How To Study For Esthetician State Board

Nowadays it is very easy to learn how to study for Esthetician State Board. You just have to choose the right study guides and online classes, then go through the lessons based on what you have chosen. That’s why i’m sharing with you this important tips, so that you will be able to pass your exams happily and easily.

When you shop for study guides for Esthetician State Board, don’t get overwhelmed. You’ll find that most of the site owners are very friendly and knowledgeable about their products. The more questions you ask them before buying their study guide, the more you’ll learn about other subjects you can use to improve your score on the test.

Right here on Collegelearners, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on esthetician exam study guide pdf, esthetician state board practice test, milady esthetics state board practice test 2021 and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

How To Study For Esthetician State Board

Study for Esthetician State Board Exam: When you study for a standardized test, you are training your brain to process information in a way that helps you pass a test on the first try, or at least close to it.

After beauty and wellness school, just one thing stands in your way of becoming a practicing beauty pro: your state board licensing exams. Here are some of our proven study strategies when preparing for your state board exams. Schedule study time. Set aside the time in your schedule to prep for your tests. Form a study group with fellow graduates to review or block out time in your week to read through old class notes and take the chapter exams in your Milady Standard textbooks. Also, try to take the test as soon after graduating as possible. Taking the test as soon as you can after completing your program will keep the material fresh in your mind will give you a greater chance of passing than if you delay. Procrastinating out of test anxiety will not increase your odds of passing so make a plan and stick to it.

Take practice tests. Use Milady’s Online Licensing Preparation to prepare for your theory/written exam and for cosmetologists, use the Haircutting Simulation tool to prepare for your practical exam. This state board practice test tool comes in two formats: print and digital. Based off the Milady Standard books you used in school and formatting that resembles state exams, it keeps track of incorrect answers and shows reasoning for correct answers, helping you learn as you go. Rest up. Get enough rest the night before. Some essential oils and a calm night routine and limiting caffeine may help you feel well rested in the morning. Make sure you eat something healthy before your test too. You don’t want a blood sugar crash in the middle of testing! Double check your supplies. Make sure you have your ID and the correct supplies needed for both the theory and practical exams. Choose your outfit. This might seem silly, but having the proper clothing for your test might dictate whether or not you pass. W

ear comfortable clothing with closed toe shoes. Leave the high heels at home; you need to be on solid footing, especially during your practical exam.Be on time. If you are a person who runs late, this is not the date to take chances with traffic. Do a practice drive to the testing center, if necessary, to ensure you know the way and you are comfortable with the drive. Listen to all instructions. The testing environment is designed to keep distractions to a minimum but make sure you listen closely to any instructions. Just one mistake could cost you.Read the test through first. For the theory or written exam, focus on each individual question. Take deep breaths and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Pace yourself. If you don’t know the answer, you can return to the question later.By preparing yourself both mentally and physically for one of the most important days in your career, you set yourself up for success and help eliminate stress. Take your time, study hard, and good luck!

esthetician state board practice test

The esthetician state board is an exam that is required to become a licensed esthetician. The exam will cover basic skin anatomy, product properties and solutions uses, as well as applying makeup and skincare treatments. The best way to prepare for the day of the actual exam is to review all areas of your curriculum and go over anything that you are unsure about. The best material for this review does not come from a textbook but from hands on experience and working with clients.

You have a lot of studying to do in order to pass your state board exam, but you don’t want to spend all your time poring over a textbook. You need a way to balance study time with real life. That’s where comes in!

There’s only one thing standing between you and your new career as an esthetician: your State Board esthetician exam! 

It’s a daunting hurdle and many people find the exam process very stressful. But every US state has a licensing requirement for a good reason:

  • To make sure the public is safe
  • Maintaining high standards in the esthetics industry.

In most states, you’re required to take a practical exam and a written exam.

Our esthetics practice test will help you prepare for the written esthetician exam–which most people find the scariest. The written exam is designed to test your knowledge of skin care theory, plus scientific principles that can be pretty advanced.

We use actual questions that appear on the Esthetics State Board Exam, not just some random esthetician practice test. So you’ll understand the question pattern you’ll be asked and be able to figure out if you’re ready to take your test for real!

On this page, you’ll see 20 practice questions, all taken from the actual state board esthetics exam. They cover the two main topics you’ll be tested on:

  • Scientific concepts
  • Esthetics practices

Just choose what you think is the right answer, and enter your email address. And we can send you a detailed breakdown of what you got right and wrong.

