How to negotiate salary with hr manager

Do you have an upcoming job interview and are not sure how to negotiate salary with hr manager? Whether you’re selling your services to a company or trying to obtain a job, learning how to negotiate can be very beneficial.

Negotiation is all about trading using the tools of influence — when there’s no influence, you’re dealing with one person who wants one thing and another person who wants another thing. In this situation, the tradeoff will be based on what either party wants most in the negotiation regardless of ultimately fair market value. This could be used to your advantage to get more money if the other side will definitely offer less than you think is fair. Besides trade-offs, there are many other factors that influence negotiations that we’ll go over later on in this article. Learning how to negotiate salary with hr manager can help you earn more during large purchases such as buying a house or car and negotiating for a higher starting salary at a new job.

As a job candidate, you’ve already made the first step in your career: you’ve landed an interview with the company you want to work for. But before you head out of that office, there’s something else you need to do: negotiate your salary.

The way you approach this negotiation can make or break your chances of getting a great job offer—so it’s important to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to salary negotiations.

Here are some tips on how to negotiate salary with HR managers:

  1. Don’t be afraid to negotiate! You should never feel like you have to accept the first offer if it’s not what you’re looking for. It’s perfectly okay to ask for more money or benefits during this process and explain why it will be beneficial for both parties involved.
  2. Understand what other companies are offering candidates similar positions within their company as well as outside of theirs because this will give them an idea of how much they should pay someone who is willing to join their team full-time versus someone who isn’t really interested in working at all (even though they may have been interviewing elsewhere).

How to negotiate salary with hr manager


Because you’re worth it.


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Be upfront

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Be calm in the face of rejection

If you’re rejected, don’t take it personally. Hiring managers are often under extreme pressure to make the best possible decision for their company—sometimes at the expense of fair or ethical treatment of job candidates. If you’re denied employment after a negotiation, don’t dwell on what went wrong; instead, try to learn from this experience and move forward with your life.

Revisit an earlier offer

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Asking for more money and trying to negotiate a salary increase is scary, but it’s an important skill you need to master.

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In short, being prepared with a counter-offer is crucial—but there are lots of other things you can do to make sure the negotiation goes smoothly. Whether it’s through research or practice, don’t forget to solidify your understanding of the salary landscape for your role and industry so that you know what kind of offer you should be expecting in the first place. Additionally, do some research about how much you personally need to survive and thrive as an employee at this company. Finally, try not to feel intimidated by anyone else in the room—after all, they want you just as much as you want them!

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