There are many ways to become more witty.
First, you need to be able to recognize a witty remark when you hear it. Witty remarks often come in the form of a question or an answer that seems like it’s been on your mind for a long time—but only now have you found someone who can answer it. For example: “If you’re going to steal my paperclips, at least steal them from my desk.”
Second, practice being witty yourself by making jokes and seeing if people laugh at them. If they don’t, try again with something else until you find something that works for you. Once you’ve figured out what makes people laugh, try repeating those jokes as often as possible until everyone knows them!
How To Become More Witty
Are you tired of having boring conversations?
If so, I want to share with you my best tips on how to be witty.
This is the exact same process that I’ve used to think quickly on my feet and have good comebacks.
Learning how to be quick-witted will make all your interactions way more fun.
You’ll be able to make anybody laugh and build rapport with others very quickly.
That being said, here are 12 actionable tips that you can implement right away.
Alright, let’s get into it.
What You’ll Learn In This Post
- 1. Don’t Pressure Yourself
- 2. Acquire More Knowledge
- 3. Create Unexpected Connections
- 4. Do Your Homework
- 5. Be In The Moment
- 6. Appear More Friendly
- 7. Believe In Yourself
- 8. Don’t Put People Down
- 9. Remember Good Jokes
- 10. Take More Risks
- 11. Learn From Funny People
- 12. Know When To Stop
1. Don’t Pressure Yourself
It’s really hard to be clever in conversation when you feel tense.
If you’re wondering how to be witty and quick, stop pressuring yourself to make anything happen.
Relax and let loose so you can allow your personality to shine through.
Ironically, the less you care, the more personable you’ll appear to be.
The key here is to stop caring so much and just focus on expressing yourself.
At the end of the day, you’re just having conversations with people.
Some will like you, some won’t and that’s okay.
2. Acquire More Knowledge
Developing your wit comes down to knowing a little bit about a lot of things.
I hate to break it to you but if all you do is go to work, go home and play video games, that’s just not going to cut it.
Remember, a boring life leads to boring conversations.
If you want to figure out how to be witty and clever, feed your mind with novel information all the time.
I encourage you to read good books, talk to people you normally wouldn’t, and try new hobbies.
You can stay up to date with trending topics as well.
Visit reputable news websites and follow their social media accounts.
By introducing variety in your life and acquiring more knowledge, you’ll expand your perspective.
You’ll be able to relate to different kinds of people.
You’ll have something to say on different subjects as well.
If you’re wondering how to not be boring to talk to, educating yourself is one of the best ways to do it.
3. Create Unexpected Connections
The element of surprise is a big part of learning to be funny.
Typically, people find it amusing when you say something that’s unexpected.
If you want to know how to be witty and quick, you have to find connections with subjects that are seemingly unrelated.
To help you get started, I want to give you an exercise that I teach to our clients in our social skills coaching program.
They’ve seen great results with it so you know this stuff works.
What you’ll want to do is to observe the things around you.
And then ask yourself what else it reminds you of.
Set a timer for yourself and jot down as many ideas as you can.
For example, a chair makes me think of a lion tamer, a giraffe, and professional wrestlers.
Do you see how that works?
The more you do this, the more you train yourself to think quickly on your feet.
My advice is for you to be playful, use your imagination, and get creative.
I would also encourage you to capture good ideas that come to you randomly.
This will give you more information to work with when you come up with your own routines.
By doing these things, you’ll be able to create unexpected associations much easier.
This will help you make puns and respond in creative ways during your interactions.
4. Do Your Homework
If you’re wondering how to be witty and funny, you have to prepare ahead of time.
This will prevent you from freezing up mentally especially when feel pressured and overwhelmed.
What you’ll want to do is to make a list of situations that you find yourself in on a regular basis.
Identify the most common topics that tend to come up in your personal and professional life.
Also, think of events in the past where you wanted to say something clever but you weren’t able to.
And then, take the time to brainstorm some interesting responses and fun stories to share in advance.
Don’t filter yourself and just write down the first thing that comes to mind.
I’m not going to lie, this is going to be challenging at first.
But the hard work that you put in now will pay off during your next interaction.
The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll be bantering with anybody.
5. Be In The Moment
It’s hard to come up with the right things to say if you’re preoccupied with your own thoughts.
Remember, anxiety happens when you’re focused on things that you can’t control.
That’s why you need to stop overthinking social interactions.
Once you’ve taken the time to come up with good comebacks, you just have to let things go after that.
Catch yourself when you’re ruminating and remind yourself that you only have the present moment.
In order to get out of your head, slow down your breathing.
And then, pay attention to what’s happening around you.
By doing so, you’ll feel less nervous and you’ll calm yourself down.
When you’re relaxed and in the moment, you’ll be able to come up with good comebacks much easier.
6. Appear More Friendly
If you want to learn how to be witty in conversation, you also have to work on your delivery.
Keep in mind that the majority of your communication is non-verbal.