Then cross your fingers, and click through to see your score!


There are 120 questions on the esthetician state board exam. 20 of these are “trial” questions that they’re thinking of including in exams in the future, and you’re given these to warm you up. These won’t count towards your score.


You have 120 minutes to complete the 100 questions that count towards your written exam score.

How to prepare for your real exam

As you’ll know when you’ve taken the esthetician practice test questions, the written state board licensing exam isn’t easy! Because the exam covers scientific concepts too, just being extremely knowledgeable about skincare treatments is not enough for you to pass your exam.

Many people go into the exam totally unprepared… which is why the nationwide failure rate is 50%!

We know–that sounds scary. But don’t worry: the exam isn’t impossibly difficult. The problem is that most students aren’t told how to prepare properly, and they’re given giant textbooks that are impossible to memorize.

Preparing for the esthetician exam should be covered by your school instructor…but usually isn’t done well enough! Reading a book like Milady also isn’t enough (even though it’s huge!).

We were sick of seeing people waste hundreds of dollars on taking the esthetics state board exam multiple times, and failing.

That’s why we put together our Premium Esthetics Study Guide, which tells you exactly what you need to know. It gives you all the tools we need to prepare. It’s so good, our students’ pass rate is 98.5%–and if you don’t pass the first time, we’ll give you a full refund!

We’ll tell you more about the study guide after you’ve taken the practice exam.

Get ready…here’s the practice test! Good luck!

  • What length of time does it take for hair to grow before it reaches the skin’s surface?*
    • 12-24 days
    • 4-13 days
    • 12-24 weeks
    • 4-13 weeks
  • You can determine the ideal eyebrow shape for your client with:*
    • 2 lines
    • A ruler
    • A stencil
    • 3 lines
  • How many equal sections is the horizontal diameter of the face dived into?*
    • 4
    • 2
    • 6
    • 3
  • ________________ is a contagious inflammation of the skin*
    • Chloasma
    • Herpes simplex
    • A keloid scar
    • Hyperpigmentation
  • What are open comedone?*
    • Acne
    • Blackheads
    • Papules
    • Whiteheads
  • An allergy test may also be called:*
    • A predisposition test
    • A reflex test
    • A dermatological test
    • A reaction test
  • What is the normal treatment time for a steamer?*
    • 15 minutes
    • 1 to 5 minutes
    • 6 to 10 minues
    • 20 minutes
  • How long does it take for the average person to grow hair one inch?*
    • 2 months
    • 1 month
    • 3 months
    • 6 months
  • Which part of the skin contains the Stratum Basale?*
    • Adipose
    • Hypodermis
    • Dermis
    • Epidermis
  • The purpose of salicylic acid peel is to*
    • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles
    • Clean the face
    • Increase circulation
    • Exfoliate
  • What is happening during the anagen stage of hair growth?*
    • The hair is shredding
    • The hair is starting to destroy itself
    • The hair is actively growing
    • The hair is disconnecting from the papilla
  • Whenever a lesion expands into the dermis or deeper than the dermis and results in a slightly raised mark, one has what is known as:*
    • A nevus
    • Acne
    • Scales
    • Scarring
  • _____________ ingredients give the product its texture*
    • Functional
    • Filler
    • Preservative
    • Active
  • Using darker colors on the inside features of the face such as the eyes,nose and lips will help keep attention away from the sides of the round shaped face and also add the appearance of:*
    • A wider jaw line
    • Height to the face
    • More roundness to the face
    • A more angular jaw line
  • Pediculosis is the term for:*
    • A skin disease caused by fungus
    • A skin disease brought by head or body lice
    • A skin disease caused by the itch mite
    • A skin disease that can only occur on the feet
  • Which skin type would you expect to have obvious pores down the center of the face, with smaller or less visible pores towards the outer edges?*
    • Combination dry
    • Combination oily
    • Oily
    • Normal
  • When alcohol is diluted below __________ percent it will lose efficiency*
    • 40
    • 80
    • 60
    • 70
  • The face is _______________ at eye level*
    • 10 inches wide
    • 5 eyes wide
    • 7 inches wide
    • 4 eyes wide
  • An increasing of fluids within the tissue is ______*
    • Oedema
    • A boil
    • A fissure
    • Herpes Zoster
  • A product containing antiseptic reaches which level of decontamination?*
    • Cleaning
    • Disinfection
    • Sterilization
    • Sanitation

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