Becoming a member of the USAA is quite simple, and easy to do. Done correctly, it has many benefits for you and your family. For many people, joining USAA may not be the right decision. Factors like whether you drive frequently and how much you are paying for insurance may mean you’re better off with a traditional auto insurer.
In a nutshell, you can become a USAA member if you live in the U.S., are 18 years of age or older and want to be part of one of the best army credit unions around. And to provide proof that you are who you claim to be (because identity theft is among the fastest-growing crimes in the U.S.), you’ll need to prove your eligibility by providing copies of government-issued identification, such as a Social Security card and your birth certificate (if you are between ages 13 and 18) and/or driver’s license and military ID (if you’re a service member); a copy of your lease or property title; proof of homeownership; and updated personal information about your family (if applicable).
Recently I picked up some items from home, so I decided to go online and get the renewal form for my Usaa Mastercard. My wife needed to have a colonoscopy last year and our card would be charged for it, we could pay the deductible or become a member of usaa and nothing would be charged. So which one should I choose?
How To Become A Usaa Member
Updated March 2022
In the USAA Community, we strive to be a trusted place for our members to comment or ask a question about a service USAA provides, connect with other members, or ask questions on military life topics. Each month, we look at the trending topics driven by your questions and comments to address in further detail.
This month, we are taking a closer look at top questions regarding USAA membership eligibility for family members.
Generally, USAA membership is open to active, retired, and separated veterans with a discharge type of “Honorable” and “General Under Honorable Conditions” from the U.S. military and their eligible family members. Here is what you need to know about USAA eligibility for family members.
Who is an eligible family member?
Spouses, widows, widowers and un-remarried former spouses of USAA members who joined USAA prior to or during the marriage, as well as individuals whose parents joined USAA.
Are children of my wife (second marriage) eligible for membership?
YES. USAA members can pass membership eligibility to step-children as well as biological children.
Are children of deceased parents eligible?
For a child to be eligible, the parent must join USAA while living. Once the parent’s USAA membership is established, membership eligibility can be passed on to the member’s children. USAA membership cannot be established posthumously for deceased parents.
Can my siblings join?
No. Your USAA membership eligibility cannot be passed to siblings.
Are Parents Eligible for USAA?
No. Your USAA membership eligibility cannot be passed to parents.
Why these eligibility restrictions?
USAA was founded in 1922 when 25 Army officers came together to insure each other’s automobiles. Since that time, USAA has continued to grow as a membership-based organization. Our eligibility rules reflect USAA’s primary mission…to be the provider of choice for the U.S. military community and their immediate families. This does not reflect USAA’s opinion concerning the desirability or insurability of other family members but rather, a decision to focus our resources on the current eligibility groups.
You can find additional details on USAA eligibility requirements here.
Have any questions I can help answer? Please let me know in the comments.
Disclosures: Use of the term “member” or “membership” refers to membership in USAA Membership Services and does not convey any legal or ownership rights in USAA. Restrictions apply and are subject to change. To join USAA, separated military personnel must have received a discharge type of Honorable or General Under Honorable Conditions. Eligible former dependents of USAA members may join USAA.
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July registration
July registration
Occasional Visitor
July 04, 2018
Is my son eligible for USAA benefits? Specifically, can he qualify for a USAA mortgage?
Briana Hartzell USAA
Briana Hartzell USAA
July 05, 2018
Dear @July registration,
Thanks for your question! Benefits are passed down from parent to child so my initial answer is yes! I have asked a specialist to look into your specific situation and I will post an update as soon as I get an answer. Thanks again for posting here in community!
Briana Hartzell USAA
Briana Hartzell USAA
July 05, 2018
Hi @July registration! I just confirmed that yes, your son is eligible. You can add your son under your profile/family members (this option can be found in your personal profile) or have your son call new member solutions at 800-365-USAA (or 800-365-8722).
July registration
July registration
Occasional Visitor
July 05, 2018
Thank you so much, Briana for the quick response! I’ll give him the information!
New Member
August 08, 2018
If an eligible member, who has children that are now members, leaves USAA, do the children retain their membership?
Briana Hartzell USAA
Briana Hartzell USAA
August 08, 2018
Yes. When a person establishes a membership , they are members for life. Thank you for posting!
New Member
September 06, 2018
How do I establish eligibilty / open accounts for my minor children?
New Member
September 06, 2018
Follow-up question, my spouse is on my account. Does she have her own USAA number now? (i.e., when I pass, will she have any issues maintaining her membership?)
Briana Hartzell USAA
Briana Hartzell USAA
September 12, 2018
You can add your children to your account online through your “Profile & Settings” or by calling 1-800-531-8722. When you add your family members, they will then be listed in your profile and be assigned a member number (like in the screen shots below).
Step1 Add Child.png
Step2 Add Child.png
Your spouse does have her own member number, you can find It through your personal profile (Your spouse’s name should be listed under “Family Member Information”).
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks for commenting.
New Member
October 30, 2018
My Wife’s father is a member and my wife is a member, is it possible for me to become a memeber via my father in-law? If so how?
Thank you!
Briana Hartzell USAA
Briana Hartzell USAA
October 30, 2018
Thank you for your question! You are eligible through your wife, not your father in law. However, it is best to talk to an eligibility specialist at 1-800-531-8722 to make sure all the details are in order (since we can’t discuss specific details about your spouses eligibility in this channel). I hope that helps! Thanks again for posting!
Occasional Visitor
December 30, 2018
I am a vet and USAA member with home/auto/bank.
I understand my children/step children are eligible for membership. Once they become a member are then their children eligible to become members?
Thank you.
Briana Hartzell USAA
Briana Hartzell USAA
December 31, 2018
@Skipnbtx Thanks for commenting. Yes, you can pass on membership to your children- who can then pass it to their children! Happy New Year!
New Member
December 31, 2018
USAA has been great to my husband and I with home and auto insurance. I am the veteran in the relationship and have been looking into life insurance for me and have noticed other companies doing a “joint life insurance policy”. Is this something offered at USAA? Or is it at least possible to get my husband his own life insurance policy through USAA?
USAA Social Service
USAA Social Service
USAA Service
December 31, 2018
@Bobbiwasabi, great question! I will have your inquiry forwarded to a specialist for review! ~ Samantha
Occasional Visitor
January 10, 2019
I have eligibility thru my mother, my spouse thru me, we were wondering does this extend to in-laws on either side? Such as sister, niece or mother-in-laws? TIA
Alan Hawn
Alan Hawn
Frequent Contributor
January 12, 2019
You must be insane to Join or recommend USAA it is not what it used to be. They dont care anymore about military so it is better to use a Federal Credit Union.
Briana Hartzell USAA
Briana Hartzell USAA
January 14, 2019
Thank you for your question @PerfectlyMe240. Membership does not pass through in-laws. You mentioned a sister, if it is your sister she would also be eligible through your mother. I hope that helps answer your question. You can always speak with an eligibility specialist by calling 1800-531-8722. Thanks again for taking the time to post!
New Member