How To Study Abroad In High School

Right here on Collegelearners, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on best high school study abroad programs, high school study abroad scholarships, cheap study abroad programs for high school students, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

How To Study Abroad In High School

4 Simple Steps to Studying Abroad in High School

High School Abroad in Florence

Perhaps an exchange student from Belgium goes to your high school, or you watched high school exchange study Levi Bernhardt’s YouTube channel. Perhaps while sitting in Spanish class you daydreamed you were in a high school in Costa Rica stuffing your face with rice and beans and listening to the sound of wild macaws in the rainforest.

Whatever is inspiring you, it’s clear study abroad is on your mind. So how do you get from your U.S. high school to having a French host father make you morning croissants and café au lait?

Following these 4 simple steps will have you living like a local in no time!

1. Figure out where you want to go (and for how long)

Greenheart Travel offers cultural immersion programs for high school students in 19 countries! Talk to your program manager about where you might fit in best with considerations such as culture and lifestyle, sports and hobbies, and language.

Reading through our past students’ experiences in various high school study abroad destinations will give you a great idea of what daily life is like.

You also get to decide how long you want to go. Greenheart Travel offers high school study abroad options for the trimester, semester and academic year – just make sure you fit the eligibility requirements (health, GPA, age, etc.) for the program you’re interested in.

Enjoying Rome and taking a quick photo at the Trevi Fountain with other exchange students.

2. Talk to your parents

Most likely your parents are very supportive of your desire to study abroad – just make sure they know all the details!

  • Show your parents the overview of the program you’re interested in, and send them the high school study abroad frequently asked questions.
  • Then, they can schedule a call with your program manager to ask any questions about costs, the program and what it will be like for you to study abroad.

3. Talk to your guidance counselors

This part could be the easiest or hardest, but remember, your Greenheart Travel program manager is here to walk you through it.

The school you attend on your Greenheart Travel program will not provide you credit for the classes you take. Upon request, the school you attend abroad can provide an evaluation of your performance and a list of classes you took.

The iconic Great Place in Belgium.

You’ll need to set up a meeting with your school and/or guidance counselor for two reasons:

  • Determine what classes you need to take while studying abroad

Then, compare these to curriculum guidelines for each destination listed on the “academic info” tab on each page. Depending on the country, your U.S. class requirements might not have exact equivalents abroad. However, speak to your program manager for information on the best ways to “match up” U.S. and study abroad classes based on skillsets acquired and specific material covered.

  • Ask your school their policy on accepting credit from schools in other countries

Maybe your school already has a policy, or maybe you’re the first one to ever study abroad! Regardless, check with them so you know how to organize the rest of your high school classes. This post gives a great overview of how to do that – and remember, don’t take no for an answer! Speak with your program manager if you have any specific curriculum questions.

4. Apply!

This step is the most fun part: you get to show Greenheart Travel who you are and why you are perfect for a study abroad program. Review the application steps to know what documents you’ll need and what to expect.

Optional: Find scholarships and do a fundraiser

Greenheart Travel offers scholarships or research online for others. Plenty of students have had success fundraising with the guides on our website and our 3-Part Fundraising Series. Raising money for your high school study abroad may seem intimidating, but the possibilities are endless! Ask local businesses for donations, write letters to friends and family or use a skill or talent like jewelry making or painting to sell a product.

If you plan ahead and have the motivation to raise funds, you never know what is possible.

high school study abroad scholarships

Study Abroad Scholarships For High School Students

study abroad high school students in class

What’s a better way to make your kids grow up smart and independent than sending them out for studies in a foreign country? In recent years, there has been an increase in students who want to study abroad. For this reason, many government organizations and private companies have come up with scholarship programs that offer financial aid to students who want to study abroad.

It has been observed that the number of students who are applying for education abroad is increasing by 50% every year. There are many reasons behind this rise in the number of high school students who want to study in another country. The major and most prominent reason is globalization. With so many multinational companies and multi-national universities, the need for a good education has increased so people are now more interested in studying in foreign countries.

In this article, we will be discussing some of the study abroad scholarships that high school students can apply for. These scholarships will help you finance your education and living expenses, wherever you want to study in the world.

Why should you consider studying abroad as a high school student?

High school students are young and energetic. It should be your goal to utilize this energy in doing something productive and useful. If you can get a scholarship for studying abroad, then we suggest that you take the opportunity and learn about new cultures and traditions. Here are a few reasons why studying abroad can be beneficial to you as a high school student:

1. You’ll be more open-minded:

You will gain an understanding of the way people from other cultures live and think. As young students, you will be able to relate better to those who aren’t like you. It will broaden your mind and make you more accepting and open-minded.

2. You can gain a lot of experience at a young age:

Traveling provides an excellent opportunity for personal growth to high school students. It will help you learn more about yourself and allow you to discover who you are when separated from your friends, family, and school.

3. Better education opportunities:

Having experience in studying in another country looks good on college applications. Many prestigious colleges prefer students with international experience in their classes. This can work in your favor when applying for colleges later on.

4. Better career options:

Learning about other cultures can open new doors for your future career. For example, today there are so many companies that are opening their offices abroad, especially in countries like China and India. If you learn about these countries now, it will help you open new doors to your career in the future.

