Is 50k a good salary in texas

Texas is one of the top five states that pay a salary to their state employees. This can vary, however, by the type of position you are in. There are certain positions that are salaried and others that receive hourly pay or a piece rate based on the amount of work they do.

A question that comes up pretty often is, “Is $X a good salary?” where X is some amount of money. Is fifty thousand dollars a good salary in Texas? What about twenty dollars an hour? Let’s look at these in order!

When you’re just starting out in your career, it can be difficult to gauge where your salary falls in the grand scheme of things. After all, there’s a lot of factors that go into salary negotiations. Things like your industry, location and skill set all have an impact on whether you get 50k or 100k. With so much conflicting information out there, we couldn’t blame you for being a bit confused about what is considered a good salary in Texas. In this article we’ll examine average salary in texas per month, what is a good salary in texas 2022.

Is 50k a good salary in texas

Looking to get an accurate idea of what 50k a year is worth in Texas? Get a breakdown of the average 50k a year salary as well as a detailed breakdown of the cost of living in Texas so you can make an informed decision on the salary you are offered.

Most people think they know how much they should make. They base their numbers on the cost of living, their budgets and on their wish lists. It doesn’t always work out this way, though, because many factors influence what your income should be in Texas. Your value as an employee is only one aspect to consider when you think about making money.

50k is a good salary in Texas, but it depends on your lifestyle. If you’re looking to get ahead financially and build a solid foundation for the future, 50k is certainly a good start. But if you want to live a lavish lifestyle or have many of the things that other people have, then 50k won’t be enough to get there.

For example, someone who makes 50k would be able to afford a nice home in most parts of Texas. However, they probably wouldn’t be able to afford waterfront property or anything with more than three bedrooms. They could also afford an average car or two if they wanted them—but not luxury cars like Mercedes-Benz or BMWs.

When it comes down to it though, most people who make 50k are happy with their earnings and lifestyles because they aren’t spending more than they can afford. It’s possible for anyone to get ahead financially by making smart choices about their money (or lack thereof).

average salary in texas per month

Texas ranks number 35 out of 50 states for salaries on ZipRecruiter.

As of Oct 22, the average annual salary in Texas is $52,380. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $25.18 an hour. This is equivalent of $1,007 a week or $4,365 a month. Most salaries in Texas range between $37,039 (25th percentile) to $66,331 (75th percentile) annually.

Of course, salaries will vary depending on yor occupation, experience, and many other factors. Some of the top paying kinds of jobs in Texas are Vascular Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, and Interventional PAIN Physician. You may also find that pay is better in some areas of the state. Westlake is the city with the highest average salary on ZipRecruiter.

To estimate the most accurate salary range for jobs in Texas, we continuously scan out database of millions of active jobs in our marketplace.

Which cities in Texas have the highest average salary?

Of the cities in Texas with the highest average salaries, all 10 have salaries over the state average salary of $52,380. This means that there are plenty of opportunities to improve your pay by relocating within the state.

Keep in mind that cost of living may be higher in these cities. The cities in Texas with the highest average salary are Westlake with an average annual salary of $85,552 and Irving with an average annual salary of $72,864.

CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
West Lake Hills$63,916$5,326$1,229$30.73

Which jobs have the highest salaries in Texas?

We found at least 10 types of jobs in Texas that pay more than the state average of $52,380 per year. The top examples of these jobs are Vascular Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, and Interventional PAIN Physician.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Vascular Surgeon$323,680$26,973$6,224$155.62
Orthopedic Surgeon$314,856$26,238$6,054$151.37
Interventional PAIN Physician$304,228$25,352$5,850$146.26
General Anesthesiologist$293,283$24,440$5,640$141.00
Diagnostic Radiologist$289,942$24,161$5,575$139.40
Pediatric Anesthesiologist$280,742$23,395$5,398$134.97
ORAL And Maxillofacial Surgeon$279,879$23,323$5,382$134.56

What do the most popular jobs in Texas pay?

Of the jobs in Texas with the most active job markets, we found at least 6 roles that pay more per year than the average salary in the state. The top examples of these jobs are Flight Attendant, Dentist Hygiene, and An Anesthesiologist.

These popular jobs are paid between 14352(31.7%) and 14352(31.7%) more than the state average salary of $52,380.

The active job market and competitive salaries for these roles make them great career choices in Texas.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Flight Attendant$66,964$5,580$1,287$32.19
Dentist Hygiene$89,851$7,487$1,727$43.20
An Anesthesiologist$148,438$12,369$2,854$71.36
Amazon Delivery Partner$34,406$2,867$661$16.54
Medical Coder$38,028$3,169$731$18.28

what is a good salary in texas 2022

A person working in Texas typically earns around 105,000 USD per year. Salaries range from 26,600 USD (lowest average) to 469,000 USD (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

This is the average yearly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Salaries vary drastically between different careers. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, see below for salaries for specific job titles.

The median, the maximum, the minimum, and the range
Salary Range
Salaries in Texas range from 26,600 USD per year (minimum salary) to 469,000 USD per year (maximum average salary, actual maximum is higher).

Median Salary
The median salary is 98,700 USD per year, which means that half (50%) of the population are earning less than 98,700 USD while the other half are earning more than 98,700 USD. The median represents the middle salary value. Generally speaking, you would want to be on the right side of the graph with the group earning more than the median salary.

Closely related to the median are two values: the 25th and the 75th percentiles. Reading from the salary distribution diagram, 25% of the population are earning less than 56,400 USD while 75% of them are earning more than 56,400 USD. Also from the diagram, 75% of the population are earning less than 267,000 USD while 25% are earning more than 267,000 USD.

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