How To Become Mensa Member

Becoming a Mensa member is simple and straightforward, but you must meet certain requirements.

To become a Mensa member, you must have an IQ in the top 2% of the population. In addition to having an extremely high IQ, you also need to be able to pass a series of tests that measure various aspects of your personality and cognitive abilities. These tests include:

-A verbal test where you are asked to define words from several categories (ex: “What does ‘papaya’ mean?”)

-A logical reasoning test where you are asked to spot patterns and make inferences (ex: “If x = y + 3, what is the value of x?”)

-A spatial reasoning test where you are asked to arrange shapes in different ways (ex: “How would you arrange these blocks so that they create the largest square?”)

These tests are administered by specially trained professionals who will determine whether or not your score qualifies you for Mensa membership. If it does qualify you for membership, then they will submit your application form and scores to the organization’s headquarters in Chicago, IL. If all goes well there, then they’ll send out an invitation for you to attend an interview with other members from around your area and state/

How To Become Mensa Member

Mensa is a high IQ society that is open to all people who are able to prove that they are in the top two percentile of accepted intelligence tests. Some of these tests include the SAT, ACT, GRE, and LSAT.[1] Lacking these, you will need to take the supervised IQ test offered by Mensa International at an approved testing site. To pass this test and join the ranks of the intelligensia, you’ll need to give yourself every advantage. Study, get plenty of rest, and make use of test taking techniques to give yourself the best chance of becoming a Mensan possible

Method1Submitting Old Tests

  1. 1Determine whether your old test qualifies. Various intelligence tests administered throughout your schooling are acceptable to Mensa as proof of your superior intelligence. Many supervised intelligence tests are accepted by Mensa, however, each document must be individually assessed by a Mensa psychologist.[2] A short list of accepted tests include:
    • ACT (composite)
    • GRE
    • LSAT
    • PSAT
    • Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
    • Stanford Binet[3] [4]
  2. 2Include necessary documentation for school administered tests. You’ll have to get a letter from your school on school letterhead that’s been signed by an approved representative to prove that your test was properly administered. If your test was administered by a psychologist, have her sign the original or a notarized copy of your reported test results.
    • A school administrator can sign in place of a school psychologist, if necessary.
    • An official transcript reflecting your test score that has your school’s seal stamped on it or a transcript enclosed inside an school envelope is also acceptable.[5]
  3. 3Follow Mensa guidelines for privately administered tests. These tests should have been administered by an appropriate proctor, in most cases a psychologist, and will require that professional’s documentation on official letterhead. In addition to this, you will be expected to include documents containing:
    • Your name
    • The testing date
    • The full range of the IQ scale
    • The percentile you were ranked at
    • The original signature of the proctoring psychologist
    • The license number of the psychologist
  4. 4Fill out an application and fee payments. Along with your testing evidence you’ll also send an application and payment for your application fee. This fee is a generally a $40, one-time, nonrefundable payment, though sometimes this fee is waived for promotional reasons.[6] [7]
  5. 5Send your documents to Mensa for evaluation. You might be able to instruct your school or psychologist to send your test results directly to Mensa for evaluation. Other testing agencies might only send your test results directly to you to protect your privacy. If this is the case for your test results, send the results unopened to the following address:American Mensa, Ltd.
    Attn: Testing and Admissions Manager
    1229 Corporate Drive West
    Arlington TX 76006-6103
    • Original documents you want returned should be sent with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
    • Non-original documents must be notarized as copies of the original document.
  6. 6Wait patiently to hear if your test results were accepted. Depending on your evidence, the time of year you send your evidence in, and other factors, your evaluation will take between two and four weeks. If five weeks pass without notification, you should contact the testing and admissions department through the Mensa website.

Method2Studying for the Test

  1. 1Sign up in advance. You’ll want to give yourself ample time to prepare for the test, so when signing up for your Mensa assessment, choose a date that meets your study needs. Comparable academic tests, like the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), generally takes well-studied students one month of study to adequately prepare, but can require as many as six months for those who are out of practice with the material or test taking.[8]
  2. 2Take the practice test and do the online evaluation. Practice tests are available in many countries, and these will inform you of the main areas the actual test will target.[9] Take note of these areas so that you can direct your studies later more effectively. You can also get a general evaluation of how well you will do by taking the online Mensa evaluation at:
    • NOTE: in many countries, practice testing is available both online and in print. This will, however, depend on your home country, and should be further investigated at the Mensa international homepage.[10]
  3. 3Break up your study times. You can improve your long term recall and hopefully your Mensa test score by taking short breaks between periods of intensive study.[11] Try to spend about 20 minutes focused on the thing you are studying and then allow your mind to rest for 5 – 10 minutes. During your break you might:
  4. 4Investigate test test trends. The first portion of the test, the Wonderlic, will require you to answer 50 questions in 12 minutes or less. The second test, the Mensa Admission Test, has multiple sections totaling in over 100 questions. Knowing how long you have on each section and what to expect will prevent you from wasting precious seconds puzzling out directions or reading unnecessary information. Generally, your test will include:
    • Determining whether the definition of two words is similar, contradictory, or unrelated.
    • Word scrambles, where you have to make a sentence from words provided and state whether it is true or false.
    • Identifying the word in a set that doesn’t belong.
    • Geometric patterns.[12] [13]
  5. 5Prioritize your worst subjects when studying. If, after the practice test and Mensa workout, you notice that your mathematics scores are solid but your linguistic skills wanting, you should arrange your study schedule to buff up your weak subjects.[14] As an example, you might study for an hour and a half every morning, spending your time accordingly:
    • First round of study (20 minutes): language practice
    • 10 minute break
    • Second round (20 minutes): language practice continued
    • 5 minute break
    • Third round (10 minute): math review
    • 5 minute break
    • Fourth round (20 minutes): science review
  6. 6Start studying sooner than later. Cramming for a test last minute can contribute to your overall anxiety which, in turn, can lead to less restful sleep. If you plan on reviewing your trouble areas the night before your test, be sure you get plenty of sleep, as sleep deprivation will impeded your learning.[15]
  7. 7Use mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices are word associations, rhymes, or initialisms/acronyms that help you to remember something.[16] An example of this that you may have learned is the name “Roy G Biv,” which stands for the color spectrum: Red orange yellow Green Blue indigo violet.

