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How To Become A Werewolf
An Introduction to Werewolfism
Before you figure out how to become a werewolf you should first make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. Modern popular fiction has confused the issue quite a bit by altering the definition of what a werewolf really is. If you haven’t already, it would be wise to read the descriptions of the different creatures we call werewolves on the main Werewolf page.
I’ll give a quick recap. What many people today think of as a “werewolf” is actually a “shapeshifter”. Some shapeshifters turn exclusively into wolves from human form, but these are not actual werewolves. These shapeshifter-wolves have become popularly known as “werewolves” because of the Twilight book series. If it’s this kind of creature you want to become, I’m afraid you are probably out of luck. Most shapeshifters (wolves included) are born that way genetically. You either have it or you don’t, and most of us don’t. A bite from a shapeshifter won’t make you a shapeshifter, it will just be a bite.
There is a single exception, though. Navajo mythology discusses a being known as a “Skinwalker”, who in most cases is a human who has learned how to magically transform themself into an animal by wearing the animal’s skin. Skinwalkers are typically considered to be evil, and becoming one takes a great deal of sacrifice and a deep knowledge of ancient mystical arts.
Real werewolfism is a curse. Those afflicted have little to no control over their actions when in wolf form and little to no control over their transformations. Of course, there is an exception to this rule as well in rare cases of Human Werewolf Syndrome, wherein werewolves in wolf form maintain their human consciousness. This rare condition is believed, though, to only occur in cases where a werewolf child is born to werewolf parents.
If you still want to know how to become a werewolf, you can read about how to do so here, but I would advise thinking long and hard about the decision before doing so.
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
in: Articles with audio samplings, Skyrim: Creatures, Articles with unconfirmed content, Lycanthropy
Werewolf (Skyrim)
Basic Info
Spells / Abilities
See expansion information within the article
Soul Size
Base ID
For other uses, see Werewolf.
Werewolf is a creature in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. They are the most commonly known type of lycanthrope found in Tamriel, where they can be found in every province. Werewolves are individuals who assume wolf-like characteristics during the full moon (or in some cases, at will).
1 Background
2 Abilities
2.1 Weaknesses
3 Becoming a Werewolf
4 Werewolf Powers
5 Skill tree
5.1 Werewolf
6 Known Werewolves
7 Enemy werewolves
8 Gallery
9 Trivia
10 Bugs
11 Appearances
12 Sources
13 References
“I’m telling you, I heard it! Howling! Those werewolf tales are true!”
―Hold Guards[src]
While first appearing in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, werewolves are featured more prominently in The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon. Werewolves also appear in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Dragonborn may become one by completing The Companions quests and attending a ritual which involves drinking the blood of Aela the Huntress while she is in Beast Form. From this point onwards, those carrying the gift (or curse, depending on whom one is talking to), will be able to change into a Werewolf once a day, which causes people nearby to retreat and yield or attack. The Dragonborn will also receive a bounty if the transformation is witnessed by a citizen.
Members of any faction will not attack the Dragonborn in either humanoid or Werewolf form after joining, nor will a Hero of Sovngarde assault them.
Skills, perks, spells and abilities as apply (or do not apply) to the Werewolf:
Racial Abilities: The various race abilities do not affect the Werewolf, because Beast Form changes the Dragonborn’s race. Spells or active abilities such as an Orc’s “Berserker Rage,” however, can be cast before transformation and will continue to apply effects for their usual duration.
“Skin” Spells: Werewolves are considered unarmored, therefore “skin” spells such as Dragonhide remain effective if cast before transformation but cannot be recast while in Beast Form.
One-Handed tree: Normally, the Dragonborn’s claws in Beast Form are not treated as one-handed weapons, meaning claw attacks do not increase experience in that skill nor benefit from perks on that skill tree.
A bug may cause the Dragonborn’s weapon to remain equipped after transformation, which will cause attacks with that hand to carry any effects of that weapon and increase one-handed experience.
Tested on PC with Daedric Sword of Vampirism, Dawnbreaker and Silver Sword of Fiery Souls.
