on your future career path. Here is our roundup of 10 of the best Masters Degrees in Statistics available to study at universities in the UK and Europe*.

MSc in Statistical Science – University of Oxford

Cost: £11,605 for UK and EU students / £26,405 for international students.
What You Will Study: This is an intensive 12-month full-time program that focusses on statistical problems faced in the real world. Students cover statistical machine learning, data analysis, and high-level computational statistics.

Master of Advance Study in Mathematical Statistics – University of Cambridge

Cost: £10,680 for UK and EU students / £21,411 for international students.
What You Will Study: This is a full-time course that takes 9 months to complete and is usually undertaken after 4 or 5 years of mathematical study at the University of Cambridge. Many students use the course as preparation for undertaking a PhD in Mathematical Statistics.

Master of Science in Statistics – ETH Zurich

Cost: CHF 660 per sememster for all students.
What You Will Study: This course is taught in English and takes 1-year with full-time study to complete. Students can select modules to tailor the course to their career aims and interests. Modules include Applied Statistical Regression, Data Analytics in Organisations and Business, and Smoothing and Nonparametric Regression.

MSc in Statistics – Imperial College London

Cost: £14,500 for UK and EU students / £28,000 for international students.
What You Will Study: There are 6 different options for students to follow; Statistical Finance, Biostatistics, Applied Statistics, Data Science, Methods and Theory, and the General option. The course is studied full-time in 1 year.

MSc in Statistics – University of Warwick

Cost: £9,460 total cost for UK and EU students / £27,160 total cost for international students.
What You Will Study: Modules include Risk Theory, Financial Time Series, Bayesian Statistics and Decision Theory, and Medical Statistics. Students can complete the course in 1-year when studying full time or in 2 years when studying part time.

MSc in Statistics with Data Science – University of Edinburgh

Cost: £13,000 total cost for UK and EU students / £23,950 total cost for international students.
What You Will Study: Students can either study part-time and complete the course in 2 years or study full time and complete the course in 1 year. Modules include Incomplete Data Analysis, Genetic Epidemiology, Statistical Consultancy, and Machine Learning in Python.

MSc in Applied Mathematics – TU Delft

Cost: €2,143 per year for Dutch and EU students / €18,750 per year for international students.
What You Will Study: This is a 2-year masters course that is studied full time and taught in English. Students can focus on many different areas including statistics with modules such as Statistical Inference and Applied Functional Analysis.

MSc in Statistics – University of Manchester

Cost: £13,500 for UK and EU students / £23,000 for international students.
What You Will Study: This full-time program is completed in 1 year and students cover modules such as Statistical Inference, Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Multivariate Statistics.

MSc in Statistics – University College London

Cost: £11,830 total cost for UK and EU students / £28,290 total cost for international students.
What You Will Study: Modules cover topics such as Medical Statistics, Quantitative Modelling of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics, and Statistical Models and Data Analysis. The course is completed in 2-years when studying part-time or in 1-year when studying full-time.

Masters by Research in Probability and Statistics – University of Bristol

Cost: £4,365 total cost for UK and EU students / £23,200 total cost for international students.
What You Will Study: This is a full-time 1-year or 2-year part-time Masters by Research, which can lead onto a PhD and be counted as the first year. Current research topics include Statistical Bioinformatics, Multiscale Methods and Monte Carlo Computation.

best masters in data analytics europe

Used in everything from ecommerce to online publishing, data analytics are used to gauge how efficiently a website runs and how effectively its content resonates with an audience. Courses will instruct students on how to extract meaning from raw data in order to successfully amend operational strategies.

