Becoming Thane of Markarth is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps.
- Become a citizen of Skyrim by completing the quest “The Forsworn Conspiracy.”
- Speak with Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone to start the quest “Under New Management.” She will ask you to help her reclaim her hold from the Forsworn, who have taken over. You can do this by killing them in combat or convincing them to leave through intimidation or bribery.
- Speak with Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone again after completing this mission to become Thane of Markarth!
How To Become Thane Of Markarth
In Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Dragonborn can become the Thane of Markarth, Here is how to do just that.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game of many features. One of the said features is the ability for players to rise to the rank of pseudo-royalty, in the form of becoming thane in each of the nation’s nine holds.
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However, the path to thanehood is not a monolith. Just as each hold of Skyrim is different, so too is the path to becoming their thanes. The hold of the Reach and its capital city of Markarth are no different in this area. And so, here is a small guide on how, exactly, to become a Thane of Markarth.
6 To War, Or Not To War
Skyrim is undergoing a Civil War between the Empire loyalists and Stormcloak rebels, and it’s seeped into every facet of Nordic life, politics included. Indeed, the path to thanehood differs, depending on which side players choose. Markarth is, after all, staunchly amid Empire-controlled Skyrim.
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Should players side with the Empire, the requirements to become thane of the region vastly differ from the Stormcloaks. After all, if players side with the latter faction, it means control of the city will be yielded to a new, Stormcloak-loyal Jarl. And in lieu of the normal requirements to become thane, the act of taking the Reach and winning the war for the rebels will grant immediate access to the title. No other quests needed, nor owning property, nor helping citizens. Just win an entire war. Simple enough, right?
5 Forsworn Massacre
Let’s say, though, players side with the Empire, or (more than likely) pursue the title without partaking in Civil War, or swapping the city during Season Unending. What, exactly, does this path to thanehood hold? Well, for starters, Jarl Igmund will require that players go forth and systemically slaughter groups of Forsworn, the native subculture and former rulers of the Reach. While seemingly a simple enough task, be warned: the Forsworn are adept warriors in melee, ranged, and magical attacks of all sorts, and often make use of alliances with Hagravens and other similar beasts. They’re fierce warriors, and not meant to be taken lightly.
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Now, exactly how many camps of these peoples that players will have to annihilate varies. At the very least, the next step to becoming thane is locked behind a level barrier. Players under level 20 may have to grind and hack and slash through a few camps of these Reach natives before they can continue further on the path to thane. But even once upon reaching that level, there’s no guarantee that the next step to thanehood will immediately unlock. Players may luck out, and only have to kill one camp of these enemies. Or, maybe they’ll have to kill countless swathes. But if patience wins out, then the thanehood will still remain in their grasps.
4 Dungeon Delving And Item Finding
But what, exactly, is locked behind that level 20 barrier? A simple quest: to find an item, Hrolfdir’s Shield, which has been lost in some radiantly spawned dungeon (which will be, more likely than not, crawling with more Forsworn). Annoying as it may be to have thanehood locked behind another dungeon crawling quest, this shield has some sentimentality to it, in that it belonged to the former Jarl and father of Jarl Igmund, Markarth’s current leader.
It adds a bit of character to him…not that it’ll make hacking through yet another Forsworn camp any more fun, or easier, for that matter.
3 Become A Landowner
As is the usual tradition in the path to thanehood, you need a house. Landownership is, after all, a sign of wealth and high class, which the title of thane is all about. Plus, having property in the hold ties you closer to the region, if for nothing more than your personal gains, at the very least.
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Fortunately for players, Markarth has a nice piece of property for sale, within its stony walls: Vlindrel Hall. This is one of the relatively cheaper homes to buy, only costing an initial 8000 gold (roughly 12,000 if all upgrades/decorations are included, but as just buying the house is all that’s needed to count towards thane, that can be dealt with later). Hopefully, after massacring all those Forsworn, you’ll have that kind of money easily, bringing you one step closer to becoming Thane of Markarth and all the Reach.
2 A Model Citizen
You butchered scores of Forsworn. You found an old shield. You have a house. What’s left to do, in order to become thane? Help people, of course! Specifically, helping any citizen of the Reach with their many miscellaneous quests will guarantee you the title. Only five people are specifically needed, and there’s a variety of ways to achieve this help. And like many other holds, players need not set foot back outside Markarth’s gates to complete these last few quests, as there are enough characters within the city that have these quests.
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The easiest ones of these to complete are to give alcohol to the town’s two drunkards, Degaine and Cosnach. Fighting the latter, as well as giving alms to the former, can also count as two separate help quests, towards this goal. There are also other small tasks around the city that are equally easy to complete, like delivering a ring from Kerah to Calcelmo, delivering special dog food to Voada from Banning, talking to Mulush for Omluag, and plenty more.
1 Complete Harder Tasks
Of course, for the more ambitious players, there are just as many arduous tasks to complete, both inside and outside Markarth’s walls. Completing Muiri’s Dark Brotherhood contract counts, as does investigating the Hall of the Dead, which will, in turn, set off the Daedric Quest, “The Taste of Death.” There’s also “The Lost Expedition,” which can be set off by completing “Nimhe, the Poisoned One” for Calcelmo.
Regardless of the path chosen, ultimately, the journey still ends the same way. Once five citizens are helped, Igmund will dub you thane, bequeathing you the Blade of the Reach – a radiant weapon which scales in type, material, and enchantment to the player’s level – and unlocking Argis the Bulwark as a housecarl, alongside the many other perks that the title holds. A fitting reward? That’s for you to find out, and decide.