If you are looking for the karolinska institutet phd guide, then you are on the right page. It contains karolinska institutet phd programs. Suppose you want karolinska institutet phd vacancies instead. Then this article is what you need. The Department of Medicine, Huddinge, conducts studies at third cycle within several fields of research within the subject of Medical Science. We currently have about 100 PhD students. Doctoral education to PhD at Karolinska Institutet corresponds to 4 years’ studies at full time. Courses and planned educational activities shall amount to 20 weeks, while the majority of study time shall be spent on practical work in a research project.
Karolinska Institutet PhD studies have been running for 80 years and has a strong tradition of training new knowledge-based researchers and clinicians for Sweden. More than 80 years ago, prime minister Per Albin Hansson stated the importance of an independent research university in Sweden.
After being accepted to the Karolinska Institutet medical school in Sweden with a full tuition scholarship (PhD student), I was left flabbergasted by the lack of information on where to even start. There was no course material on how to get through the first semester, much less what life as a student is really like at KI. I hope this helps you in some way, and feel free to contact me with any questions you might have!
Doctoral education for PhD students at KI
karolinska institutet phd programs
karolinska institutet phd
An Individual Study Plan (ISP) is an educational tool. It is written by the doctoral student together and in agreement with their supervisors. The ISP must be submitted set up consultation with the doctoral student. The ISP must be submitted within 1 month and an ISP seminar will be held by the PhD student.
- The ISP must be submitted within 1 month after admission
- The director of Doctoral studies together with the educational board reviews and provides feedback to the proposed ISP
- ISP-seminar must be completed within three months of admission, before the study plan is established
- The ISP must be updated annually irrespective of study rate
The individual individual study plan explained
General rules for doctoral education, KI
Doctoral education – Follow-up
Reports every semester
Before each semester, the doctoral student must register as active in Ladok.
Registration period for Ladok:
Autumn: June 15 to August 31
Spring: December 15 to January 31
Activity and financing report
Activity and financial report should be submitted at the end of every semester, use the form Activity and means of support for doctoral students. This decision has been taken by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR). It is important for a PhD student to submit a report since a student should have certain percentage of activity to be eligible to apply for a PhD defence.
Activity is a time devoted to a thesis (working or spare time). Financing should be always 100 % despite of the activity percentage. Those research students who have a study break, leave of absence, parental leave, sick leave etc have 0% activity.
Activity percentage
10 % = 4 hours/week in research studies
25 % = 10 hours/week in research studies
50 % = 20 hours/week in research studies
75 % = 30 hours/week in research studies
100 % = 40 hours/week in research studies
Yearly follow-up, ISP
The Individual study plan is updated yearly = yearly follow-up. Doctoral students admitted before 2018 update their ISP early December. Adopted from 2018, update no later than the same month you were accepted.
Half-time review routines at MedH
The half-time review should be conducted as a seminar. The notification for a half-time review should be submitted to the Educational Administrator for preview before being submitted to the Director of Doctoral studies for approval.
- The application with all attachments must be submitted three weeks before the seminar
- Approved application must be submitted to the Board two weeks before the half-time review
Advertise your half-time review
When you have decided time, date and location for your half-time it’s time to announce this at the department. Fill in the form to add the half-time in the departments calendar.
Booking of room and refreshments to the half-time seminar
Booking of meeting room and ordering of refreshments is done by the MedH unit administrator at the unit where the half-time control is conducted.
For instructions on the application for public defense, or the application for a licentiate degree, see KI’s general rules that can be found on the doctoral education website Time to defend your thesis.
Booking the dates
The MedH department recommends one dissertation per day, please contact the Educational Administrator to book a date for the dissertation.
Signatures from the department
Before you send the application to the Defence Committee it must be signed by the study director and the head of the department. Contact the study administrator to get the signatures for the application, no later then 14 days before the deadline to the committee.
Advertise your dissertation
When you have decided time, date and location for your dissertation it’s time to announce this at the department. Fill in the form to add the dissertation in the departments calendar by the MedH Communications Officer.
