Kristin Walseth
Job title
- Professor
Visiting address
- Pilestredet 42, 0167 Oslo
- Office number: Q8035
- Mobile: +47 912 42 574
- Office: +47 67 23 73 01
- Faculty of Education and International Studies
- Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education
- Head of Studies – Area of responsibility 6
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Integration sciences Women’s and gender studies Social science in sports Sociology
Subject areas
Gender Integration Islam Sport sociology Multicultural Identity
Research groups
Research projects
- Literacies for Health and Life SkillsThe “Literacies for Health and Life Skills” (HLS) project aims to develop and implement a new didactic approach that will enable pre-service teachers to facilitate the development of young people´s health and life skills.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie; Walseth, Kristin (2021). Med kropp som prosjekt. Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.). UNGDOMMEN. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Eriksen, Ingunn Marie; Walseth, Kristin (2021). Med kropp som prosjekt. Ødegård, Guro; Pedersen, Willy (Ed.). UNGDOMMEN. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Engebretsen, Berit; Walseth, Kristin; Elvebakk, Lisbeth (2020). Jenter og kroppsøving. Hvordan kan en aktivistisk tilnærming bedre jenters erfaring med kroppsøvingsfaget?. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. Vol. 104.
Aartun, Iselin; Walseth, Kristin; Standal, Øyvind Førland; Kirk, David (2020). Pedagogies of embodiment in physical education – a literature review. Sport, Education and Society.
Walseth, Kristin (2019). Kroppsøving og kulturelt mangfold. Vinje, Erlend Ellefsen; Skrede, Joar (Ed.). Fremtidens kroppsøvingslærer. kapittel. p. 30-50. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Aasland, Erik; Walseth, Kristin; Engelsrud, Gunn Helene (2019). The constitution of the ‘able’ and ‘less able’ student in physical education in Norway. Sport, Education and Society. Vol. 25.
Walseth, Kristin; Tidslevold, Thea (2019). Young women’s constructions of valued bodies: Healthy, athletic, beautiful and dieting bodies. International Review for the Sociology of Sport.
Elvebakk, Lisbeth; Engebretsen, Berit; Walseth, Kristin (2018). Kroppen på Instagram -Ungdoms refleksjoner rundt kroppsideal og kroppspress. Sundsdal, Einar; Øksnes, Maria; Haugen, Cecilie (Ed.). Ungdom, danning og fellesskap. Samfunns- og kulturpedagogiske perspektiv. 5. p. 81-106. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Walseth, Kristin; Engebretsen, Berit; Elvebakk, Lisbeth (2018). Meaningful experiences in PE for all students: an activist research approach. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Vol. 23.
Aasland, Erik; Walseth, Kristin; Engelsrud, Gunn (2017). The changing value of vigorous activity and the paradox of utilising exercise as punishment in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Vol. 22.
Walseth, Kristin; Aartun, Iselin; Engelsrud, Gunn (2017). Girls’ bodily activities in physical education How current fitness and sport discourses influence girls’ identity construction. Sport, Education and Society. Vol. 22.
Walseth, Kristin (2016). Sport, youth and religion. Green, Kenneth Stanley; Smith, Andy (Ed.). Routledge Handbook of Youth Sport. 28. p. 297-307. Routledge.
Walseth, Kristin (2016). Sport and integration discourse in Norway: how do policy makers perceive and respond to the sporting needs of Muslim communities?. Testa, Alberto; Amara, Mahfoud (Ed.). Sport in Islam and in Muslim Communities. 11. p. 159-175. Routledge.
Walseth, Kristin (2016). Sport within Muslim organizations in Norway: ethnic segregated activities as arena for integration. Leisure Studies. Vol. 35.
Walseth, Kristin (2015). Muslim girls’ experiences in physical education in Norway: What role does religiosity play?. Sport, Education and Society. Vol. 20.
Walseth, Kristin; Hæhre, Heidi (2014). Heteronormativitet i kroppsøvingsfaget. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning.
Walseth, Kristin; Strandbu, Åse (2014). Young Norwegian-Pakistani women and sport: How does culture and religiosity matter?. European Physical Education Review. Vol. 20.
McCormack, Ciara; Walseth, Kristin (2013). Combining elite women’s soccer and education: Norway and the NCAA. Soccer and Society.
Walseth, Kristin (2013). Norwegian-Pakistani Girls’ Experiences in Physical Education in Norway. Pfister, Gertrud; Sisjord, Mari-Kristin (Ed.). Gender and Sport: Changes and Challenges. Doing Gender in Physical Education: Contested Discourses and Practices. p. 232-247. Waxmann Verlag.