Master Data Science (MSc)

IU International University of Applied Sciences – Online

IU International University of Applied Sciences – OnlineBad Honnef, Germany

The Master Data Science at the IU deepens your knowledge of all areas of Data Science with contents like Machine Learning and Big Data Technologies. With the completion of you … +Featured MScFull-timePart-time12 – 48 monthsEnglishOnline Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc Data Analytics and Information Systems Management

Arden Study Centre, Berlin

Arden Study Centre, BerlinBerlin, Germany

Big Data is going to be worth $102bn by 2019 according to IDC research which means organisations will need skilled analysts to maximise the opportunities it has to offer. This … +Featured MScFull-timePart-time12 – 24 monthsEnglishApr 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Data Management for Finance

Audencia Business School

Audencia Business SchoolNantes, France +2 More

In this program, you’ll learn how to work with financial information systems with large, variable, and rapid data – and use them to guide the direction of your company. Gain t … +Featured MScFull-time13 – 18 monthsEnglishCampusOnline Compare this program Save this program Read More

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MSc Business Intelligence and Analytics


GISMA ULawBerlin, Germany

The MSc Business Intelligence and Analytics course is designed for those who have a numerical background and want to develop their understanding of data management and cyberse … +Featured MScFull-timeEnglishApr 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master in Data Science

University of Europe for Applied Sciences

University of Europe for Applied SciencesPotsdam, Germany

New waves of innovations surrounding analytic services have had a significant impact on business and technology over recent years. In this master’s program, you will learn all … +Featured MasterFull-timeEnglishMar 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc Data Analytics

Berlin School Of Business & Innovation

Berlin School Of Business & InnovationBerlin, Germany

The 18-month MSc in Data Analytics is a new postgraduate programme in the field of data analytics at the Berlin Campus of BSBI. The course will provide students with key knowl … +Featured MScFull-time18 monthsEnglishFeb 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Big Data Technologies

Unicaf - University of East London

Unicaf – University of East LondonLondon, United Kingdom

Graduates of the programme are expected to have a comprehensive and critical understanding of all concepts and activities for large-scale data analytics and to demonstrate exp … +Featured MScFull-timePart-time3 semestersEnglishOnline Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master of Science in Computer Science (MSc) – Data Science & Analytics

EPITA School of Engineering and Computer Science

EPITA School of Engineering and Computer ScienceParis, France

EPITA’s Master of Science in Computer Science – Data Science & Analytics program spans 18 months and is taught 100% in English in Paris. This program provides students wit … +Featured Master MScFull-time18 – 24 monthsEnglishFeb 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Online MSc Data Analytics – University of Cumbria (UK)

Robert Kennedy College

Robert Kennedy CollegeCity of Carlisle, United Kingdom

The MSc Data Analytics is designed to accommodate a broad audience of learners whose particular pursuits in data analytics might be either technical or business-focused. The p … +Featured MScFull-timePart-timeEnglishOnline Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc Performance Analysis in Football


UCFB x GISLondon, United Kingdom +1 More

This programme will give students the necessary tools to understand and explore the performance analysis principles that rule the modern game. You will gain the knowledge of t … +Featured MScFull-timePart-timeEnglishAug 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis

University of Verona

University of VeronaVerona, Italy

The Master’s degree in Economics and Data Analysis, entirely taught in English, provides students with the main theoretical and empirical tools for economic and data analysis, … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglish03 Oct 202201 Jul 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

Master in Practical Data Analysis

Ural Federal University

Ural Federal UniversityYekaterinburg, Russia

The program focuses on various applications of data science and data analysis. You will learn how to build artificial intelligence systems using state-of-the-art machine learn … +Featured MasterFull-time2 yearsEnglish01 Sep 2022Online & Campus CombinedCampusOnline Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Data Analytics

Oxford Brookes University

Oxford Brookes UniversityWheatley, United Kingdom

With our MSc in Data Analytics, you will learn fundamental theory and practice mathematical and statistical modelling. With special reference to data analysis and visualisatio … +Featured MScFull-timePart-timeEnglishSep 202230 Jun 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Social Scientific Data Analysis

Lund University

Lund UniversityLund, Sweden

The Master of Science in Social Scientific Data Analysis will prepare you to become a professional researcher/social scientific data analyst with a specialisation on the resea … +Featured MScFull-time2 yearsEnglishCampus Compare this program Save this program Read More

MSc in Data Analytics for Business and Society

Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Ca’ Foscari University of VeniceVenice, Italy

This Data Analytics for Business and Society program prepares students with a background in economics and business as well as a keen interest in quantitative methods and the u … +Featured MScFull-time2 yearsEnglishSep 202203 May 2022Campus Compare this program Save this program 

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