how to study for map quiz

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how to study for map quiz

Tips to Study for a Map Quiz

Create a Pretest

Studies show that (for most people) the brain does not retain information very well if they only observe facts and images that are presented. Instead, students should find a way to pretest themselves repeatedly while tapping into their favored learning styles. The most effective way to learn any new material is by repeating some form of fill-in-the-blank testing. In other words, as always, students must get active to really study effectively.

It’s most beneficial to study a map for a short period, and then find a way to self-test a few times—by inserting the names and/or objects (like rivers, mountain ranges, states, or countries)—until it’s easy to fill out an entire blank map. Chose from the tips below to find the best method to help students (or yourself) memorize a map or maps and prepare for a map quiz, or combine them and use several methods, ranging from old-fashioned flash cards and puzzles to electronic-assisted studying.

Color-Coded Map

You can use colors to help you remember place names. Many websites, such as DIY Maps, even help you create a color-coded map. For example, if you are trying to memorize and label the countries of Europe, start by picking a color for each country that starts with the same first letter as each country name, such as:

  • Germany = green
  • Spain = silver
  • Italy = ice blue
  • Portugal = pink

Study a completed map first. Then print out five blank outline maps and label the countries one at a time. Color in the shape of the countries with the appropriate color as you label each country.

After a while, the colors (which are easy to associate with a country from the first letter) are imprinted in the brain in the shape of each country. As DIY Maps shows, you can also do this just as easily with a U.S. map.

Dry-Erase Map

With dry-erase maps, you create your own map to study. To do this, you will need:

  • One blank outline map
  • One clear plastic sheet protector
  • A thin-tip dry-erase pen

First, read over and study a detailed map. Then place your blank outline map in the sheet protector. You now have a ready-made dry-erase map. Write in the names and erase them over and over with a paper towel.  You can actually use the dry-erase method to practice for any fill-in test.

American States Map

As an alternative to the steps in the previous section, use a wall map, such as a wall map of the U.S., that is already complete. Tape two to four plastic sheet protectors over the map and trace the outline of the states. Remove the sheet protectors and fill in the states. You can use the wall map for reference as you study. In short order, you’ll be able to fill in the names of the states, countries, mountain ranges, rivers, or whatever you are studying for your map quiz.

Blank 50 States Map

Yet another alternative for studying a map of the U.S. (or Europe, Asia, or any of the continents, countries, or regions throughout the world) is to use a blank map. For example, blank—and free—U.S. maps such as those provided by the website Tools for Geologists show just the outline of the states, or the outline of the states with each state capital filled in.

For this exercise, print enough blank maps to study. Fill in all 50 states, then review your work. If you find you’ve made a few mistakes, try again with another blank map. To study other countries or regions, use the free blank printables of Canada, Europe, Mexico, and other countries and regions provided in section No. 2 above.

Map of the World

Your map quiz may involve not just a country or region: You may be required to memorize a map of the entire world. Don’t fret if that’s the case. These map tests may involve identifying:

  • Political features, which focus on state and national boundaries
  • Topography, which shows different physical features of various areas or regions
  • Climate, which shows weather patterns
  • Economic features, which show the specific economic activity or resources of a country or region

World maps showing these and other features are readily available online. Print a simple world map showing the features you need, then study it using the same methods as described in previous sections, but instead of filling out states, fill in the map according to national or state boundaries, topography, climate, or economic regions. For this type of map pretest, you may find a blank world map helpful, such as one provided by Teacher Vision, a free teacher-resources website.

Create Your Own Map Test

Use free online tools to create your own map of a state, a country, a region, or even the entire world. Websites such as Scribble Maps provide blank maps, which you use as your canvas. You can add national borders, or rivers, outline mountain ranges or countries, using virtual pens, pencils, or paintbrushes. You can even chose and change colors of your outlines or fill in entire political, topographical, climate, or other regions.

Map Apps

There are literally hundreds of map apps available for smartphones and iPhones. (You can also find and download these apps on computer tablets and PCs.) For example, Qbis Studio offers a free world map quiz app that allows you to fill in the countries of the world on a virtual map. Andrey Solovyev, available free from Google Play or the iTunes App Store, provides an online 50 U.S. states map, which includes capitals and flags, as well as a virtual map quiz. The app also offers a similar quiz for a world map that allows you to take practice virtual quizzes to test your global map knowledge. 

Electronic-Assisted Studying

Extend your electronic-assisted studying by using other free websites, such as Jet Punk, which provides scores of blank, virtual maps. For example, you can fill in the map of Europe by correctly guessing each highlighted country. The site provides the names of the European countries—from Albania to Vatican City—for you to select. You fill in the map of Europe by correctly guessing each highlighted country by clicking on the correct country name—the site highlights each country as you make your guesses. Hurry though; the website gives you only five minutes to pick all of Europe’s 43 nations. A virtual scoreboard lets you track your progress.