Practical details before defending your thesis
Prior to the dissertation/licentiate degree, the administrator at each department assists with practicalities such as booking a room, catering of food and refreshments, the meeting with the committee, opponent fees and purchasing flowers and so on.
When using Zoom, the AV-support at Karolinska Institutet can help you with the equipment when renting a KI location.
Contact AV-support for more details
After the dissertation
- A PhD student should as soon as possible submit the protocol (Form 11) with all signatures to the study administrator.
- Apply for Degree certificate
For questions about the certificate, please contact examen@ki.se
Contacts Doctoral education
Mattias Svensson
Director Doctoral education MedHEmail:mattias.svensson@ki.se
Mats Jensen-Urstad
Deputy DirectorEmail:Mats.Jensen-Urstad@ki.se
Ulrika Markne
Educational AdministratorPhone:08-524 833 03Email:ulrika.markne@ki.se
Available positions for doctoral education
Doctoral education positions at Karolinska Institutet are advertised continuoulsy on this page.The doctoral students contribute to a great extent to the research performed at KI and there are plenty of opportunities for stimulating educational environment within many different research areas.
If you cannot see a list of announced doctoral (PhD) positions below, please go to the web page Available positions at KI and sort on “doctoral student”.
Doctoral education – available positions
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Control of tumor-associated macrophage immunosuppressive phenotypeDepartment: Department of Oncology-Pathology
Application Deadline: 2022-01-04Doctoral (PhD) student position in Mucosal Immunology, IBD and Mucosal healingDepartment: Department of Medicine, Solna
Application Deadline: 2022-01-04Doctoral (PhD) student position in Insurance MedicineDepartment: Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Application Deadline: 2022-01-04Doktorandtjänster (PhD) inom klinisk epidemiologiDepartment: Department of Medicine, SolnaApplication Deadline: 2022-01-06Doctoral (PhD) student position in cardiovascular researchDepartment: Department of Medicine, SolnaApplication Deadline: 2022-01-07Epidemiologiska studier kring barncancerpredispositionDepartment: Department of Molecular Medicine and SurgeryApplication Deadline: 2022-01-09PhD studentDepartment: Department of Molecular Medicine and SurgeryApplication Deadline: 2022-01-09Doktorandplats inom alkoholprevention i hjärt- och kärlsjukvårdDepartment: Department of Global Public HealthApplication Deadline: 2022-01-10Epidemiologiska studier kring skelettsjukdomar och cancerriskDepartment: Department of Molecular Medicine and SurgeryApplication Deadline: 2022-01-11Doctoral (PhD) student position in Human Lung Macrophage BiologyDepartment: Department of Medicine, HuddingeApplication Deadline: 2022-01-11Doctoral student (PhD) position in neuroendocrinology and sex differences in Alzheimer’s diseaseDepartment: Department of Biosciences and NutritionApplication Deadline: 2022-01-12Doctoral (PhD) student position in Reproductive EpidemiologyDepartment: Department of Medical Epidemiology and BiostatisticsApplication Deadline: 2022-01-12Doctoral (PhD) student position in Functional Genomics/Regulatory TranscriptomicsDepartment: Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell BiologyApplication Deadline: 2022-01-14Doktorandtjänst inom Molekylär TumörbiologiDepartment: Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell BiologyApplication Deadline: 2022-01-16Doktorandtjänst inom psykisk ohälsa och sjukfrånvaroDepartment: The Institute of Environmental MedicineApplication Deadline: 2022-01-17Doctoral (PhD) Student Position in Targeting NAD for NeuroprotectionDepartment: Department of Clinical NeuroscienceApplication Deadline: 2022-01-23PhD student position in skin, stem cell, and single-cell biologyDepartment: Department of Cell and Molecular BiologyApplication Deadline: 2022-01-25Doctoral (PhD) position in DNA replication & Cancer GeneticsDepartment: Department of Medical Biochemistry and BiophysicsApplication Deadline: 2022-01-26
Want to study at doctoral level at Karolinska Institutet?
How to become a doctoral (PhD) student at KI
To become a doctoral student at KI, you start by applying for one or more of the announced doctoral projects. For questions regarding the doctoral education position you may contact the contact person in the advertisement.
