how to learn a tape measure

Last Updated on July 26, 2023

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How to Read a Tape Measure

Understanding Tape Measures

A tape measure, also called measuring tape, is a type of flexible ruler. Tape measures are made from a variety of materials, including fiber glass, plastic and cloth. They are among the most common measuring tools used today.

Generally speaking, the term “tape measure” refers to a roll-up, self-retracting style tape measure that’s designed for carpentry. The actual tape potion of the measure, called the ‘ribbon,’ is usually constructed from a stiff metallic material that can stiffen when needed but can also roll up for simple use and storage.  However, the term covers all types of tape measures – even tailor’s tape.

The modern idea of tape measures originated in tailoring with cloth tape used to alter or fix clothing. It wasn’t until carpenters adopted the Farrand Rapid Rule, patented by Hiram Farrand, that the tape measure became a staple of common usage. Ferrand’s design was later sold to Stanley Works.

Tape measures come in both Imperial Units (inches and feet) and metric (centimeters and meters), featuring unit breakdowns for further accuracy. Specialized versions can include markings that cover truss lengths for roofing and stud intervals for housing.

The guides below for how to read a tape measure and how to measure on a tape measure assume Imperial (American) units for the explanations.

How to read a tape measureHow to Read a Tape Measure

  1. Find/read the markings. On a standard tape measure, the biggest marking is the inch mark (which generally has the biggest number, if it has them). 
  2. As the increments decrease, so does the length of the mark. For example, ½” has a bigger mark than ¼” which has a bigger mark than ⅛”, and so on.
    tape measure inch marking
  3. Read 1 inch. The space from the largest mark to another is 1 inch.
    tape measure one inch
  4. Read one-half inch. Same principle as reading one inch, only this time the space between the second-biggest mark and the biggest is read. You can think of a half-inch mark as half way between a full inch.
    read tape measure half inch
  5. The remaining markings follow a similar pattern. ¼” is half of ½”. ⅛” is half of ¼”. Most tape measure markings go as small as 116;”. This tape divides one more time, down to 132“.

30 foot tape measure from Johnson LevelHow to Measure Using a Tape Measure

  1. Measure a length. Put the end of the measure at one end of the item or space you want to measure. When the length stops, take a reading on the tape measure.
  2. Find the length. In order to determine the length, you must add the lengths between inches together. For example, the image below has a measurement that goes beyond the space between two inch marks (that is, one full inch). In order to find the length, add the length of the inch (1) with the space between the second inch mark and the third. In this case, you’d add 1 inch + 1/4 inch to get 1¼ inch, or “one and a quarter inches.
    1 and 1/4 inches on tape measure
  3. For a length less than 1 inch, simply read off the tape measure the length. If the increments of an inch are not labeled, determine the marking’s increment and add together the respective fractions.
  4. As an example, the image below shows a length that goes from the inch mark to an unlabeled marking. We know it’s more than 3/4 of an inch and less than one full inch. The marking is half way between 3/4 (6/8) and 7/8. Therefore, the marking is half of 1/8, or 1/16. Taking this knowledge, you simply add the known fractions to find the length. Convert 3/4 to 12/16 for common denominators and add 12/16 + 1/16 to get 13/16 – that’s your length.
    Measurement with tape measure

Tape Measure Test

Put your newfound skills to the test! What is the measurement over the range marked by the red lines? Use every technique at your disposal to come up with the answer as quickly as you can.

How to read a tape measure example 1

Answer: 1 ⅛”

Let’s start simple. The distance from the 2″ to 3″ marker is, of course, 1″. From the inch mark to the ⅛” mark is ⅛”. 1″ + ⅛” = 1 ⅛”.

How to read a tape measure example 2


A little more difficult. Break it down into simpler parts. Think of this as what’s halfway between 58” and 34“? Find the lowest common denominator: 58” and 68“. To find the middle of these two numbers, multiply the denominator by 2. 1016” and 1216“. Halfway between these two numbers? 1116“. 

How to read a tape measure example 3


This measurement is very precise. You know the smallest marks denote 132“. Find the closest number and put it in terms of 32nds. ½” = 1632“. 132” less than that = 1532“.

How to read a tape measure quiz

What is the easiest way to read a tape measure?

How do you read a tape measure number?

Put simply 1 = 1″, 2 = 2″ and so on. Between those numbers are a series of shorter marks which represent fractions of an inch. The mark directly in the middle of the inch denotes a measurment of 1/2″ whilst the markings either side of it represent measurements of 1/4″ and 3/4″ respectively.

What is the little numbers in a tape measure?

If you have a metric tape measure, the numbers should be read like this: The large, numbered markings are centimeters. There is a smaller marking exactly halfway between the centimeters for ease of reading. The smallest markings are millimeters, or one tenth of a centimeter.

What is 1/8 on a tape measure?

The 1/8-inch mark is located between any two 1/4-inch marks. Most work tends to stop at this point, though in some cases you will need to measure down to the 1/16-inch mark. The 1/16-inch mark is the absolute shortest line on the tape measure.

googlesyndication.comHow do you read a tape measure foot?

How do we read and write measurements?


  1. Find/read the markings. On a standard tape measure, the biggest marking is the inch mark (which generally has the biggest number, if it has them).
  2. As the increments decrease, so does the length of the mark. …
  3. Read 1 inch. …
  4. Read one-half inch. …
  5. The remaining markings follow a similar pattern.

What are the markings on a measuring tape?

How do you read 3/32 on a tape measure?

Where is the 3/8 mark on a tape measure?

Inch Fraction, Decimal and Millimeter Equivalents


•Sep 23, 2021

What do the red numbers mean on a tape measure?

16-inch-As you extend the tape measure, you’ll probably see the numbers 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96 and so forth in red. The red indicates 16-inch-on-center spacing. This is a common framing spacing for wall studs, floor joists and common roof rafters.

How do you read the bottom of a tape measure?

What side is mm on a tape measure?

Look at the big mark nearest to the left of the end of the line. That will give you a number in whole centimeters. Count how many smaller marks there are between the big mark to the left and the end of your line. Each small mark is one millimeter.

What are the black numbers on a tape measure?

Tape measures often use small, black diamond or triangle shapes called black truss marks. They indicate truss layouts of every 19 3/16 inches. This spacing is often used by some engineered joist manufacturers. There are 5 of these marks for every 8 feet.

How many 16th are in an inch?

On a ruler there are 16 sixteenths in an inch.

What does the diamond symbol mean on a tape measure?

The black diamonds which appear every 19 3/16” on metal tape measures are for spacing I-beam “timbers.” Several wood-product manufacturers offer I-beam “timbers” as a substitute for solid lumber floor joists. The diamond marks on tape rule blades are for spacing these engineered floor joists in new construction.

What are the lines between inches on a measuring tape?

You will find 16 little lines in between the inch increments. The lines are different sizes – the smaller the line, the smaller the measurement. For instance, the inch marks are the largest lines and the sixteenths of an inch are the smallest. Inches are generally the easiest measurement to read on a tape measure.

How do you read a sixteenth ruler?

How much is a 32nd of an inch?

How do you read lines on a ruler?

The longer the line on the surface of the ruler, the bigger the measurement is. Ranging from 1 inch to 1/16 of an inch, the lines decrease in size as the unit of measurement does. Make sure you read the ruler from left to right. If you are measuring something, align it with the left side of the zero mark on the ruler.

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