Internship With Oxfam

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end poverty and injustice. We work with partners in more than 90 countries to transform lives and end the cycle of poverty.

We are currently hiring for internship positions in our Communications department!

We are looking for interns who can help us tell the stories of people living in poverty and suffering through disasters, conflict, and climate change. You will be part of a team that communicates with donors and supporters, manages social media accounts, and helps us reach new audiences with compelling content. We are interested in candidates who are creative, resourceful, and comfortable working as part of a team while also being able to work independently on their own projects.

Interns will work 10 hours per week (flexible schedule) from September through December 2019 at our office in New York City or online anywhere where there is internet access (including remote locations). The internship will include shadowing opportunities with staff members, a mentor program where you’ll meet with experienced communications professionals for advice on career development, and training workshops that cover topics like writing for digital media channels or developing strategy for public relations campaigns.

Internship With Oxfam


Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.

We are an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries.

Oxfam has been active in Kenya since 1963, focusing its interventions on humanitarian response, development and policy work.

Oxfam has been active in Kenya since 1963, focusing its interventions on humanitarian response, development and policy work. Oxfam works closely with local partners to support communities in their efforts to build a better future for themselves.

Oxfam’s work in Kenya is guided by the following strategic objectives:

Support effective governance and public financial management systems that promote transparency, accountability and participatory decision-making by citizens at all levels.

Support good governance initiatives that empower citizens to have an effective voice on issues affecting them through community dialogue processes (e.g., peace building), enhanced access to information (e.g., freedom of expression) or other mechanisms designed to strengthen civil society participation at the national level (e.g., National Planning Commission).

Support inclusive growth policies that provide opportunities for higher employment generation among youth through skills development programs such as vocational training courses; promote gender equality by increasing women’s access to income-generating activities; ensure universal primary education through provision of school facilities and provision of textbooks among others; ensure quality health services delivery by enhancing providers’ skills while also improving access so they can reach people living far from facilities; improve food security through agricultural interventions including crop diversification/conservation practices like agroforestry (planting trees within fields), improved water management techniques like digging wells near gardens or planting drought resistant crops etcetera

Internship Description

Internships are a great way to gain experience in a field you are interested in, build up your CV and expand your network. The Oxfam internship programme will give you the opportunity to work on projects related both to our mission as well as issues that matter most to you. You can choose from a variety of roles, from communications and advocacy work through campaigning or research with both local communities and policy makers. As part of this internship programme, we offer both long term (6 months) and short term (1-3 months) internships which will allow you to undertake different types of assignments related to our mission in order for us all together build up solutions for poverty reduction at a global level.

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty. Oxfam GB is one of 20 organisations that make up the international confederation, Oxfam International. Its vision is a just world without poverty, where everyone has enough food, clean water and decent work.

Oxfam’s values are rooted in those of its founder, Helen Gwynne-Vaughan: “justice for all” and “a fair chance for all”.

Together we save, protect and rebuild lives. When disaster strikes, we help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. We take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.

Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty. It’s an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning. The affiliates work in over 90 countries, including many developing countries as well as industrialised nations such as the UK.

We are an international confederation of 20 organisations (affiliates) working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning, in more than 90 countries. All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness. To read more about our values please click here

Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 organizations working together with partners and local communities in the areas of humanitarian, development and campaigning. All our work is led by three core values: Empowerment, Accountability, Inclusiveness. To read more about our values please click here

To be part of the Oxfam family means joining a diverse community with a common goal – to bring about lasting change in the lives of poor people around the world. We support one another through peer-to-peer learning relationships as we take on new challenges every day.

Oxfam has been active in Kenya since 1963 where it focuses its interventions on humanitarian response, development and policy work through various programs including disaster risk reduction (DRR), food security and nutrition (FSN), peace building & conflict transformation (PB&CT), gender equality & women empowerment (GE&WE) among others.[4] The organisation also advocates for public policies that promote human rights including land rights for women as well as anti-discrimination legislation; environmental protection measures; access to clean water; affordable health care services etc., while lobbying against policies that promote inequalities such as tax holidays or subsidies going only towards large scale investors instead of smallholder farmers.[5]

Oxfam has a presence in over 90 countries worldwide reaching millions of people every year through their programmes aimed at eradicating poverty across different parts of Africa.[6] It also works closely with other non governmental organisations (NGOs) operating within these regions such as Save The Children,[7] Action Aid International,[8] Plan International[9], Concern Worldwide[10], World Vision International[11], Mercy Corps

Oxfam is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct; and promoting the welfare of children, young people, adults and beneficiaries with whom Oxfam GB engages. Oxfam expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment through our code of conduct. We place a high priority on ensuring that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited to work for us.

You might be wondering how working with Oxfam will help you develop your career. You’re not the only one! We want to give you an idea of what it’s like to work for us, and why we think our internship programme is so valuable.

We want to make sure that when you leave us at the end of your placement, you have really gained something from it that will last beyond your time with us – whether that’s experience, skills or knowledge. We know there are lots of different ways in which people learn, so we try hard to make sure our interns have some choice over what they do during their time here.


Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty. So we’re looking for people who are committed to helping create a future where everyone has enough to eat and can lead a life free from poverty.

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