Within the framework of a number of international collaboration agreements, it is possible to be wholly or partially financed through external scholarships.
There are also other ways into doctoral education, for example for medical doctors employed at one of the hospitals. Read more about admission to doctoral education at KI.
KI wants to recruit only the best candidates. Even if you have managed to establish contact with a research group it is in the end the head of the department that decides on admission to doctoral education.
karolinska institutet phd vacancies
About doctoral education at KI
A doctoral (PhD) degree is the highest academic degree in Sweden, and it is earned after four years of doctoral education and passing a public defence.Why choose Karolinska Institutet?Want to study at doctoral level at Karolinska Institutet?Schematic description of the doctoral education
To complete a doctoral education means to devote oneself to a research project under supervision of an experienced researcher and to follow an individual study plan. The doctoral student will also take courses and write a thesis.
Each doctoral student has their unique doctoral education, depending on the project, the supervisors and individual qualifications but striving toward the same overall learning objectives.
In order to be eligible for doctoral education you must meet both the general and specific entry requirements.
Read more about entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education
Outcomes for doctoral education
After completing their doctoral education at KI, students are to have developed an advanced general knowledge of medical science and scientific methodology, and cutting edge scientific skills in whatever research field they choose to explore for their final thesis.
Please see detailed outcomes for PhD and Licentiate degrees, as defined by the Higher Education Ordinance.
Study plans
The content of the doctoral studies is outlined in the individual study plan written by the doctoral student and supervisor together and approved by the departmental director of doctoral studies after the admission. The individual study plan describes how the goals of the education will be achieved and consists of a time plan, research plan, financing plan, as well as a description of how the supervision is planned and a list of courses and other activities needed for reaching the learning outcomes. The individual study plan is followed-up and revised annually.
Course requirements and requirements for other education activities are outlined in the general syllabus for medical science.
All doctoral students are taking courses; both basic general science courses and project specific courses, as outlined in the study plan.
Research schools
KI offers a number of research schools that students can apply to either before or after admission to doctoral education. In a research school the education is more scheduled than for other doctoral students that have to apply for every single course. Most research schools are aimed for doctoral student with an employment as clinicians at a Swedish hospital. To be considered for a research school you have to apply both to the school and to an individual doctoral project at one of KI’s departments.
Doctoral programmes
When admitted to doctoral education the student chooses one or several thematic programmes that are related to their research project. The purpose with the programmes is to give a comprehensive supply of courses and other learning activities within each research area. The programmes are also a possibility for the doctoral student to create networks outside the research group and department.
Study funding
All doctoral students at KI are financially supported during the studies, either through employment at KI or through employment somewhere else. External scholarships can be used as a funding source during the first year, but only in rare exceptions through-out the entire doctoral education.
Doctoral education has no tuition fee regardless of the student’s country of origin.
Read more about study funding during doctoral education at the staff portal
Karolinska Institutet issues following degrees at doctoral level:
- Licentiate degree (after two years studies at doctoral level)
- Doctoral (PhD) degree (after four years studies at doctoral level)
A doctoral degree is issued after a public defence of a doctoral thesis. A licentiate thesis is publically defended at a licentiate seminar.
After the degree
A doctoral degree from KI gives you cutting edge skills within your research field and opens up a wide range of career opportunities. After graduating with a licentiate or PhD degree, students can continue to pursue a scientific career at a research institute or in industry, as a researcher/teacher at a university, as a research-competent leader in the commercial or healthcare sector, as a science journalist or consultant, etc. These different professions require different skills and knowledge. Consequently, our doctoral education provides students with a broad grounding in the subject and prepares them for their scientific and professional futures beyond the scope of the study plan for an individual project.
Rules for doctoral education at KI
Doctoral education at KI in numbers
2020 | Total |
Doctoral students | 2 039 |
PhD degrees | 334 |
Licentiate | 6 |
Admissions | 377 |
Doctoral programmes
Karolinska Institutet’s (KI’s) doctoral programmes reflect the research fields at KI and span across department borders. The programmes offer KI’s doctoral students a range of courses and other learning activities in most research fields and thus contribute significantly to the excellent quality of the doctoral education at KI.
