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The Master of Science in Physical Therapy (MScPT) is a 24-month professional graduate program leading to entry into practice. The program is accredited by Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada (PEAC). Graduates will be eligible to write the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE), administered by the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators, which qualifies them to practise physical therapy in Canada. Graduates will be eligible to register with the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and the Colleges of Physiotherapy in all Canadian provinces.

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requirements for masters in physiotherapy in canada

Physiotherapy Graduate Admission Requirements in Canada

Prequisites and other requirements to become accepted to a Canadian university graduate and/or postgraduate degree program in Physiotherapy.

Prerequisites for Graduate Studies in Physiotherapy
To be admitted to a Master’s-level program in PT, students must have an undergraduate degree with at least a B average, in a field such as rehabilitation science, physiology, or occupational medicine. Completion of courses in physiology and anatomy are usually required. Experience in PT or a related field, such as that gained through community or hospital work, is an asset. Those working in the health sciences such as nursing, paramedic, or personal support worker, are also eligible for admission. A medical degree is also acceptable.

To be admitted to a PhD program in PT, students must have completed a Master’s-level degree in PT.

For all graduate programs, the supervisor must be chosen prior to final admission.

As all programs include a practicum, students must have valid certification in First Aid and CPR, as well as current immunizations. A police record check may also be required.
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Masters In Sports Physiotherapy In Canada

The Master’s of Science in Physical Therapy (MScPT) program at the University of Alberta is one of 15 physical therapy programs in Canada (10 English, 5 French). It is an accredited, graduate, professional, entry-level physical therapy (PT) program, and is one of the largest in Canada with approximately 110 students admitted per year.

The Department of Physical Therapy is committed to an equitable, diverse and inclusive learning environment. The MScPT Program welcomes applications from qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds. 

Vision of the MScPT Graduates

The Masters of Physical Therapy program graduates are prepared to meet the current and future challenges of client-centered, evidence-informed, interprofessional practice. They represent tomorrow’s professional leaders.

Expected Outcomes for Graduates

Short Term: The immediate objective of the program is to provide students with physical therapy skills that meet the workplace demands of diverse and changing healthcare environments. In addition to clinical competencies, entry-level practitioners need effective strategies for autonomous practice, evidence informed decision making and outcome and program evaluation. They need graduate level research evaluation skills that they can apply to the client in day-to-day clinical practice.

Long Term: The longer term objective is to graduate entry-level physical therapists with life-long learning skills who will continually monitor and modify their practice to ensure efficacious, cost effective physical therapy care to people of Alberta, Canada and the global community.

The MScPT Program is a year-round, full-time program and can be completed within 30 months of study. All Canadian entry-level PT programs graduate physiotherapy generalists and are not programs of specialization. National entry-level competencies must be acquired in all practice areas (musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, neurology, oncology, pediatrics, etc.) by the end of the program.

The U of A MScPT program is an applied program – knowing is important but you also must be able to demonstrate entry-level critical thinking and clinical skills. Students should be prepared for:

  • Year round study (completion of ~ 35 academic and clinical courses)
  • Self-directed learning
  • Multiple learning formats (lecture, seminar, lab, etc.)
  • Multiple assessment formats (oral, practical exams, written)
  • Clinical placements integrated throughout program
  • Capping exercise (skills exam and scholarly project with oral exam)
  • Academic courses and clinical placements are offered over the fall, winter and spring/summer sessions. These terms are coordinated into 7 Blocks of study over 8 consecutive University terms. The program runs over 30 months (2.5 years) total. This includes short breaks (1 to 3 weeks) in most blocks and a long break (6 weeks) in each summer term. Please review the MScPT Program Flowchart. 
Cohort Timelines
1st yearBlocks 1-3 (August-July)
2nd yearBlocks 4-6 (September-July)
3rd yearBlock 7 (September-December)

Note: For students admitted to the MScPT program in 2021, mandatory orientation occurs on July 29 & July 30, 2021. The start date of the first course (PTHER 516 Anatomy) is August 3, 2021. Online access to course materials commences August 1, 2021. Anatomy is completed in an intensive format (lecture and lab 5 days per week) until August 31. All students will attend this course virtually. Fall term courses begin on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, in-person at Edmonton or Calgary.

