Is 140k a good salary for a single person

The question, is 140k a good salary for a single person, is without a doubt one of the most popular search terms on Google. Although I can answer it, there are a few other factors that have to be taken into consideration before we can really answer the question. After explaining the variables, I will leave you to decide for yourself whether $140k is good or not.

Yes, 140k/year is a good salary for a single person. To get an idea of how much money you can expect to make at this income level, let’s break it down.

140k is equal to $72,000 per year. Let’s say that you are an unmarried individual with zero dependents and no debt. In that case, you would be able to live comfortably on $2,749 per month or $30,600 per year (assuming 30 days in each month).

With that much money coming in each month, you could afford:

-A home worth $1 million

-A new car every two years

-Private school for your children

-Health insurance for yourself and your family

Is 140k a good salary for a single person


Is 140K a good salary for a single person?

It depends on where you live and how you spend your money. Let’s explore the questions to ask yourself and the answers that can help you decide.

After taxes, you would take home $90,400 annually or $7,533 each month.

Assuming your tax rate is about 30% and you live in a state that has no income tax, you would take home $100,000 annually or $8,333 each month. If you are married and have two kids, expect to pay even more as the IRS considers the additional income from your spouse as well. In addition, if your employer offers any benefits such as health insurance or a retirement plan, those will also be deducted from your paycheck. You can also claim deductions on charitable donations or mortgage payments which could result in a lower tax rate.

Since you would have $90,400 to spend annually, you could afford to spend $7,533 each month while staying on a budget.

As a single person with $90,400 in annual income, you would be able to spend $7,533 each month. This number represents a savings of $2,638 every month and $1,778 per week. If you were to save $395 per day (which is 25% less than the average American), then you could have nearly one hundred thousand dollars in savings by the end of the year!

That comes out to $1,778 per week or $395 per day.

If you’re wondering how much you should be making, the answer is that there are a lot of factors involved. One key consideration is your cost of living, since it can vary greatly depending on where you live. But if we just consider a single person making $140k per year in New York City and compare that to someone who makes $140k per year in Seattle—which happens to have one of the highest costs of living in the country—the difference isn’t huge.

For example:

  • In NYC, where rent for an apartment averages about $3,000 per month and utilities are another few hundred bucks each month, this $140k salary would cover four months worth of rent and two months worth of utilities (plus food). After that? You’re figuring things out month by month.
  • In Seattle, where rent averages about $1,900 per month and utilities are another few hundred bucks each month (the same as NYC), this $140k salary would cover just over eight months worth of rent and four months worth of utilities (plus food). After those first eight months? Things start getting easier with plenty left over every pay period!

Let’s assume that you rent a 2-bedroom apartment for yourself.

You should also consider that you will not need a 2-bedroom apartment if you are planning on living by yourself. An apartment the size of a two-bedroom home is typically more expensive than a one bedroom unit and there is no guarantee that your landlord will allow you to sublet one of the rooms out.

If you are planning on having children in the near future, it may be better for your family’s financial health to rent something larger than what is strictly necessary for your needs at this moment. In addition to providing room for your child(ren), an extra bedroom can provide additional storage space which helps cut down on clutter and makes it easier for friends or relatives who come to visit to stay over when needed.

Another thing that could affect how much money you spend on housing each month would be where exactly in town (or country) someone lives. Cities tend to have higher rents due south than rural areas do because they offer more amenities such as restaurants, shopping centers, nightlife etc., but city dwellers also pay higher taxes because public services like police protection require more funding than they do outside of urban areas.”

If you rented an apartment by yourself at the median price of $895 per month, then you could save around $2,638 each month.

If you rented an apartment by yourself at the median price of $895 per month, then you could save around $2,638 each month.

If you rented a 2-bedroom apartment, this would equal to saving over $1,000 per month. If you did decide to move into a 1-bedroom apartment, your monthly savings would be closer to $700 per month.

This is just one example of how different salary expectations can affect your lifestyle and budget in many ways!

You could use this extra income for savings or for additional expenses like vacations.

If you’re single and working a job that pays $140,000 per year, then the answer is: “It depends.”

For example, if you are working in an entry level position at a company where there are no retirement plans available to you and your employer doesn’t offer any sort of health insurance or other benefits package, then saving for retirement may not be as high on your priority list as it would be for someone who has more experience and job security. Instead, if this is your first real job out of college or some other post-secondary institution (or even after), it might make sense for you to focus on building up an emergency fund so that if something unexpected happens — like getting laid off from work — then at least you’ll have some money saved up with which to pay the bills until things get sorted out again.”

If you earn 140k annually and are single, you would be able to live comfortably and save money in most cities.

If you earn 140k annually and are single, you would be able to live comfortably and save money in most cities.

For example, let’s say that you want to live in San Francisco. A one bedroom apartment costs approximately $3100 per month. That means that your rent alone will cost you $36,400 a year! Add on the other expenses of living (groceries, transportation) and it’s easy to see why this city is so expensive for many people. However, if your salary is 140k annually when adjusted for inflation (about $75 thousand today), then all that extra money will go far here—as long as you don’t spend it on luxury things like clothes or fancy restaurants every day!


To sum it up, a salary of $140k is more than enough to live comfortably in most cities across the US. This salary is even comfortable for some people living in the more expensive cities such as NYC or San Francisco. However, $140k may not be enough for individuals who are looking to buy luxury items or live their dream lifestyle

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