So here’s a real question I get asked a lot: How much does it cost to become a licensed insurance agent? There are many variables to consider here, but the key things we should look at here is the cost of the required licensing exam and any other costs involved with becoming licensed. We also should consider whether or not attending an insurance school or training program is necessary.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on how much does it cost to become a licensed insurance agent, how long does it take to become a licensed insurance agent. Read on to learn more.We at collegelearners .com have all the information that you need about athabasca university masters of counselling tuition. Read on to learn more.
How Much Does it Cost to Become an Insurance Agent?
The Medicare industry is booming. With over 10,000 individuals turning 65 each day, and with that number expected to double in the next several decades it’s safe to say the Medicare sales industry is here for the long haul. A career in insurance sales can be both lucrative and rewarding as you are connecting individuals with an essential need and building relationships along the way. So now that we’ve sold you on a career in insurance sales, you’re probably wondering how much does it cost to become an insurance agent? Keep reading to find out the steps and costs associated with becoming an insurance agent.
Steps and Costs to becoming an Independent Insurance Agent for Medicare
1. Get Health Insurance License
Getting a health insurance license is the first step to becoming an independent health insurance agent. Depending on the state you apply in, you may be required to complete an insurance education course. Courses can vary in price and content. Even if your state doesn’t require an education course most individuals still choose to take a course to prepare for the exam.
Once you have completed a course or prepared for the exam, you will need to take and pass the insurance license exam. Prices for the exam vary by state but typically run between $40-$150. Once the test is completed the next step is to apply for your insurance license. Each state has its own license application process. Generally, there is an application fee ranging from $30-$200 and a background check that could run around $30.
It is also important to note that some insurance carriers require agents to have a life insurance license as well. Regardless of the requirement, many agents choose to get both licenses at the same time so they are able to provide their clients with other insurance products later down the road.
Example of Estimated Cost for Health & Life Insurance License in California:
Education Course: $80.00
Background & Fingerprints: $59
Health Application Fee: $188
Health Licensing Exam: $55.00
Life Application Fee: $188
Life Licensing Exam: $55.00
Total Estimated Cost: $625
2. Pass AHIP & Individual Carrier Certifications
Once you’ve completed and passed your insurance license exam, you’re not quite in the clear yet to begin selling. Licensed insurance agents are required to complete and pass an annual exam on the rules and regulations of selling Medicare plans as stated by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This test is called America’s Health Insurance Plan (AHIP) Certification. The cost of the test typically runs around $175, however, some insurance carriers, FMO’s, and IMO’s offer a discounted rate.
In order to begin selling Medicare plans, you will need to be appointed with various insurance carriers. Each insurance carrier requires insurance agents to complete an annual certification exam and a contract. Carrier certifications and contracts need to be completed for each carrier you wish to sell. For example, if you want to sell Medicare plans from Aetna, Blue Shield, and Cigna you will need to complete carrier certifications for each provider.
Agents partnered with AGA have access to a full list of insurance carrier certification guides, monthly carrier training courses, and continuous hands-on support.
Estimated Cost of AHIP Certification: $175
3. Purchase Errors & Omissions Insurance
Errors & Omissions insurance is intended to protect an insurance agent from legal action should they unintentionally provide misleading or incorrect information to a client. While E & O insurance is not required to become an insurance agent, most insurance carriers require it in order to sell their products. A typical E & O policy can cost around $300-$700 a year.
Estimated Cost of Errors & Omissions Service: $500/year
4. Contract with an FMO
Many insurance agents find success in partnering with a Field Marketing Organization also known as an FMO. A Field Marketing Organization is an entity that provides independent insurance agents and brokers the opportunity to offer insurance products from multiple carriers in order to be as competitive as possible. FMO’s essentially help take the day to day load away from an independent insurance agent by offering assistance in lead generation, marketing, training, contract writing, and more.
There are many perks to joining an FMO for example, at AGA we offer our agents a 50% co-op marketing program that covers half of their marketing cost. This is extremely beneficial as marketing costs can be very expensive. While there are no monetary costs to joining an FMO, partnering with the wrong one may cost you in other ways. Be wary of FMO’s that offer partial commissions, captive contracts, and little to no lead programs or marketing assistance.
Estimated Cost of partnering with an FMO: $0
5. Marketing
Now that you’re a licensed insurance agent what comes next? Well for starters, you’ll need leads and that’s where marketing comes in. Leads are the lifeblood of every independent agent and broker’s business. There are multiple marketing channels in which you can reach your target market such as:
- Website
- Direct mail
- Email Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Radio Ads
- Paid Ads
- Events & more.
