joseph college of arts and science

St. Joseph’s College is a legacy of the 19th century, handed down to us by the venerable fathers of the society of the Foreign Mission of Paris.  Its nucleus was the St. Joseph’s High School which was started in 1868 A.D. This School was elevated into a college in 1884 A.D. through the efforts of Father Tarbes and was affiliated to the University of Madras. The District-Gazetteer, South Arcot District, has recorded that the prime educational institution and the only college in the District in the 19th century was St. Joseph’s College.  It once again became a high school in 1909 due to financial and other constraints. Since then, there had been several attempts to revitalize the college.Read More



1. The procedure for admission given from time to time by the Department of Higher Education will be observed both in letter and spirit. Where otherwise stated the procedure for admission to UG/PG courses are common for both.

2. Transparent exhibition of the fee structure for various courses should be given in the prospectus.

3. The Principal of the college and the admission committee will be responsible for any violations in this regard.

4. a) Only one application form need to be issued with option to various courses should be followed very strictly.
b) Filled in application should contain atleast 2 contact numbers.

5. Enclosures:
Under Graduate Programme
 Photocopy of Mark list of HSC (+1 and +2)
 Photocopy of Community Certificate

Post Graduate Programme
 Photocopy of Mark lists of UG (2 years / 5 semesters)
 Photocopy of Community Certificate

M.Phil. Programme
 Photocopy of Mark lists of UG and PG
 Photocopy of Community Certificate

 Do not send any Original Certificates or Testimonials along with the Application Form
 Roman Catholic candidates must enclose a letter from the Parish Priest

Original Certificates are to be produced at the time of admission only. However, if a candidate fails to produce the relevant certificates in original at the time of Counselling for admission, the admission shall be cancelled.

6. Sale/Issue of Application Forms for UG Courses:
Cost of application will be fixed by the Governing Body. Application forms for admission may be issued before five days from the date of publication/Internet-website of results of Higher Secondary Examination of Tamil Nadu (hereafter referred to as the Plus Two Examination).

7. Last date for the receipt of completed Applications for UG Courses:
Last date for receipt of filled in applications by the colleges should be fixed as the second working day from the date of publication of Plus Two Examination result in website. Applications from other streams/private candidates may be entertained after the due date in the event of their results or issue of mark sheets is on a date later than that of regular Plus Two Candidates. The Principals shall fix the last date for them suitably. Admission Committee should prepare the rank list for admission. Applications for admission may be received even after the last date fixed for receipt of applications. Such applications shall be registered as late applications. In the case of SC/ST/MBC/DNC/BC candidates if applications received in time from such candidates get exhausted, late applications should also be considered to fill up the seats reserved for these communities.

8. The upper age limit for admission to UG courses will be 21 (twenty one) years. The above age limit should be strictly followed and no student should be admitted above the age limit.

9. Admission Committee for UG and PG courses:
The Admission Committee consists of
1. Principal – 1
2. Management – 2
3. Senior Staff Members – 2 male & 2 female
4. Non-Teaching Staff – 2

10. Registers to be maintained
The following Registers and other related documents pertaining to students admission should be maintained and preserved by the colleges:
a) Sale of Application Forms
b) List of Applications received within the last date prescribed
c) List of Applications received after the last date prescribed.
d) Rank list registers signed by the members of the Selection Committee.
e) Information about the counselling date.
f) Copies of Rank lists displayed.
g) Minutes of Selection Committee meeting.
h) Admission Register
I) Communication with the University/the Director of Collegiate Education related to admission
j) Copies of all letters to the University/the Director of Collegiate Education making requisition for increase in seats and letters from the University permitting increase.
k) Registers regarding the applications received from SC/ST/MBC/DNC/BC students who have been selected for admission and the number of such candidates admitted in each course.

11. Mode of Selection :
UG Programme
Admission will be based on the marks obtained at the HSC examination. Preference will given to the socially and economically backward candidates and minorities.

PG Programme
An entrance test will be conducted to test the Numerical Ability, Knowledge of English, General Knowledge and Logical Reasoning by multiple choice questions (50 marks) and Knowledge of subject to the UG level (50 marks).

Interview & Intimation
Only those provisionally selected for admission will be intimated by way of SMS. They have to present themselves along with parents for interview with the Principal on the date mentioned in the SMS. Their absence on the scheduled date will only lead to cancellation of Admission.

No Donation
The college does not accept donation in any form for admission. Any issue in this regard may be brought to the notice of the college authorities immediately.