Method3Readying Your Body

  1. 1Get plenty of rest. Sleep deprivation has many negative health effects, and could be the deciding factor in whether or not you pass your test. Sleep deprivation can hurt your ability to concentrate, reason, solve problems, and can even make you more forgetful than usual.[17] [18]
  2. 2Plan a pre-exam routine. Having a routine can make the day of your test feel like any other, which can help reduce test anxiety and stress. Be consistent with your routine and eventually your routine will become a comforting series of events.
    • Your routine shouldn’t be shorter than 10 minutes, but shouldn’t be too much longer than 30 minutes.
    • You can make a mental checklist of things you need part of your routine, which will help you remember important items on the day of your test.[19]
  3. 3Eat a healthy meal before your test. Hunger can make you distracted, which can hurt your performance on the test.[20] Protein rich foods, like eggs, nuts, yogurt, and cheese, can improve your mental sharpness. Where carbs are concerned, stick to complex carbs, like whole grain products, brown rice, and whole rye to name a few. These will keep your glucose levels stable throughout the day and help you do your best on the test.[21]
  4. 4Eat in moderation. Eating too much can leave you feeling drowsy or lethargic, both physically and mentally. This can lead to lower test scores than you would expect. To prevent yourself from overeating, you might want to plan out several healthy snack leading up to your test, like some fruit, whole grain toast, and eggs for breakfast, followed by a granola bar snack an hour before your noontime test.
  5. 5Dress comfortably. An itchy tag or constricting waist band might also distract you while test taking. Remember, this test is about your mental ability, not your fashion ability. Choose clothing that breathes well and fits comfortably.
    • You may want to dress in layers in case your testing location has poor temperature control. Even in the summer, sub-arctic AC temps can lead to discomfort and lower scores.
  6. 6Exercise before your test. Be careful not to overdo it! Fatigue can hurt your test taking abilities, but light exercise before your test can work out jitters and improve the flow of oxygen to your brain. If you don’t exercise regularly, some simple exercise you can do before your Mensa test might include:

Method4Taking the Test

  1. 1Arrive early. Tests are anxiety inducing enough, you don’t want to add more to yourself by running behind on the day your test is scheduled. Running into the test room, your heart and mind racing, will likely put you in a less than optimal mental state for test taking.
    • Visit your testing location prior to the day of your test to squash any pesky worries that you won’t be able to find it the day of.
  2. 2Skip questions when necessary. Though Mensa proctors will tell you that test questions get harder as your progress through the assessment and not to skip ahead, wasting unnecessary time on a question you don’t know will make it difficult for you to answer later questions you do know.[22]
  3. 3Chew gum. Chewing gum raises alertness, speeds your reaction times, and allows you to remember new information at a quicker rate.[23] Especially if you have difficult staying awake during a test, you should consider walking into your test already chewing a stick of gum.
  4. 4Choose peppermint flavor for improved performance. Peppermint can invigorate your mind, sharpen your attention span, and improve your memory.[24] Even if you hate peppermint candy, you can make use of this cognitive enhancer by putting a dab of peppermint essential oil on your wrist or shirt sleeve. That way you can take a whiff periodically to enjoy its benefits.[25]
  5. 5Guard your minutes by keeping track of time. One of the most challenging aspects of the Mensa test is the short time limit in which you will be expected to complete it. Keep an eye on the clock to keep yourself on task, and be quick to cut your losses and move on if any one section is taking too long.
  6. 6Await your test. Your test results will be sent to you two to three weeks following your test, but this time may take longer depending on the number of applicants and other factors.[26] Test results cannot be conveyed over the phone, but if you write a simple request for results to be sent to you via fax or email, including your name, email, and signature, Mensa shall do so when finished scoring your test. These requests should be sent to:
    Admissions Department
    American Mensa, Ltd.
    1229 Corporate Dr W
    Arlington TX 76006-6103[27]

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