Knox County Career Center Programs

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Read on to discover the latest information on knox technical center. It is possible for you to find more information about knox career on infolearners.

About knox county career center jobs

WorkDev is a team of professionals in Knox County, Ohio collaborating on ways they can help businesses and job seekers make connections and advance skills & knowledge.

We seek to identify and fill information gaps and to provide solutions for both employers & employees.

The original group was named the too-long-to-type “Workforce Development Alliance Group” – we shortened it to WorkDev and the name stuck.

Knox County Career Center - Business | Visit Knox County Convention &  Visitors Bureau

The main areas of focus include training opportunities, a discussion network for Human Resources professionals and exposure to local careers for students.

Knox County Career Navigator
The Knox County Career Navigator helps direct high school juniors and seniors toward available high-demand jobs that don’t require a four-year college degree. The Career Navigator aims to bridge the gap between trained workers and unfilled jobs in the skilled trades.

The current Career Navigator, Sean McCutcheon, regularly presents to local high school classes about career options, and meets one on one with students to help connect them to the best opportunities available.

Sean connects with local companies to create profiles. Sean and a company representative will create a short presentation with details about the company, which Sean uses to educate students on the possible local career opportunities.

Sean McCutcheon – Career Navigator

Central Ohio Technical College
The Knox County Campus offers degree and certification programs in:

Art & Sciences
Business & IT
Engineering Technologies
Healthcare Careers
Public Service & Safety
Flexible class schedules that cater to unique work hours, with in-person and online options.

Sandra Y. Walker – Dean of Technical Studies
(740) 366-9285

Knox Technical Center
Offers adult education programs in:

Welding, HVAC, Maintenance technician, STNA & LPN to RN, Medical Assistance, EMT & Fire, Administrative Assistance

Organizations can host KTC at their facilities for customized classes based on the organization’s employment needs. Classes include:

Business: Microsoft Office, Leadership, Customer Service, Employee Handbooks
Healthcare: Billing, Coding, Industry CEU’s
Manufacturing/Construction: CAD, CAM, Blueprint, OSHA_10, Welding, Platform Certification, Forklift Certification
Kim Williams – Development Coordinator
(740) 393-2933

Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Offer Undergraduate Degree opportunities in over 25 fields. Often seeking internship/placement opportunities for:

Engineering: Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Science
Business: Accounting, Management, Marketing, HR
Healthcare: Nursing, Psychology, Communication Science, Physical Therapy
Education: Early Childhood, Middle School, High School, All Subjects

For Graduate and Professional Studies there are online programs in:

Business: Data Analytics, Accounting, Logistics, Marketing, HR, Finance, Management
Healthcare: Administrations, Intervention Specialist, Nursing, Social Services

Gary Swisher – Director of Career Development
(740) 397-9000 ext. 4618

Knox County Career Center
Offers programs for high school age students to become educated and certified in various fields including:

Industrial/Manufacturing: Construction Trades, Welding, Precision Machining, Automotive Repair & Collision Repair, Landscape Design
Service/Care Industries: Education, Computer Networking, Business Management, Culinary Arts, Software Development, Health Technologies, Exercise Science, Cosmetology

KCCC is constantly seeking community partners that will accept students for placement/work opportunities while in school to encourage more seamless hiring after graduation.

Beth Marhefka – Career Placement & Development Coordinator
(740) 397-5820

Automotive Technician - Knox Technical Center

Opportunity Knox
Is an organization that utilizes Ohio Means Jobs resources to connect employers with job seekers in Knox County. They offer many services for all levels of professional development including:

Resume help
Interview Practice and Advice
General Reading and Writing
And, many others.


Our Valued Partners


Health Information Technician

Medical Assistant



Certified Administrative Assistant

IT-Computer Systems & ​Networking



Nail Technician



Maintenance Technician

Welding Certification


LPN to RN Transition

Practical Nursing



Public Safety – EMT

Public Safety – Fire

Gain security in your future with a career program from Knox Technical Center–apply today!

Come visit us at:

Main Campus: 308 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Accreditation: Knox Technical Center is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education, 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350 Telephone: 770-396-3898 / Fax: 770-396-3790,

The Knox County Career Center Schools/Knox Technical Center are committed to the equal opportunity for all personnel and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

​Jane Marlow, KTC Director,, 740.393.2933

Available Programs
14 programs
Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology /
Welding Technology / Welder
Automobile / Automotive Mechanics Technology / Technician
Medical / Clinical Assistant
Emergency Care Attendant (EMT Ambulance)
Phlebotomy Technician / Phlebotomist
Medical Insurance Specialist / Medical Biller
Licensed Practical / Vocational Nurse Training
Nursing Assistant / Aide and Patient Care Assistant / Aide
Fire Science / Fire-fighting
Cosmetology / Cosmetologist, General
Massage Therapy / Therapeutic Massage
Culinary Arts / Chef Training
Manufacturing Engineering Technology / Technician