Allergy, immunology and inflammation (Aii)
Biology of infections and global health (BIGH)
Development and regeneration (DevReg)
Metabolism and endocrinology (MetEndo)
Tumor Biology and Oncology (FoTO)
Admission to doctoral education at KI
The purpose of the admission process at KI is to ensure that every doctoral student has the prerequisites for a high-quality doctoral education.
An admission process begins with the establishment of a doctoral position (step 1), to which a prospective student is then recruited (step 2), and ends with the head of department’s decision to accept the candidate into doctoral education (step 3). After the admission, an individual study plan is adopted (step 4). See below for a more detailed description of each step.
Step 1: Establishment of doctoral position
Quality assurance of research project, supervision and general doctoral educational environment.
A prospective principal supervisor applies to his/her department to establish a doctoral position by submitting the form Establishment of doctoral position.
The following requirements must be met before a doctoral position can be established:
- The scientific project is viable and suitable for doctoral study.
- The principal supervisor satisfies the Green Light criteria. The form Application for green light is an attachment.
- The supervisor constellation is relevant.
- The doctoral student can be offered a sound doctoral study environment (see Rules for doctoral education at KI, chap. 2.1.2).
- Ethical permit(s) (if required) is held or planned.
- There is a financial plan. Form Financial plan for doctoral student.
Also assessed at this stage is whether there is reason to make an exemption from the requirement to advertise the doctoral position, see below.
To proceed to recruitment and admission, a decision on establishment of a doctoral position is needed.
Step 2: Recruitment
Quality assurance of the prospective student’s eligibility, suitability and ability.
Assessment of eligibility
The eligibility of applicants to an advertised doctoral position is assessed as follows:
- The applicant uploads the relevant documents to the Varbi recruitment system as instructed in the advertisement.
- University administration officers assess the eligibility of all applicants.
- The selection process takes place, see Assessment of suitability and ability below. Please note that the selection is made only among eligible applicants.
- When a candidate has been selected an “eligibility statement” is issued by the university administration. This statement is appended to the admission decision.
Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education
The eligibility of applicants to a position that is exempt from the advertising requirement is assessed as follows:
- The supervisor or the candidate for the doctoral position contacts the doctoral study administrator at the department, who gives the candidate access to the Varbi recruitment system.
- The candidate uploads the required documents as instructed in Varbi.
- The university administration officers assess the eligibility for the person in question.
- If a candidate is considered eligible, an “eligibility statement” is issued. This statement is appended to the admission decision. Please note that for candidates outside Sweden, the assessment must be done before arrival.
Entry requirements (eligibility) for doctoral education
An exemption from advertising requirement may be granted if:
- the prospective doctoral student is to study within the framework of employment by an employer other than the higher education institution# (e.g. Region Stockholm, another higher education institution or a company)
- the prospective doctoral student has already begun his/her doctoral education at another higher education institution, or
- there are similar special grounds – KI defines special grounds as positions where the student already has been selected in a competitive recruitment process.
#: A template for an agreement for funding of the externally employed doctoral student can be obtained from the Legal Department by sending an email to avtal@ki.se. Please provide supporting information about your request. Please note that this template is not suitable for doctoral students employed by Region Stockholm.
Assessment of suitability and ability
The department must ensure the suitability and ability of the doctoral candidate, even if the position is exempt from the advertising requirement.
Recommendations for quality-assured selection and assessing ability and suitability:
- Potential candidates are invited to the research group for interviews and/or demonstrations of ability
- A recruitment group is set up to assess candidates
- The recruiting supervisor should use existing HR competence at the department as well as KI’s recruitment guide on the web.
Further information on the recruitment, selection and assessment of doctoral students
Step 3: Admission decision
The admission decision is taken by the head of the relevant department on the recommendation of the departmental director of doctoral education. Appointing supervisors is included in this decision.
Decisions are taken continuously when a candidate has been selected and the recruitment process concluded without delay.
Note that the date of decision by the head of department is not necessarily the date of commencement of study (e.g. if the candidate has not yet arrived in Sweden).
