Internship With Bbc

The BBC is looking for a few good interns to work at its offices in London, and you should apply.

The BBC is the world’s largest broadcaster and one of the most recognized brands in the world. It has been in existence since 1922 and has grown rapidly over the years to become one of the most influential media corporations in the world. It broadcasts news, sports, drama, comedy, children’s shows, music and more than 100 languages around the globe. The BBC also produces some of the most popular podcasts in the world, including “Radio 4” and “The Archers.”

In addition to its radio and television broadcasts, it also publishes content online through such sites as iPlayer and Newsbeat. The BBC News website receives more than 160 million unique visitors every month. To put that into perspective: if those visitors were all people instead of computers visiting a single location at once (which they’re not), they would fill Wembley Stadium—twice over!

Interns at the BBC work alongside people who have devoted their lives to making sure that everything produced by this media giant truly lives up to its reputation as one of the best sources for high quality content available anywhere on Earth today. They are exposed directly

The BBC is a great place to start your career. It’s a world-class organization that offers exciting opportunities for young people to develop professionally and personally. The BBC aims to be an inclusive and diverse place to work, and we are committed to building a sustainable future by recruiting and retaining the best talent across all areas of our business.

Work at the BBC can be challenging but rewarding, as you can see from our recent graduate survey results:

“I’ve learnt so much about myself and my industry since starting my internship at the BBC.” – Alex, Broadcast Trainee

“I’ve had a fantastic experience working with such an iconic broadcasting company.” – Georgina, Broadcast Intern

“The atmosphere is extremely friendly and welcoming.” – James, Broadcast Trainee

Internship With Bbc


BBC is a London-based British public service broadcaster. A corporation, and an exempt charity under English law, it is the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with about 23,000 staff. BBC internship program offers a lot of opportunities for students and graduates to gain the experience they need while having fun. By doing this they can build their CV and after graduating they can find a job at BBC.

The BBC offers a number of opportunities for university students and graduates to gain work experience through internship and placement schemes.

If you’re looking for a great internship that will help kick start your career, then the BBC might just be the place for you. The British Broadcasting Corporation offers a number of opportunities for university students and graduates to gain work experience through internship and placement schemes. There are opportunities available in a variety of different roles including TV/radio producers, journalists and researchers. The BBC is one of the most renowned broadcasting companies in the world, so interning there can be very beneficial when it comes to building up your CV post-university.

The application process isn’t too complicated; it mainly consists of completing an online form which includes uploading your CV and cover letter detailing why they should choose you over other applicants. Once they’ve received all their applications they’ll notify those who have been successful by emailing them with further details about what happens next (i.e., where/when should they report in etc.)

Summer Internships

If you are a student who has just completed their first year of university, you can apply for BBC Summer Internships. These internships usually last for 10 weeks and carry a salary of around £300 per week. You will be given the opportunity to gain experience in the various departments of BBC News such as Sports, Science and Politics.

You will also get the chance to work with some of the best journalists in Britain and learn about how they produce news stories on television, radio or online platforms.

You may even be offered an opportunity to be involved in an event that is broadcast live on TV or Radio!


Placements are usually unpaid, and you’ll be working for a specific period of time. This is the most common type of placement and will probably be what you do if your main goal is to gain experience in the industry. Placements are also offered for specific roles like intern web designer, or for departments like marketing or production. Finally, many placements will give interns an opportunity to work on projects such as designing posters or writing short pieces about local events—these kinds of projects are great if they’re something that interests you!

These schemes are designed to help you develop your skills, build your CV and perhaps find a job at the BBC.

These schemes are designed to help you develop your skills, build your CV and perhaps find a job at the BBC.

You will gain valuable experience and make contacts in the industry. You may also learn new skills that could help you on other internships or when you’re looking for work after university.

If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, bear in mind that there’s usually a high level of competition for places so apply early!


We are looking for bright and enthusiastic people with the talent and ambition to make it in journalism. You will need plenty of energy and a willingness to work hard, but you will gain invaluable experience working alongside some of the most skilled professionals in the industry.

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