NOTE: The inclusion or exclusion of a school in this locator does NOT constitute an endorsement of the school and should NOT be used in any way to infer the accreditation status of the school.
School Directory Information
(2020-2021 school year) Search Results Modify Search Data Notes/Grant IDs Help

School Name:
Knox County Career Center NCES School ID:
390511404070 State School ID:

District Name:
Knox County Jvsd
district information NCES District ID:
3905114 State District ID:

Mailing Address:
306 Martinsburg Rd
Mount Vernon, OH 43050-4225 Physical Address: Map latest data in the School & District Navigator
306 Martinsburg Rd
Mount Vernon, OH 43050-4225 Phone:

Vocational school Status:
Open Charter:

Supervisory Union #:
Grade Span: (grades 9 – 12)
9 10 11 12

School Details (2019-2020 school year)

County: Knox County schools in county
Locale: Town: Distant (32)
Magnet: –
Title I School: No
Title I School-Wide Program: †
Total Students: 0
Classroom Teachers (FTE): 50.00
Student/Teacher Ratio: 0.00

Enrollment Characteristics (2019-2020 school year)

Enrollment by Grade:
PK 9 10 11 12
Students 0 0 0 0 0
Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity:
American Indian/
Alaska Native Asian Black Hispanic Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander White Two or More
Students 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enrollment by Gender:
Male Female
Students 0 0

Automotive Technician - Knox Technical Center

Free lunch eligible1: – Reduced-price lunch eligible1: – Directly certified2: –

Note: Details may not add to totals.

The unduplicated number of students who are eligible to participate in the Free Lunch and Reduced-Price Lunch Programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946.
The unduplicated number of students who are eligible for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) through direct certification (e.g., children that are in households that receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) or other assistance). Please see this blog post for more information regarding free or reduced-price lunch and direct certification eligibility counts in CCD.
[ † ] indicates that the data are not applicable. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for schools that opened in the 2020-2021 school year will not be available until the full 2020-2021 file is released.
[ – ] indicates that the data are missing.
[ ‡ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards.
The directory information on school name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of school level data for 2020-2021.
Data provided on student membership and staffing are from the official school level data for 2019-2020.
Source: CCD Public school data 2019-2020, 2020-2021 school years

NOTE: The inclusion or exclusion of a school in this locator does NOT constitute an endorsement of the school and should NOT be used in any way to infer the accreditation status of the school.
School Directory Information
(2020-2021 school year) Search Results Modify Search Data Notes/Grant IDs Help

School Name:
Knox County Career Center NCES School ID:
390511404070 State School ID:

District Name:
Knox County Jvsd
district information NCES District ID:
3905114 State District ID:

Mailing Address:
306 Martinsburg Rd
Mount Vernon, OH 43050-4225 Physical Address: Map latest data in the School & District Navigator
306 Martinsburg Rd
Mount Vernon, OH 43050-4225 Phone:

Vocational school Status:
Open Charter:

Supervisory Union #:
Grade Span: (grades 9 – 12)
9 10 11 12

School Details (2019-2020 school year)

County: Knox County schools in county
Locale: Town: Distant (32)
Magnet: –
Title I School: No
Title I School-Wide Program: †
Total Students: 0
Classroom Teachers (FTE): 50.00
Student/Teacher Ratio: 0.00

Enrollment Characteristics (2019-2020 school year)

Enrollment by Grade:
PK 9 10 11 12
Students 0 0 0 0 0
Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity:
American Indian/
Alaska Native Asian Black Hispanic Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander White Two or More
Students 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enrollment by Gender:
Male Female
Students 0 0

Free lunch eligible1: – Reduced-price lunch eligible1: – Directly certified2: –

Note: Details may not add to totals.

The unduplicated number of students who are eligible to participate in the Free Lunch and Reduced-Price Lunch Programs under the National School Lunch Act of 1946.
The unduplicated number of students who are eligible for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) through direct certification (e.g., children that are in households that receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) or other assistance). Please see this blog post for more information regarding free or reduced-price lunch and direct certification eligibility counts in CCD.
[ † ] indicates that the data are not applicable. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for schools that opened in the 2020-2021 school year will not be available until the full 2020-2021 file is released.
[ – ] indicates that the data are missing.
[ ‡ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards.
The directory information on school name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of school level data for 2020-2021.
Data provided on student membership and staffing are from the official school level data for 2019-2020.
Source: CCD Public school data 2019-2020, 2020-2021 school years

Home – Knox County Career Center

KCCC Families, Knox County Career Center Schools District, in a proactive measure to minimize quarantine numbers and to maintain our goal of keeping students in school and our staff and students healthy, will implement mask guidelines beginning Tuesday, September 7.
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LPN to RN – Knox Technical Center

Knox Technical Center (Knox County Career Center – Adult Education) is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education, 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350. Telephone: 770-396-3898, Fax: 770-396-3790, . The School of Nursing is approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education …
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Practical Nursing – Knox Technical Center

The Practical Nursing program at Knox Technical Center strives to provide quality education that prepares graduates for entry level nursing practice and for taking the licensure exam. The Knox County Career Center-Adult Education is ranked a top LPN program in Ohio based on first time NCLEX-PN pass rates (92.20%).
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The Registered Nursing Major at Knox County Career Center …