12. Progrommes Offered and Eligibility
Shift – I Under Graduate Programmes (for Boys only)
• B.Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics, B.Sc. Chemistry
A pass in HSC level with Mathematics and Physics / Chemistry as one of the subjects
• B.Sc. Computer Science, B.C.A.
A pass in HSC level with Mathematics as a subject
• B.Sc. Microbiology
A pass in HSC level with Biology / Botany and Zoology.
• B.Sc. Biochemistry
A pass in HSC level with Chemistry and Biochemistry / Biology / Botany and
Zoology as subjects.

• B.Com. Commerce, B.Com. Bank Management
A pass in HSC level with Commerce and Accountancy as subjects
• B.B.A. Computer Applications
A pass in HSC level with Mathematics / Commerce / Computer Science as the one of
the subjects

• B.A. History
A pass in HSC level.
• B.A. English
A pass in HSC level with English as a subject.
• B.Sc. Zoology
A pass in HSC level with Zoology / Biology as a subject
Shift – I Under Graduate Programmes (for Girls only)
• B.Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics, B.Sc. Chemistry
A pass in HSC level with Mathematics and Physics / Chemistry as one of the subjects
• B.Sc. Computer Science, B.C.A.
A pass in HSC level with Mathematics as a subject
• B.Sc. Microbiology
A pass in HSC level with Biology / Botany and Zoology.
• B.Sc. Biochemistry
A pass in HSC level with Chemistry and Biochemistry / Biology / Botany and
Zoology as subjects.

• B.Com. Commerce, B.Com. Bank Management
A pass in HSC level with Commerce and Accountancy as subjects
• B.B.A. Computer Applications
A pass in HSC level with Mathematics / Commerce / Computer Science as the one of
the subjects

• B.A. English
A pass in HSC level with English as a subject.
• B.A. Tamil
A pass in HSC level with Tamil as a subject
• B.Sc. Zoology
A pass in HSC level with Zoology / Biology as a subject

Shift – I Post Graduate Programmes (Co-Education)
• M.Sc. Mathematics
B.Sc. Mathematics
• M.Sc. Physics
B.Sc. Physics with Mathematics as one of the Allied Subjects.
• M.Sc. Chemistry
B.Sc. Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry as the main subject.
• M.Sc. Computer Science
B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science / Computer Science and Technology or B.C.A.
• M.Sc. Information Technology
B.C.A. / B.Sc. Degree with Mathematics / Statistics / Business Mathematics /
Business Statistics as main or Allied.

• M.Sc. Biochemistry
B.Sc. Degree with 55% either with Biochemistry or Chemistry as Major Subject or B.Sc. Biology / Zoology / Botany / Biotechnology / Nutrition and Dietetics / Any Biology related Subjects Degree with 55% and having Chemistry at the ancillary level.

• M.Sc. Applied Microbiology
B.Sc. Degree in Microbiology / Applied Microbiology / Industrial Microbiology / Botany / Plant Science / PI8ot Biology and Plant Biotechnology / Zoology /Animal Science / Applied Animal Science and Animal Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Biology/ Life Science / Home Science / Nutrition and Dietetics / BSMS / BAMS / BUMS / Chemistry with Botany / Zoology as Allied Subjects

• M.Com. Commerce
B.Com. / B.Com. (Corporate Secretary ship), B.C.S., B.B.A. / B.Com. (Bank Management) / B.A. (Co-op.) / B.A. (Economics) / B.A. (Corporate Economics) and B.Sc. Mathematics or B.Sc. (Computer Science) or B.C.A. / B.Sc. (ISM) with any two Core Papers offered at the B.Com. level

• M.A. English
B.A. English / B.A. or B.Sc. with Part Il English or B.Com. / B.B.A. / B.C.A. / B.C.S. and any such Degree with one year Part Il English where the candidate has scored a minimum of 55%

• M.A. History
B.A. History (preferable) / Any Degree
• M.S.W. Social Work
Any Degree (Humanities / Science / Professional)
• M.A. Tamil
B.A. Tamil / B.A. or B.Sc. with Part I Tamil or B.Com. / B.B.A. / B.C.A. / B.C.S. and any such Degree with one year Part I Tamil where the candidate has scored a minimum of 55%

Shift – I M.Phil. Programmes (Co-Education)
• M.Phil. Mathematics
M.Sc. Mathematics
• M.Phil. Physics
M.Sc. Physics
• M.Phil. Chemistry
M.Sc. Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Physical Chemistry
• M.Phil. Computer Science
M.Sc. Computer Science / Information Technology or M.C.A.
• M.Phil. Biochemistry
M.Sc. Biochemistry
• M.Phil. Microbiology
M.Sc. Microbiology / Applied Microbiology / Medical Microbiology
• M.Phil. Commerce
M.Com. Commerce
• M.Phil. History
M.A. History
• M.Phil. English
M.A. English

Note: A Master’s Degree in the respective subject and has secured minimum of 55% of marks or a CGPA of 5.51 and above in the 10.00 point scale under CBCS.