Upon successful completion of the MScPT program, graduates are eligible to take the national Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE). The PCE consists of a written and a clinical component. Once the PCE is passed, the graduate can apply for licensure to practice physical therapy.

Our Campuses

The University of Alberta MScPT course-based program is offered at two different campuses; Edmonton and Calgary. Of the 110 students admitted to the program, approximately 24 study in Calgary. Admission into any of our campuses is based on the same criteria and standards. All students begin the program with a one month residency in Edmonton to study anatomy and establish initial face-to-face connections with the colleagues they will be working with via technology throughout the remainder of their program. With the MScPT program’s distributed education model, students at all campuses complete the same core program of required courses as their colleagues enrolled at the other campuses. Each campus will offer unique elective opportunities reflective of local expertise and community partnerships in addition to the online electives available to all.

Upon successful completion of the program students will receive a Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Alberta and graduates will be eligible to write the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators entry-level proficiency exam.


The Master of Science in Physical Therapy program at the University of Alberta has completed the accreditation review process administered by Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada (PEAC). PEAC is an incorporated body under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and operates as the accrediting agency for physiotherapy education programs in Canada. The status of accreditation-fully compliant was granted to the program on October 15, 2018, for the period to October 31, 2024. A description of Accreditation-Fully Compliant follows.


  • A program is in compliance with 100% of the accreditation criteria within the Accreditation Standards.
  • There is no criteria non-compliance.
  • There could be identified concerns that the program must improve upon and report back about in Progress Reports.
  • If progress is not made, the program’s accreditation status could be changed to partially compliant or probationary at any time in the six year accreditation cycle.


  • If a program loses its accreditation status, its students may not be considered graduates of an accredited physiotherapy education program.
  • Students must be considered graduates from an accredited physiotherapy education program in Canada in order to be eligible to write the Physiotherapy Competency Exam and be licensed to practice in physiotherapy in Canada.
  • The program’s accreditation status is important to graduating students with regards to becoming licensed to practice physiotherapy in Canada. It is recommended that students contact the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators ( for information regarding the process to become licensed as a physiotherapist in Canada following graduation.

More details regarding the definitions of the levels of accreditation are available at

The contact information for PEAC is:

Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada,
Suite 26, 509 Commissioners Road West,
London, Ontario. N6J 1Y5 (226) 636-0632Please click on the PEAC website below for further information.

For more information about accreditation, licensure and the profession, please refer to the following governing bodies:

  • National Regulation: Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators
  • Provincial Association/ Licensing and Regulation: Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association
  • National Association: Canadian Physiotherapy Association
  • Educational Accreditation: Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada (PEAC)
  • Requisite Skills and Abilities for Physical Therapy Students
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Admission requirements

The following are minimum requirements for entry into the Master of Physical Therapy program. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

The Master of Physical Therapy is a graduate program, which means that you must complete an undergraduate degree, including several required and recommended courses, before you can be considered for admission.

  • Master of Physical Therapy Applicant Information Guide

In addition to the admission requirements described here, all applicants must meet the minimum admission and English language proficiency requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

An acceptable English Language Proficiency test score is required, if applicable. Please note that Physical Therapy requires scores above the FGS minimum requirement, as follows:

  • CanTEST – A minimum band of 4.5 in Listening, Reading and Oral Expression and a minimum of 4.0 in writing.
  • IELTS – A minimum overall score of 7.0 and must include all components of the test (i.e., listening, reading, writing and speaking).
  • TOEFL (iBT) – A minimum total score of 92 is required, with no sub-score lower than 21.

Only the above test types will be accepted.