In the Xbox 360 version, this can happen with most one-handed weapons.
On PS3, enchanted glass weapons used in the right hand will almost always appear in the Werewolf body’s hand.
Alteration: Perk abilities like “Atronach” still affect werewolves.
Carry Weight: The base carry weight gained from Beast Form is 1,900 regardless of level, race, or gender. To find the maximum carry weight in Beast Form, add 1,900 to the max carry weight in normal form. This is a useful aspect to exploit as even if the Dragonborn is encumbered, transforming into Beast Form makes the encumbrance effect inactive, so one may carry a large amount of loot without being slowed by the effect. This can be exploited further with Hircine’s Ring, as the Dragonborn is able to transform at will for the purpose of using the Beast Form’s increased carry weight.
Disease resistance: All lycanthropes, in Werewolf form or not, have 100% resistance to all diseases. In Skyrim, this is only true for Sanguinare Vampiris, while other diseases may (rarely) still be caught.
Other abilities: All effects that are gained through quests and other methods but are not “racial,” like spell resistance, still affect Werewolves.
Immunity to Vampires: A vampire cannot drink the blood of a sleeping Werewolf.
Power Attacks: In Beast Form, the Dragonborn’s power attacks can inflict large amounts of damage and throw most foes (aside from dragons and mammoths) off balance.
A Werewolf attack in Skyrim.
No bonus is gained from sleeping.
Transformed Werewolves cannot equip apparel, including armor.
When in Beast Form, the Dragonborn cannot pick locks or collect items/loot from corpses.
Doors can still be opened, except those requiring a key from inventory.
Levers, buttons, pull chains and switches can still be activated, except those that require the removal of debris to be operated (as in Raldbthar Deep Market, where items must be dislodged to activate certain switches.)
When transformed, they may be unable to fit through narrow dungeon doorways. Walking through such doorways backwards may fix this.
Increased vulnerability to Silver weapons, even when not transformed.
Most characters will attack a werewolf on sight, even werebears. Exceptions include other werewolves, M’aiq the Liar, and members of factions, as well as followers currently in service. Eorlund Gray-Mane will publicly defend the Dragonborn, if the transformation occurs in Whiterun.confirmation needed
If someone sees the Dragonborn transforming, they will recognize them as a werewolf, even in human form, and may consider them an outsider or attack on sight.
If the Dragonborn is seen transforming, they will incur a 1000 Gold bounty, and most characters will attack them.
Becoming a Werewolf
In Skyrim, the only way to become a Werewolf is to complete the quest line for the Companions of Jorrvaskr in Whiterun, up until the quest “The Silver Hand.” Within the Companions exists the Circle, an inner sub-faction. After some time, Skjor will lead the Dragonborn to The Underforge. There he will offer the opportunity to drink the blood of Aela the Huntress when she is in Werewolf form, and become a Werewolf.
Note: With the addition of Dawnguard, characters who already have the Vampire Lord power will lose it at this point, and it will be replaced with Beast Form, and vice versa.
Beast Form lasts approximately two and a half minutes, with only one use per day. Unlike in Morrowind, one does not change into a Werewolf at a fixed time, as it is a power. To be able to stay in Werewolf mode for a prolonged period of time, one must “Feed” off fallen human characters, which adds 30 seconds to the current time per feeding, and also heal the Dragonborn. With Dawnguard installed, the Dragonborn can choose a perk that allows them to feed on almost any fallen opponent, although it only prolongs the duration for half of what feeding off of humanoid opponents gives. Once returned to normal form, all items will have been unequipped and the Dragonborn will have to wait twenty-four hours to be able to use Beast Form again.
If the Dragonborn has obtained the Ring of Hircine, equipping it will allow the use of a separate power, “Ring of Hircine,” which is identical to Beast Form and offers all the same benefits. The only difference is that it is not limited to once-a-day use, it is made available any time the Dragonborn equips the ring. Followers will not react to the Dragonborn’s transformation. Due to the restrictions placed on Werewolves interacting with objects and characters, one will not be able to interact with a follower while transformed (on Xbox 360, one can bypass this by using Kinect commands). A follower will become hostile if hit while the character is in Beast Form, even if they are a companion.