It’s not just what you say but how you say it matters too.
In order to appear more friendly, remember to have an open body language.
Make eye contact, keep your arms to your side, and have a genuine smile on your face.
Also, try to maintain a calm town when you speak.
People need to know that you’re just joking around and not trying to be offensive.
If you’re willing to, I recommend you record yourself while rehearsing your stories.
That way, you can observe your body language and hear how you sound.
This will help you make the necessary adjustments before you go out and socialize.
7. Believe In Yourself
Most people who struggle socially don’t speak up much.
They often assume that what they have to say isn’t good enough that’s why they just keep to themselves.
Remember, you can have the best comebacks ever.
But if you don’t say anything, then who’s going to know?
That’s why you need to be able to validate yourself and not seek approval from others.
If you’re wondering how to raise your self-esteem, focus on your positive traits and previous accomplishments.
If you do this long enough, you’ll improve the way you see yourself.
In fact, this is one of the best confidence-building exercises that I know.
The higher your self-esteem is, the more likely you are to say what’s on your mind.
8. Don’t Put People Down
Personally, I believe in karma.
You’ll get back exactly whatever you put out there.
That being said, use your sense of humor to make whoever you’re with feel good around you.
Just because something gets a laugh doesn’t mean you make fun of others.
That’s why you have to take the time to read the crowd.
If you feel unsure about your joke, put yourself in another person’s situation.
Would like to be on the receiving end of the comment that you’re about to make?
If not, then it’s best not to say it.
This is where making small talk comes into play.
You’ll want to exchange polite pleasantries first to gather information.
This will help you understand whoever you’re talking to especially if you just met them.
That way, you can navigate the conversation accordingly.
If you want to succeed socially and build meaningful relationships, treat people the way you also want to be treated.
Always be respectful and have positive intentions.
9. Remember Good Jokes
Figuring out how to be witty and clever will require you to do some experimentation.
When you’re starting out, just get a feel for how people respond to your stories.
Pay attention to what gets a good reaction and what doesn’t.
When something gets a laugh, take note of that.
Analyze what was good about that joke and make sure you do it again.
The key here is to be patient and persistent.
You just have to keep going and not give up.
After a while, you’ll have a lot of material that you can use that’s guaranteed to get an epic reaction.
10. Take More Risks
In order to learn how to be witty and quick, you need to be courageous.
You have to be willing to say and do things that most people won’t.
That’s why you have to stop playing it safe and take more risks.
As mentioned before, not all your jokes are going to be funny when you’re just starting out.
And there’s nothing worse than someone trying to save a bad story.
If you feel like you’re in a middle of a joke that’s not going well, just acknowledge it and end it.
You might feel down on yourself when embarrassing moments like this happen.
If that’s the case, just realize that nobody is paying as much attention to you as you might assume.
I can assure you that most people would’ve forgotten you by the time they get home.
When you make a mistake, don’t make a big deal out of it.
Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that you’re doing the best you could with what you know.
Once you’ve learned your lesson, just brush it off and move on.
11. Learn From Funny People
As mentioned before, you can figure out how to be quick-witted if you’re willing to put in the work.
This is especially true if you don’t consider yourself a naturally clever person.
Remember, nobody is good at anything when they’re just starting out.
That’s why you can’t expect yourself to be able to banter well right away.
To help you improve your sense of humor faster, take the time to learn from funny people.
As the saying goes, success leaves clues and all you have to do is follow them.
That being said, I encourage you to watch more comedy shows and stand-up routines.
Pay attention to the timing and delivery of the joke.
Use that as inspiration when you put together your own material.
12. Know When To Stop
Figuring out how to banter is one of the best skills you can ever learn.
When you know how to make people laugh, you become a source of positive emotions.
Just make sure you don’t overdo it.
This actually reminds me of a friend who’s always trying to make jokes.
Personally, I think he’s really funny.
But it gets to a point where it becomes too much and I just can’t take him seriously.
At the end of the day, you want to be able to have meaningful interactions with others.
If you don’t know when to stop making jokes, things might backfire on you.
Instead of people liking you, they might find you annoying.
Like I said earlier, anticipate that you’re going to have a few awkward moments.
Make sure you plan for mistakes to happen so it doesn’t catch you off guard.
I would also recommend you take the time to reflect when you get home from any gathering.
Figure out what you did well and what you could’ve done better.
That way, you can make improvements more strategically.
Over time, you’ll acquire enough positive reference experiences and you’ll begin to trust yourself more.
You’ll be able to calibrate the way you banter.
As a result, you’ll become more fun to hang out with and people will look forward to seeing you again.
If you’re wondering how to be witty, I just shared with you my best tips.
Feel free to go through them again and implement them as much as you can.
If you are shy and technically skilled and you want to know how to approach and talk to anybody, remember to download your free social confidence cheat sheet right away.
If you’re you’re tired of struggling socially and you want to learn more about our social skills coaching program, fill out an application today and let’s connect.