To help you decide if Knox County Career Center is right for you, we’ve gathered the following information about the school’s registered nursing program. Knox Technical Center is located in Mount Vernon, Ohio and approximately 188 students attend the school each year.
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Knox Technical Center – Home

Knox Technical Center: Providing training since 1969. The Knox County Career Center Schools/Knox Technical Center are committed to the equal opportunity for all personnel and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.
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The Practical Nursing Major at Knox County Career Center …

If you plan to study practical nursing and nursing assistants, take a look at what Knox County Career Center has to offer and decide if the program is a good match for you. Get started with the following essential facts. Knox Technical Center is located in Mount Vernon, Ohio and approximately 188 students attend the school each year.
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Career Programs – Knox Technical Center

The Knox County Career Center Schools/Knox Technical Center are committed to the equal opportunity for all personnel and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.
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PDF Knox Technical Center Program Plan: Practical Nursing Program

Knox Technical Center School of Nursing, in partnership with Knox County Career Center, provides an educational environment where Practical Nursing students can meet educational goals and develop progressive career pathways in the changing health care world. VI. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES
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Calendar – Knox County Career Center

The Knox County Career Center Schools are committed to the equal opportunity for all personnel regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, religion, sex, economic status, age, military status, disability or sexual orientation.
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Knox County Career Center Adult Education

The Knox County Career Center has added a new building for the Adult Education Department. The building opened its doors to the students in mid October of 2003. The new building also has a conference center for meetings and demonstrations. The Computerized Office Technologies class has new desks where the computer monitor sits down in the desk.
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Nursing Ranking 2018: Knox County Career Center

in the USAKnox County Career Center is a very small public college with some focus on nursing majors and located in Mount Vernon, Ohio.This college is operating since 1986 and is currently offering certificates in 2 nursing programs. Recent studies showed that Knox County Career Center area is safe; the college is reported to have an excellent rating for campus safety.
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Employment Opportunities – Knox County Career Center

The Knox County Career Center Schools are committed to the equal opportunity for all personnel regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, religion, sex, economic status, age, military status, disability or sexual orientation.
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Student and Staff Links – Knox Technical Center

The Knox County Career Center Schools/Knox Technical Center are committed to the equal opportunity for all personnel and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non …
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Staff Directory – Knox Technical Center

The Knox County Career Center Schools/Knox Technical Center are committed to the equal opportunity for all personnel and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.
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Practical Nursing – Register Now – Knox Technical Center

Main Campus: 308 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050. Accreditation: Knox Technical Center is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education, 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350 Telephone: 770-396-3898 / Fax: 770-396-3790, The Knox County Career Center Schools/Knox Technical …
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Joined by Ohio Governor John Kasich and dozens of state government officials, Ariel Corporation President and CEO, Karen Buchwald Wright, announced a partnership with and donation of $1 million to the Knox County Career Center.

KCCC, a vocational school in Mount Vernon, Ohio, will use the donation to restructure their Computer Integrated Manufacturing program. The restructure includes updating the existing materials lab, machine tools, technology, curriculum, and post-education opportunities.

Steve Thompson, a member of the Mount Vernon City School and Knox County Career Center Boards, and Vice President of Supply Chain at Ariel, was familiar with the existing CIM program but realized that it was not being used to its fullest potential.

“In the 1980’s Ariel had a strong relationship with KCCC, but for various reasons the relationship faded away. With the recent development of shale gas and Ariel’s growing market demand, it has become apparent that there is a shortage of skilled assembly and machinist personnel, not only at Ariel, but within the industry as well. We began exploring options to develop multiple channels to bring people in, and the opportunity made sense to redevelop a relationship with the local career center,” said Thompson.

After approaching Wright with the idea, Thompson was not surprised to learn that the two were on the same page.

KCCC will use the donation to refurbish the current CIM shop throughout the summer. By the 2014-2015 school year, the facility will feature an innovative new layout, updated machine tools, cutting-edge technology, and updated curriculum. Thanks to Ariel, a CIM advisory group comprised of Ariel employees will work to develop this curriculum, while also guiding the program as it grows.

Additionally, Ariel will work with KCCC’s Auto Technology Program to incorporate an engine and compressor mechanics program since the development of shale oil and gas across the nation will result in hundreds of thousands of jobs requiring that skill set.

“We would like to expand these programs to the local high school and middle school students and begin introducing them to trades that might not necessarily need a college diploma. Programs like this offer great opportunities. It’s just one way we can work to train up a workforce not only for Ariel, but the entire community for the future,” said Thompson.

As plans are drawn up and the program restructuring gets underway, involved parties are enthusiastic about the potential the Ariel/KCCC partnership will have on the community and its residents.

“The best part about this project is that people are excited about the program’s potential. The young people are excited, the staff is excited, and we are excited. The students realize that this is an unbelievable opportunity, and that’s a great thing,” said Thompson.

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