Long Island Railroad Entry Level Jobs

Entry Level Positions for Long Island Railroad

Entry-level positions at the Long Island Railroad are available in a variety of fields, from engineering to customer service to management. Entry-level positions can be challenging but they provide valuable experience and training in a wide range of skills that can help you prepare for more advanced positions down the road.

Because of the extensive training programs provided by the Long Island Railroad, most entry-level positions are open only to candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher. However, some entry-level positions may be available to candidates who have graduated from high school or received their GED.

In order to apply for an entry-level position with the Long Island Railroad, you will need to submit an online application along with any relevant documents such as transcripts if you are a recent high school graduate. You can also attend an information session hosted by one of our recruiting teams at various locations around New York City and Long Island during which you can learn more about our company and specific career opportunities within it before deciding whether or not to apply for one of them yourself!

Long Island Railroad Entry Level Jobs

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