Ask anyone on the street how to become a werewolf, and the number one response (besides sidling away from you with one finger hovering over 911 on speed dial) is “being bitten by a werewolf”. This method is a fairly modern invention, however. Myths and legends show many different paths to werewolfery, and here are just a few of them.
- Your parents were werewolves
This is an easy one. If Mom AND Dad were lycanthropes (that’s the ten-dollar word for werewolves), you would probably inherit the tendency. Apparently it’s a recessive gene, and having just one furry parent might not do the trick. - You’ve been cursed by a priest
From Russia to France, if you didn’t go to church, you could be officially cursed with lycanthropy by your local religious leader. This was also rumored to be the fate of those who failed to attend annual confession – if you did this 10 years in a row, you risked spontaneously becoming a werewolf. In 14th century Normandy, excommunicated persons were believed to turn into werewolves during the Christmas season. During this time, each sinner was either redeemed or doomed to belong to the devil and run as a wolf forever.
(PS – In Finland, if you were lucky enough to break the spell, you were still stuck with a wolf’s tail for the rest of your life!) - You’ve offended the Devil
Yup, in some stories, being TOO good would get you a lot of excess hair too. Apparently it was safest to be not too bad, not too good, but “just right”. It’s unclear where the sweet spot is, however. - You’ve been captured by a witch
A Polish legend says that if a witch lays a belt of human skin across the threshold of a house in which a marriage is being celebrated, any member of the wedding party that steps over it is immediately transformed into a wolf. The wolves are forced to serve the witch for a year, then regain their human form and return to their lives. - You picked the wrong flowers
Legend says that a “lycanthropic flower” grows wild in the Balkan Peninsula, with a sickly death-like scent and white or yellow blooms. If you pick these flowers, you become a wolf! Simply brushing against wolfsbane blossoms (aconitum or monkshood) was believed to cause you to shapeshift as well—but it’s NOT a myth that it’s far more likely to cause your demise. (An unfortunate gardener in the UK died in 2014 from handling these poisonous purple perennials without gloves!) - You were born on the wrong day
Seriously, what were you thinking? In Italy, it was bad luck to be born on the winter solstice, December 20-21, and a surefire way to become a shapeshifter. In many other European countries, it was believed that children born on December 24th, Christmas Eve, were destined to become werewolves when they grew up. Apparently it was a divine punishment for competing with the Christ child! In Romania, however, this legend went a step further. Children conceived on Christmas Eve were cursed to become werewolves because their parents were supposed to have abstained from sex at that time! - You drank the wrong water
In some European legends, especially in Scandinavian countries, accidentally drinking from a “lycanthropic” river or stream would cause you to become a werewolf. This water is said to possess a “lurid sparkle” and a faint smell that is like nothing else. Other legends say that drinking from any body of water where a wolf pack has recently satisfied their thirst will cause you to change. As for drinking the rainwater that collected in a wolf’s paw print? Honestly, becoming a werewolf might not be your only problem…. - You looked a wolf in the eye
This is a bad idea on several levels, but in some old stories, locking eyes with a wild wolf could cause you to turn into a wolf yourself within a few days. Handy hint – Stay away from the zoo! - You slept outside during a full moon
In Germany, Italy, and France, it was said that both men and women could become shapeshifters by sleeping outside and allowing the full moon to shine on their faces for the entire night. This was especially effective on a Wednesday or a Friday. (There’s a reason why friends don’t let friends pass out on the front lawn after a party.) - You drank magic beer
Really? The warning about the water wasn’t enough? In 1555, bishop Olaus Magnus penned a collection of Nordic folklore and history. In it, he reported that you could become a werewolf by sharing a mug of specially crafted beer with a known shapeshifter while repeating the words of an ancient spell. According to Magnus, the werewolves of Livonia held a huge gathering every year in which they would drink a great deal of beer before going out to ravage the countryside.