The decision is made on the following grounds:
- The form Decision: Admission to doctoral education
- Certificate of completed supervisor training (see Rules for doctoral education at KI chap. 6.1.1 regarding who is required to take the course)
- Eligibility statement from the University Administration
- A description of the processes of selection and ability/suitability assessment.
- CV of the applicant
After admission, a decision is also usually taken on employment. Further information on the employment and funding of doctoral students.
Step 4: Individual study plan (ISP)
Quality assurance of the individual study plan
The Higher Education Ordinance (chap. 6, section 29) provides that an individual study plan (ISP) shall be drawn up for each doctoral student. The ISP describes the scientific project, the courses and other learning activities planned, and how the student, within the research field in question and on the basis of the specific project, is to attain the intended learning outcomes of doctoral education. The ISP remains as a roadmap for the doctoral student and his/her supervisors. A thoroughly worked-out ISP makes expectations clear and provides a solid ground for quality supervision.
More information on individual study plans
- Work on the ISP begins the moment studies commence (note that the research and financing plans have already been prepared). The principal supervisor creates a new study plan in the ISP system, and the doctoral student and supervisors fill in jointly all required information.
- The student and supervisor are to submit a proposed ISP within a month of the commencement of studies.
- The director of doctoral studies makes sure that it is correctly completed and thorough.
- The ISP seminar (see below).
- If needed, adjustments are made to the ISP.
- The director of doctoral studies approves the ISP. All doctoral students are to have their ISP approved and adopted within three months of the commencement of studies.
Log in to the ISP system – the digital system for individual study plans
The ISP seminar
- To serve as an introductory seminar and to welcome the new student.
- To provide the student with an opportunity to present the research project from his/her perspective and to obtain feedback on it.
- To be a learning activity for the student.
- To help the department ensure that all doctoral students have an ISP.
The form of the seminar varies from department to department. See the relevant departmental website or contact its director of doctoral studies for more details.
UKÄ’s regulatory decision on KI’s admission process
The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) concluded in a regulatory decision that the admission process KI applied for its doctoral students contravened the Higher Education Ordinance and the Higher Education Act. KI’s admission procedure for doctoral students was therefore amended 2018 in accordance with the UKÄ’s clarification.
The following points were raised:
- It is not permitted to have what may be understood to be a trial period prior to admission to doctoral education. A candidate for a doctoral position is to be admitted as soon as the recruitment process is completed.
- Candidates may only be selected from amongst eligible applicants. Eligibility must therefore be assessed before the selection process.
- The individual study plan (ISP) is to be drawn up in consultation with the admitted doctoral student and thus may not be established and approved until after the admission decision.
Calendar for the doctoral programmes
KIB Workshop: Writing the popular science summary of your thesis
24-01-2022 10:00 am – 12:00 pmThe ability to write about your research in a manner that is understandable and interesting to the general public is an essential skill for any scientist. The new KI guidelines for writing the…
KIB Workshop: Searching the literature for your half-time review, thesis or next publication
03-02-2022 1:00 pm – 4:00 pmThis is a basic level workshop. The idea is to provide you with dedicated time and support from search experts at the library when doing individual searches for the literature review that will form a…
KIB Workshop: Writing the literature review for your half-time review
14-02-2022 1:00 pm – 4:00 pmThis session focuses on the literature review, an important part of your half-time review (and of your thesis). You now have the literature sources you need, but how do you write the review?
KIB Workshop: iThenticate – a plagiarism detection software
16-02-2022 1:00 pm – 2:30 pmIf you are a doctoral student or doctoral supervisor at KI you can access iThenticate which is a plagiarism detection program. Literature reviews during half-time and theses summaries at KI are…
KIB Presentation: Researchers – publish open access with prepaid APC:s
17-02-2022 1:00 pm – 1:30 pmDuring this presentation, you will learn what you need to know to benefit from KI’s open access publishing agreements with a wide range of publishers.
