How To Become Nyc Teacher

How To Become a Teacher in New York City

Becoming a teacher in New York City is a rewarding experience, but it does come with its own challenges. Here are some tips for becoming a teacher in the Big Apple.

  1. Earn your degree from an accredited college or university. You will need to have at least an undergraduate degree and a minor in education to be eligible for certification as a teacher. This can be earned through online programs if you are unable to attend classes on campus.
  2. Complete an internship program with a local school system or non-profit organization that works with youth such as Big Brothers Big Sisters or Girl Scouts of America. These organizations offer tuition-free internships that provide hands-on experience working with young people while also giving potential teachers valuable insight into what they will be doing once they enter the classroom themselves!
  3. Take the required exam to obtain your certificate/licensure/permit! There is more than one way to become certified depending on where you live so make sure you do your research before deciding which path is right for you!

How To Become Nyc Teacher

Teaching in New York City can be a challenging and rewarding career path. Public school teachers in New York City are employed by the New York City Department of Education–the largest public school district in the country with over one million students and 75,000 teachers in 1,800 schools.1 Although the application process for teaching jobs in NYC is generally competitive, there are many opportunities available, especially if you teach a high-demand subject, such as science, math, or languages, or are interested in teaching in a high-needs area of the city. You will need teaching certification to work in the public school system, although this certification is not necessarily required in private and charter schools in New York City. Continue reading to learn more about how to become a teacher in New York City.

New York City Teacher Certification Requirements

If you have a bachelor’s degree and completed teacher preparation from a recognized New York state program or a similar program in another state, you can apply for a traditional certificate. New teachers will be issued an Initial Certificate, while experienced teachers may be eligible for the Professional Certificate. Take a look at our New York certification page for more information.

If you did not complete teacher preparation as part of your bachelor’s degree program, you can complete this requirement while you teach through a New York alternative certification program. These types of certificates include the Transitional A certificate for career and technical education teachers with experience but no degree or the Transitional B certificate for teaching fellows who are eligible to earn the certificate while they teach through programs such as the New York Teaching Collaborative, which places teachers in the highest-need schools. Our New York alternative certification page has more information about these options.

New York City School District Steps for Becoming a Teacher

To work as a teacher or substitute teacher in New York City, you will need to have a teaching certificate issued by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) or have a bachelor’s degree and complete an alternative program that allows you to earn the certificate while you work, such as the New York City Teaching Fellows program. There are several programs offered to earn this certificate depending on your prior education and experience. You can learn more about these statewide requirements in the New York certification section below. Once you have obtained the NYSED teaching certificate, follow the steps below to look for New York City teaching jobs.

Step 1: Complete your application.

You must first complete the New York City Department of Education Online Teacher Application. The application includes employment and educational history, professional references, and essay questions. Your application must be approved before you can search for and apply to teaching jobs in New York City.

Step 2: Contact schools directly to apply for open jobs.

If your application is accepted, you will be eligible to apply for open jobs using the New Teacher Finder tool on the application website, applying to schools directly, or attending recruitment events. Schools in New York City make hiring decisions individually; therefore, you will need to contact each school independently to apply for open jobs. Schools may also contact you and invite you to attend job fairs or interviews using the online portal system.

Step 3: Attend an interview.

Depending on the school, you will likely be asked to attend at least one in-person interview to determine your suitability for the position. Often, prospective teachers will be asked to conduct a classroom experience in front of a panel of peers based on a prepared lesson plan. Participants will evaluate the lesson plan and the delivery of the lesson to determine whether a candidate is a good fit for that school. Further details regarding the interview process will be provided by each individual school if they choose to proceed with your application.

Step 4: Complete the hiring process.

If you receive a job offer, you will likely need to complete administrative requirements, such as setting up your state email address and payroll deposits. Any other specific details will be communicated to you by the school.

Contact Information

New York City Department of Education

8 Spruce St
New York, NY 10038
(212) 233-2324

How to Become a Substitute Teacher with the New York City School District

To become a substitute teacher, the principal of the school where you wish to work must nominate you to the New York City Department of Education via an online application; therefore, you will need to contact the school directly to express your interest. To become a substitute teacher in NYC, you need to have a bachelor’s degree, English proficiency, and the legal ability to work in the US and will be asked to fill out an online application form. If you already have a regular teaching certificate, you may be issued an additional Per Diem Teaching Certificate that allows you to work as a substitute teacher in any school in the state.

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