is guttman community college a good school

Guttman Community College ranked #1 Community College in America

Guttman Community College is ranked as the best community college in the nation by The 2020 Best Community Colleges ranking is based on rigorous analysis of academic, financial, and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education along with millions of reviews from students and alumni. With an overall A grade, Guttman outranked 870 other national institutions, also making it the top community college in New York State.

Although just in its eighth year, Guttman has received other top rankings in the recent past. In August 2018, Guttman was ranked the top community college in NY State by  In August 2016, The College received the best in New York State designation from These high ratings are due in part to the College’s remarkable two- and three-year graduation rates. Guttman’s three-year graduation rate is more than twice the national average, and has been 40% or higher since the first graduating class in 2014. With rates between 23%-31%, the College’s two-year graduation rate far exceeds the 4% national average of large city public two-year colleges.  It is the highest among all City University of New York community colleges. Additionally, Guttman sends a higher percentage of its graduates to senior college than the other CUNY community colleges. 86% of Guttman alumni go on to baccalaureate programs, with most transferring to CUNY senior colleges.

Being student-centered is what drives Guttman.  Reviews of Guttman on the Niche website written by students and alumni cite and reaffirm the College’s commitment to student success. Some excerpts include: “Amazing academic, financial, and emotional support”; “You never feel alone”; “I loved everything about Guttman … They motivate and give students chances to really get their degree in 2 years.”

Guttman offers associate degree programs in an innovative model emphasizing experiential education, learning communities and instructional teams, and a commitment to providing rigorous academic challenge, attentive support, and inclusive excellence. Guttman is a Hispanic-Serving Institution, with a current enrollment of 1,030 students (as of Fall 2019).

CUNY boasts several more top honors on the ranking of best community colleges in New York State: Kingsborough Community College ranked #2, Queensborough Community College #4, Hostos Community College #7, Borough of Manhattan Community College #8, and LaGuardia Community College claims the #9 spot.

Stella and Charles Guttman Community College is CUNY’s first community college in more than 40 years. The College opened its doors to an inaugural class of 289 students on August 20, 2012. Until a permanent building is secured, Guttman is located at 50 West 40th Street, across from Bryant Park.

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