Ph.D. Programmes (FT/PT) (Co-Education)
• Ph.D. Chemistry
• Ph.D. Biochemistry
• Ph.D. Microbiology
• Ph.D. Commerce
• Ph.D. Mathematics
• Ph.D. Computer Science
• Ph.D. History
• Ph.D. Physics

Note: A Master’s Degree in the respective subject with not less than 55% of marks or a CGPA of 5.51 and above in the 10.00 point scale under CBCS.

Under Graduate Courses
B.Sc. MathematicsA pass in HSC level with Mathematics and Physics/Chemistry as one of the subjects.
B.Sc. PhysicsA pass in HSC level with Mathematics and Physics/Chemistry as one of the subjects
B.Sc. ChemistryA pass in HSC level with Mathematics and Physics/Chemistry as one of the subjects
B.Sc. Computer Science/B.C.A. Computer ApplicationA pass in HSC level with Mathematics as a subject.
B.Sc. MicrobiologyA pass in HSC level with Botany/Biology and Zoology.
B.Sc. BiochemistryA pass in HSC level with Chemistry and Biochemistry/Botany/Biology and Zoology as subjects
B.Com. CommerceA pass in HSC level with Commerce and Accountancy as a subjects.
B.Com. Bank ManagementA pass in HSC level with Commerce and Accountancy as a subjects.
B.B.A. Comp.Applications*A pass in HSC level with Mathematics/Commerce/Computer Science as one of the subjects.
B.A. HistoryA Pass in HSC level
B.A. EnglishA Pass in HSC level English as a subject.
B.A. TamilA Pass in HSC level Tamil as a subject
Post Graduate Courses
M.Sc. MathematicsB.Sc. Mathematics
M.Sc. PhysicsB.Sc. Physics with Mathematics as one of the Allied Subjects.
M.Sc. ChemistryB.Sc. Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry as the main subject.
M.Sc. Computer ScienceB.Sc. Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Science and Technology or B.C.A.
M.Sc. Information TechnologyB.Sc. Degree with Mathematics/Statistics.
M.Sc. BiochemistryB.Sc. Degree with 55% either with Biochemistry or Chemistry as Major Subjects or B.Sc Biology/Zoology/Botany/Biotechnology/ Nutrition and Diabetics/Any Biology related Subjects Degree with 55% and having Chemistry at the ancilliary level.
M.Sc. Applied MicrobiologyB.Sc. Degree in Microbiology /Applied Microbiology /Industrial Microbiology/Botany/Plant Science/ Plant Biology and Plant Zoology /Animal Science/Applied Animal Science and Animal Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Biology / Life Science / Home Science /Nutrition and Diabetics/ BSMS / BAMS/ BUMS/Chemistry with Biotany /Zoology as Allied Subjects.
M.Com. CommerceB.Com./B.Com. (Corporate Secretaryship)/B.C.S.,B.B.A /B.Com. (Bank Management)/B.A. (Co-operation)/B.A.(Economics)/B.A.(Corporate Economics) and B.Sc Mathematics or B.Sc (Computer Science) or B.C.A or B.Sc. (ISM) with any two core Papers offered at the B.Com. level.
M.A. HistoryB.A. History ( preference ) / Any Degree
M.A. EnglishB.A. English/B.A and B.Sc. with Part II English or B.Com. /B.B.A /B.C.A./ B.C.S. and such Degree with one year Part II English where the candidate has scored a minimum of 55%.
M.S.W. Social WorkAny graduate(Humanities / Science / Professional)
M.Phil. Courses
M.Phil. MathematicsM.Sc. MathematicsA Master’s Degree in the respective subjects and has secured a minimum of 55 percent of marks or a CGPA of 5.51 and above in the 10.00 point scale under CBCS.
M.Phil. PhysicsM.Sc. Physics
M.Phil. ChemistryM.Sc. Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Physical Chemistry
M.Phil. Computer ScienceM.Sc. Computer Science / Information Technology or M.C.A.
M.Phil. BiochemistryM.Sc. Biochemistry
M.Phil. MicrobiologyM.Sc. Microbiology
M.Phil. CommerceM.Com. Commerce
M.Phil. HistoryM.A. History
M.Phil EnglishM.A English
Ph.D. Courses
Ph.D. ChemistryM.Sc. Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry / Organic Chemistry / Physical Chemistry“A Master’s Degree in the respective subjects with not less than 55 percent of marks or a CGPA of 5.51 and above in the 10.00 point scale under CBCS.
Ph.D. MicrobiologyM.Sc. Microbiology
Ph.D. BiochemistryM.Sc. Biochemistry
Ph.D. CommerceM.Com. Commerce
Ph.D. History

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