Prep With a Classmate

Of course, you can always choose to study the old-fashioned way: Grab a friend or classmate and take turns quizzing each other on the states, regions, nations, topography, or climate zones you are required to study. Use one of the maps you created in the previous sections as the basis for your pretest. Create flash cards of the states, for example, or download them for free. Then mix up the cards before you test your partner on the states, countries, regions, or whatever map parts you need to learn.

Hands-on Map Puzzles

If the map quiz is simple, such as a test of the U.S. states, consider using a hands-on map puzzle to study, such as Ryan’s Room (U.S.A. Map Puzzle), which offers:

  • Wooden puzzle pieces, with each piece depicting a different state, including that state’s major cities, resources, and industries labeled on the front
  • The chance for students to quiz themselves on state capitals by guessing the capital and then removing the puzzle piece for the answer

Other similar map puzzles announce the state name or capital when you place the correct puzzle piece in the correct space. Similar world map puzzles offer maps of the globe with magnetic pieces of various countries and regions that hard-studying students can place in the correct spots as they prepare to ace their upcoming map quiz.

how to study map in geography

Learning Geography: Top Tips to Study Geography

Worried About Learning Geography? Here Are The Top Tips To Study Geography!

Geography exams, without any doubt, can be a bit hard to pass when you’ve not studied properly as they require great memorization skills. However, there are two types of geography, one is human geography and the other one is physical geography. The sole focus of human geography is to study human societies. It is the study of how humans operate, how they face struggle, and how they’re formed. However, every student at some point in his/her career has to learn geography. And, when we talk about physical geography, then it is all about the study of the earth’s physical processes and characteristics.

Physical geography includes a number of things like climate, oceans, weather systems, shifting of tectonic plates, and rock formation. How to study geography is the question of every other student, unless he gets to know some effective tips and techniques. Physical geography twirls around questions such as “why this is happening and where is it happening?” For instance, where is the continent located, where are the major rivers and sea? And when you extend this investigation, then numerous further questions will be formed into your mind and your study will get open to natural resources, topography, human civilization – countries, towns, and in the last, cities.

And, when you bring your mind to the question “where,” it will get easier for you to answer why! Moreover, it doesn’t end here. Geography sometimes crosses over the study of economics and history. Such as the occurrence of such events that caused people to settle down into another place, the date of a historical event, what these people do for a living and how much they earn, what crops grow in specific regions, and the list is never-ending. And when you begin to know the tips and tricks about how to study geography effectively, all of a sudden, you won’t face any hindrances in your learning. Because it is all about smart work and not hard work. Below are some of the top tips that are sure to help you in your learning process.

1.Learn and Practice Directions:

To learn geography it is important to learn directions. Because geography is all about directions and maps. As we all know about South, West, East, and North. At times, it feels very easy to learn these directions but when these directions are twisted with longitude and latitude it gets difficult to learn. So, the key point is to learn and practice directions quite often. If you want to ace the geography then keep then in mind that directions will make you a pro at geography.

2.Use Flashcards:

Just remember one thing a picture can do a wonder that 1000 words explanation could not possibly do. Visual information indeed has more impact than words. So, if you want to ace the question that how to learn geography? Then start learning it by flashcards from now. Try to create new techniques with flashcards that would help you to learn in a better way!

3.Be an Atlas Map Master:

Map to geography is like water to fish. If you may eliminate water from a life of fish it would die, likewise, with the geography if you may omit maps then there is no geography left. So, you cannot play hide and seek with maps, anyhow, you have to learn maps. Do not panic, it’s not that hard! You just need to have some tips and tricks that would make your learning easy. For instance, do not memorize every city at once first start with the known or popular city then learn others.

Also, you can create your own medium to learn maps and there is no shame in it. Your motto should be just, to ace the map.

4.Create Mind Maps:

As long as you dwell on the subject it gets easier to understand. There would be no use if you are just sitting and questioning that how to study geography? And not working on it. Mind mapping is a very useful technique to memorize any subject and when it is GEOGRAPHY it becomes mandatory to create a mind map. Mind maps do not only simplifies the query but also, it helps you to pen down your thoughts or question regarding subject or topic.

5.Do Not Mug Up!

Mugging up is a bad thing. It does not increase your knowledge but just the marks. Keep in mind that if you would not have any practical knowledge of how would you become a master? Marks might make you a topper but they would definitely not make you a master. There is a very thin between a master and a topper. Geography is a subject that needs understanding, your cramming knowledge will not do such wonders.

6.Take Quizzes:

How to learn geography fast? Here, is the answer! Quizzes will help you out to learn geography fast. Quizzes can help you a lot. The quizzes can be of any type like map quizzes, word quizzes, puzzles, and a lot more. But, make sure you are practicing a lot as, practice is the key!

In a Nutshell:

Now, you know the top tips to learn geography effectively and efficiently. Just follow these and find the changes by yourself. Keep yourself well-prepared by following these tips, you can also take some online tests that are of no cost. By taking these tests, you can assure yourself about your preparation. Geography is a vast subject, there is so much to cover and it gets hard to memorize everything. But, with some good tips and techniques, one can master it all.

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