How to apply

Applications for the Master Physical Therapy program are accepted once a year for Fall entry. Applications must be completed online and include several parts:

  • $100 application fee (non-refundable)
  • Unofficial copies of transcripts
  • Proof of English language proficiency, if required

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  • Ontario College Graduate Certificate in Therapeutic Recreation at Georgian College uni-locationOrillia, Canada
  • Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Albertauni-locationEdmonton, Canada
  • Master of Science in Physical Therapy/Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Albertauni-locationEdmonton, Canada
  • Master of Health Sciences in Occupational Therapy [Course based] at the University of Ottawa, Toronto, Canada
  • Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences (Thesis) at McMaster University Hamilton, Canada
  • At McMaster University, Master of Science in Physiotherapy uni-locationHamilton, Canada
  • Master of Science in Psychotherapy at McMaster University Hamilton, Canada
  • Ontario College Graduate Certificate in Addictions and Mental Health at St. Lawrence College, Ottawa, Canada
  • Graduate Certificate in Therapeutic Recreation At Lambton College, Toronto, Canada
  • Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science (Non-Thesis) at McGill University, Montreal, Canada
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The Master of Physical Therapy educates reflective practitioners who are prepared to meet the challenges of client-centered, evidence-based physical therapy practice.

Graduates of the Master of Physical Therapy program demonstrate professional accountability and collaborative practice in diverse environments. They apply an evidence-based approach to physical therapy, seeking out new and relevant research, while evaluating and integrating the information applicable to client-centered practice.

Program details

The MPT program consists of an integrated schedule of academic and clinical components that take place over a two year period.

Expected duration: 2 years

Tuition and fees: Two year’s tuition, then continuing fees in subsequent years (refer to Graduate tuition and fees)

The Master of Physical Therapy curriculum includes a combination of seminars, lectures, clinical skills, laboratory sessions, peer teaching, case studies, tutorials, problem solving exercises, independent study, collaborative group work, and development of a professional portfolio.

Clinical education is interspersed throughout the program and progresses from basic to advanced.

The first year of the program takes place over 43 weeks and consists of:

  • 31 weeks of academic study and
  • 12 weeks (6 weeks and 6 weeks) of clinical placements.

The second year of the program takes place over 42 weeks and consists of:

  • 24 weeks of academic study
  • 18 weeks (6 weeks, 6 weeks and 6 weeks) of clinical placements and
  • a group capstone project interwoven throughout.

Professional portfolio

In addition to successfully completing each of the program courses, physical therapy students are expected to create and maintain a professional portfolio.

Portfolios can include:

  • degrees and transcripts
  • health records
  • CPR/first aid certificates
  • samples of work selected from assignments and projects
  • feedback and evaluations from course work and fieldwork
  • self-evaluation
  • course objectives and outlines
  • learning logs
  • goals related to learning and professional development
  • summary of participation in activities
  • projects
  • volunteer work

Admission requirements

The following are minimum requirements for entry into the Master of Physical Therapy program. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program.

The Master of Physical Therapy is a graduate program, which means that you must complete an undergraduate degree, including several required and recommended courses, before you can be considered for admission.

  • Master of Physical Therapy Applicant Information Guide

In addition to the admission requirements described here, all applicants must meet the minimum admission and English language proficiency requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

An acceptable English Language Proficiency test score is required, if applicable. Please note that Physical Therapy requires scores above the FGS minimum requirement, as follows:

  • CanTEST – A minimum band of 4.5 in Listening, Reading and Oral Expression and a minimum of 4.0 in writing.
  • IELTS – A minimum overall score of 7.0 and must include all components of the test (i.e., listening, reading, writing and speaking).
  • TOEFL (iBT) – A minimum total score of 92 is required, with no sub-score lower than 21.

Only the above test types will be accepted.

How to apply

Applications for the Master Physical Therapy program are accepted once a year for Fall entry. Applications must be completed online and include several parts:

  • $100 application fee (non-refundable)
  • Unofficial copies of transcripts
  • Proof of English language proficiency, if required
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