Walseth, Kristin; Fasting, Kari (2011). Islam’s view on physical activity and sport: Egyptian women interpreting Islam. Giulianotti, Richard (Ed.). Sociology of sport. Kap. 31, bind 2. p. 229-245. Sage Publications.
Walseth, Kristin (2011). Minoritetsjenter i idretten – status og utfordringer. Hanstad, Dag Vidar; Breivik, Gunnar; Sisjord, Mari Kristin; Skaset, Hans B. (Ed.). Norsk Idrett – Indre spenning og ytre press. Del 6. p. 355-370. Akilles forlag.
Walseth, Kristin (2009). Ballspill og integrasjon. Kan idretten bygge sosiale nettverk?. Ronglan, Lars Tore; Halling, Anders; Teng, Gunnar (Ed.). Ballspill over grenser : skandinaviske tilnærminger til læring og utvikling. 10. p. 181-192. Akilles forlag.
Walseth, Kristin (2008). Bridging and bonding social capital in sport- experiences of young women with an immigrant background. Sport, Education and Society. Vol. 13.
Fasting, Kari; Brackenridge, Celia; Walseth, Kristin (2007). Women Athletes’ Personal Responses to Sexual Harassment in Sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. Vol. 19.
Walseth, Kristin (2006). Young muslim women and sport : the impact of identity work. Leisure Studies. Vol. 25.
Walseth, Kristin (2006). Young Muslim Women and Sport: the Impact of Identity Work. Leisure Studies. Vol. 25.
Walseth, Kristin (2006). Sport and belonging. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Vol. 41.
Walseth, Kristin; Fasting, Kari (2004). Sport as a means of integrating minority women. Sport in Society Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. Vol. 7.
Walseth, Kristin; Fasting, Kari (2003). Islam’s view on physical activity and sport : Egyptian women interpreting Islam. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. Vol. 38.
Fasting, Kari; Brackenridge, Celia; Walseth, Kristin (2002). Consequences of sexual harassment in sport for female athletes. ?. Vol. 8.
Kristin WalsethOslo Metropolitan University · Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education
26Publications20,329Reads 994Citations
Islam and Leisure
- April 2017
- In book: The Palgrave Handbook of Leisure Theory (pp.19-34)
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This chapter explores the relationship between leisure and Islam, including the place of leisure within the Islamic tradition, religiosity among Muslims in Diaspora and on how religiosity influences Muslims participation in leisure activities. UK and Norway are selected as case studies to examine how policy makers and local authorities respond to/and accommodate the demand of Muslim communities to organize leisure activities and access to leisure facilities. The chapter ends by addressing the new development of “halal tourism” and “halal leisure”. It is argued that “halal leisure” can be seen as a sign of the development of new hybrid identities where Muslims seek to combine their religious identity with modern western leisure habits.
Pedagogies of embodiment in physical education – a literature review
- September 2020
- Sport Education and Society
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Abstract and Figures
Physical education puts the body center stage. Embodiment has emerged as a concept that broadens the focus on the body beyond the dualistic natural scientific point of view. Research into embodied learning and embodiment has had various focuses, including the sociological aspects of embodiment and the embodied experiences of students. This article is a literature review of peer-reviewed empirical studies aiming to explore empirical research on pedagogies of embodiment in physical education. We ask what characterizes the empirical research literature on pedagogies of embodiment in physical education, and what implications for teaching and learning we can find in this literature. Forty-two studies met the criteria and were included in the review. Based on a thematic analysis of the studies, two main themes emerged. The first theme, ‘enabling critical reflection’, highlights that physical education can contribute to the development of critical thinking skills among pupils and provide them with safe spaces to discuss ‘taken for granted’ understandings of gender, health, and body ideals within physical education. The second main theme, ‘Exploring (new) movements’, shows how pupils’ exploration of (new) movements can contribute to the development of body awareness and meaningful experiences. Physical education taught after principles of pedagogies of embodiment involves pupil-centered approaches and inductive approaches to teaching. These approaches give pupils the opportunity to be involved in choosing activities and creating content. Pedagogies of embodiment place focus on the importance of reflection before, during, and after activities in physical education, and expand the repertory of activities that physical education may include. In this way, pedagogies of embodiment may facilitate embodied learning, empowerment, and positive experiences of being in movement. Future research should investigate further the possibilities pedagogies of embodiment gives for teachers and learners, and how the potential to challenge traditional pedagogy can be developed.Selection criteria (table inspired by Zlatanovic, Havnes, and Mausethagen and Fylkesnes)).… Figures – uploaded by Iselin AartunAuthor contentAll figure content in this area was uploaded by Iselin AartunContent may be subject to copyright.