Best Countries To Study Abroad
Studying abroad is a great way to develop additional social, academic and language skills, whilst adding an unparalleled depth to your university experience. Study overseas can enhance your university years, and will also ultimately give you a competitive advantage when it comes to finding employment, as recruiters seek out those who have proactively pursued different ways to broaden their experience. If you are considering completing all or some of your university studies overseas, check out this summary of the best countries to study abroad.
Romantic Paris consistently tops lists of the best cities for students. Although the vibrant night life, thriving cultural scene, and the prospect of long walks along the left bank of the Seine are surely partly the reason, the almost non-existent tuition fees also help. Whilst much undergraduate teaching is carried out in French, graduate education is often available in English. Or take the opportunity to brush up your French and attend a course given in the ‘language of love’.
United States
The choice of Universities in the US is quite mind-boggling. From internationally renowned ivy league institutions to hubs of innovation and cutting edge thought, whatever you study here you will have opportunities to add to your life experience. Over 750000 international students attend university in the US every year, and despite the high costs of fees, students love living in both Boston and San Fransisco enough for both cities to rank among top student cities. But if you sign up to study and decide that you would like a change of scenery, switching between universities in the US is not unusual.
As one of the economic powerhouses of Europe, Germany has more going for it than just Oktoberfest. It is also one of the best known European destinations for free (or almost free) university tuition fees, which might explain why outside of anglophone nations (the UK, US and Australia) it is the country with the highest number of international students. Head to Munich to attend an internationally rated university without breaking the bank, or Berlin to join the thriving tech hub and immerse yourself in the German take on hipster culture.
Toronto ranked recently as the most desirable city for students, among an impressive three Canadian cities in total to make the top 15. With cities this attractive it is no wonder that 6.5% of students in post secondary education in Canada come from abroad. With a vibrant culture, stunning natural environment and massive regional variations, Canada offers lots to explore for visiting students, in addition to several internationally ranked universities.
Taipei was recently ranked as the most affordable city for students around the globe. Tuition fees are low, and the high quality of education can make this a great choice. Learn more about the local history and politics, as well as experiencing life in a new culture, where old and new come together in a vibrant symphony.
Argentinian students enjoy free university tuition, and although international students must pay a nominal enrolment fee, the costs are still low outside of the private institutions. The University of Belgrano gets a special mention, as a modern and well equipped facility just outside of downtown Buenos Aires, with great global connections. Take the time in Argentina to perfect your Spanish and maybe even learn to tango.
Australia is one of the world’s most popular places for international students – and with sandy beaches, year round sunshine and a relaxed outdoors lifestyle, it is no surprise. Australian universities welcome international students and are well prepared to support newcomers. Considering its relatively small population, Australia has an unusually high number of institutions making the top hundred for university academic rankings, making it the perfect destination for sun, sand and academic success.
South Korea
Who didn’t love Gangnam style? Get to the heart of K-Pop by studying in Seoul. And if you’re not a catchy-pop-tune kind of person, then you will be delighted to hear that the capital – as well as being a seriously fast paced fun place – is home to 14 internationally rated universities. Get outside your comfort zone and learn about an amazing culture whilst improving both your academic record and your CV.
United Kingdom
The UK has a wide variety of high quality universities, and although fees vary across institutions and can be fairly high, it is worth seeking out scholarship opportunities. Students often work to support their studies, and flexible opportunities to fit around university schedules are not unusual. With a melting pot of cultures, a mix of location from cutting edge urban to sleepy rural idyll, students in the UK never need to be bored.
If you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland then you may be eligible for free university tuition in Denmark. And if you are intending to pursue a PhD, there are even opportunities to study whilst earning a salary as this higher level study comes fully funded. The costs of living are undeniably high, but Denmark provides a fascinating base to explore Europe and experience nordic culture at its best.
Wherever you go, studying overseas is about more than the academic qualifications you may gain. Showing the curiosity, organisational skills and ambition to arrange a period of study overseas is a great selling point. Whether you are heading off for your entire university program, for a semester or two, or even to study during the summer holidays, you are gathering armfuls of skills and experiences that will stand you head and shoulders above competitors when it comes to looking for graduate jobs. Take the opportunity to combine study and travel, and immerse yourself in a new culture to broaden your horizons. You won’t regret it.