Marketing costs can vary depending on different channels, duration of the campaign, competition within the channel, etc. For example, a direct mail campaign of 1000 pieces can cost around $600 while a single social media ad can cost between $25-$100. Marketing is a monthly expense you will need to budget and plan for in order to keep receiving leads. Many agents find it easier to partner with an FMO that provides marketing assistance. At AGA, we have several successful Medicare lead channels that have helped agents scale their business in just a few short years.
Estimated Cost of Marketing: varies
How Long Does It Take to Get an Insurance Agent License?
For each type of insurance license, someone must complete a mix of classroom training and independent learning. There is a minimum number of hours requirement.
How fast you work through the various types of insurance depends on you. You might be working a full-time job, and taking insurance courses at night. Or you might be taking courses towards getting insurance licenses full time.
If you don’t yet have a college degree, and you’re taking courses, focus on economics, finance, risk management and marketing.
How Become a Licensed Insurance Agent
Your first decision is, what will be the work structure?
Captive Agent – This person will sell insurance for one company.
Independent Agent – This person sells insurance for a number of companies.
1. Choose What Type of Insurance Agent You Want to Become
Most agents gradually get all the licensing they can, but specialize.
For example, someone may choose to get a life insurance license and only be a life insurance agent, or focus on health insurance. Life and health insurance fall under the broad category of personal lines.
Here are some other types:
- Property casualty (also personal lines)
- Vehicle insurance (personal vehicles, motorcycles, rvs)
- Commercial insurance
- Disability insurance
- Long-term care insurance
2. Pick the Insurance Products You Want to Sell
Property and Casualty policies protect against fire, theft, auto accidents and other damage.
Business policies may include property and casualty, and also liability.
Health insurance specialties may include focuses on long-term care provisions and disability.
States follow specific guidelines someone must adhere to in order to get licensed. States require that you take specific steps and pass the state exam in each field.
3. Pass the Pre-Licensing Requirements
Before you sign up to take an exam, most states require that you take a pre-licensing course. The pre-licensing training will provide a basic background in the field. A specific requirement is that you pass a background check.
Pre-licensing courses typically costs from $200 to $2,000.
4. Pass Your State Exam and Get Your License
After the pre-licensing course, you can study your specific area of focus. Then you’ll sign up to take your state’s insurance license exam in that specific field, so you can fulfill the licensing requirements.
Once you pass the state examination, you can make license application through the state. Insurance licensing exams cost from $40 to $150, depending on the type of insurance.
You have to pass the state exam before you can sell insurance.
5. Submit Job Applications
Once your studies and exams are complete, you’re ready to apply to an agency. Make sure your application is complete, especially the result of each examination you’ve passed.
Check over your application and correct any mistakes. Paperwork is of utmost importance in the field. Mistakes on your application may disqualify you for a second interview. You can also look into LinkedIn for insurance agents for marketing and employment opportunities.
6. Get Appointed with an Insurance Company
Once you start work, expect to work at least 40 hours a week. Many of those hours may be in the evenings and on weekends, to accommodate your customers’ work schedules.
In addition to having the proper licenses, you’ll be asked to complete your application by submitting to a background check.
Once all that’s complete, you can start making sales for insurance franchise companies or top small business insurance providers.
7. Complete Continuing Education Requirements
Continuing education requirements vary by state. The most common that many states require is 24 hours of continuing education – a course, seminar – every two years.
The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents often offers webinars, and provides information about education options.
How much does it cost to become an Agent?
The pre-licensing courses may cost from $200 to $2000. Courses and study materials for each type of insurance may cost from $60 to $300. And the fee for each state examination may cost from $40 to $150.
After you pass a specific examination, the fee for your application to the state for licensure may cost from $30 to $200. Background check fees may cost from $30 to $100.
Are you running a calculator for this? Don’t forget to add in the cost to obtain a college education.
Remember that these costs vary by state.
How much does an insurance agent make?
The average agent makes about $80,000 annually. The salary range goes from $18,000 to $186,000.
The pay is dependent on the type of industry you serve, and also your location in the country.
Your pay may be a salary, plus commission. Sometimes your length of time and sales record with agencies determines how you will be paid.
What qualifications are needed to become an insurance agent?
Well, you better genuinely like people, and providing assistance to people. Agents often get recommended because of the services they provide to other customers. Aspects of services that customers most appreciate include timely responses and ease of access. You’ve got to be available when services are needed.
Here are some other skills you should have as an insurer:
- Good with math
- Good at listening to people
- Able to quickly respond to questions and claims, willing to contact a customer at any time.
- Able to do basic photography
- Some who is on time for every appointment