Best scholarships for high school students to study abroad:

searching for study abroad high school scholarships

So here are a few study abroad scholarships for high school students. These scholarships are offered through several different organizations and companies that try to encourage international exposure at a very young age. So here they are:

1. Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship:

This scholarship is available for students who want to study abroad in another country. This scholarship covers tuition, room and board, textbooks, travel expenses, pocket money, and other necessary expenses that a student may have during the course of his/her study or training period.

2. The Gates Cambridge Scholarship:

This study abroad program is offered by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to high school students who want to study at the University of Cambridge in England, UK. This scholarship covers full tuition, travel expenses during your tenure as an awardee, as well as personal expenses such as health care and pocket money. This scholarship is only available for students who want to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject.

3. The Critical Languages Scholarship

This scholarship is offered by the US government to school students who are planning to study less commonly taught languages across the world in various countries, such as China, Russia, Japan, Brazil, and other countries. The scholarship was created to build a strong foundation in less commonly taught foreign languages, and the students it benefits will be able to do a lot of things with these skills.

4. Reach Cambridge University Scholarship

This scholarship is available for students who want to study at the University of Cambridge, UK. This scholarship gives out full tuition to students who come from low-income backgrounds and cannot afford their education otherwise. The Reach Programme was started by the University of Cambridge trust, with a goal to increase access to world-class teaching at the university. If you are between the age of 14-18 and want to study at the University of Cambridge, UK, then this scholarship may be for you.

5. American Foreign Service Association Scholarship

This scholarship is offered by the American Foreign Service Association to qualified students who want to major in international relations, foreign affairs, or a related field. This scholarship provides full tuition and also covers living expenses of up to $18,000 per year. You will also get a chance to meet the secretary of the USA in Washington DC! You’ll get to participate in National High School Essay Contest to showcase what you’ve learned about US foreign policy.

6. Sons of Norway Scholarship

The Sons of Norway Scholarship is available to students who are of Norwegian descent. Applicants must plan on pursuing higher education in an accredited college or university, full-time. The scholarship award generally ranges from $500-$2000 for one academic year of study. You can apply to any Norwegian Folk High School. Norway is the home of the Vikings and a visit to Norway is on the bucket list of most people.

7. Congress-Bundestag Scholarship

This scholarship is offered by the German government to students who are planning to study in Germany. The program offers full tuition, monthly allowances, travel expenses for visits home, and health insurance during your tenure as an awardee of this scholarship. Germany is known as one of the most popular destinations for international students. Their education system is very different from other education systems. So if you want to study abroad and get comfortable with a different culture, this is your chance.

8. The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program

It’s a student exchange program offered by the US State Department to American high school students. The scholarship offers full tuition, monthly allowance, all your travel expenses including your tickets to and from Germany. You will be studying in Germany for one academic year. The scholarship aims to promote mutual understanding between the US and Germany by fostering opportunities for young people of both countries.

9. Greenheart Travel Scholarship

This scholarship is available for students and graduates who want to pursue a career in ecotourism or environmental studies. You must be at least 18 years old and currently enrolled full-time at an accredited university to apply for this scholarship. Applicants should also be enrolled in a program related to tourism, such as hospitality management, environmental studies, arts, social sciences, literature, conservation, or international affairs.

10. DC College Access Program Scholarship

The DC College Access Program is offered by the District of Columbia Government to high school students who want to pursue college education in the US. The scholarship awards $10,000 for four years of study at any accredited institution of your choice. This scholarship is available for students who don’t have access to other forms of financing and will be used towards your freshman year expenses.

A few tips for a scholarship to study abroad during high school

1. Talk to your parents:

This is vital! Don’t make the mistake of thinking your parents won’t be supportive. If they are against this idea, talk to them about what you can do to change their minds or at least take their concerns into consideration. The truth is that many scholarships don’t pay for housing and other expenses. It’s important to include your parents in all the plans to make it a successful experience for you and them.

2. Work on your grades:

Merit based scholarships are offered to talented students. So it’s important that you maintain your grades by having good attendance and being involved in school activities outside the classroom. It’s always easier to get a scholarship when you already have a good academic record.

3. Do research:

Know what countries fit your needs before applying for a scholarship. For example, if you want to study in France and will need to learn the language before going there, apply for a scholarship that will cover your French classes. There are plenty of scholarships out there; all you have to do is look!

4. Apply for multiple scholarships:

This is a common-sense tip but many students still don’t do it. If there is more than one scholarship you are eligible for, apply for all of them! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from being as thorough as possible.

5. Talk to your home country’s department of education

It’s a good idea to talk to your home country’s representatives and ask them for advice on getting a scholarship. They will know which scholarships are available and may even be able to help you apply!

6. Keep track of deadlines

You don’t want to miss the deadline by just a few days and let $10,000 slip away from your hands. Check out important dates and plan ahead. It might be a good idea to set up a calendar on your phone or on the wall with all the dates that you need to remember on it. That way, there’s no room for error!

7. Talk to the scholarship provider

There is no better way to get money to study abroad than through the scholarship you’re applying for! If possible, send an email or call the people who are offering the scholarship and let them know your story. They may be touched by your situation and will give you an extra push to apply.

Final thoughts:

If you want to study abroad in high school, don’t let anything stop you. You can do it! The most important thing is to make sure your parents are on board and understand why this is a good idea for you. Don’t let a lack of money hold you back. There are scholarships out there that will pay for all the expenses related to studying abroad. Make sure to do your research and apply for as many scholarships as possible to increase your chances of succeeding. Follow these tips and you’ll be studying abroad in no time!

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