There are many different ways to become a trader in Red Dead Redemption 2 and one of these ways is to complete the challenges that are available throughout the game. In this guide, we will go over how you can become a trader in Red Dead Redemption 2.
When you first start out in Red Dead Redemption 2, it is best to try out as many of the different challenges as possible so that you can get used to playing on your own or with others. If you are playing alone, then this is a great way for you to learn how to play Red Dead Redemption 2 while being able to focus on just one thing at a time instead of having all kinds of distractions around you like other players would bring along with them whenever they played together with someone else who was new at playing games like this one right away without any experience at all when compared against their own skills level which could be quite advanced when compared against their own experience level as well
Becoming a trader in Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most profitable ways to make money in the game. However, it can be difficult to know where to start. This guide will teach you how to become a trader and how to use that knowledge to make money while playing the game.
What Is A Trader?
A trader is someone who sells items at a set price. The items they sell usually have a higher value than what they pay for them, so there is an opportunity for profit. Traders are also able to sell their own goods as well as other people’s goods, which increases their profits even more because they don’t have any overhead costs associated with running their own business (such as storage space).
How To Become A Trader In Red Dead Redemption 2
In order to become a trader in Red Dead Redemption 2, you need two things: access to the multiplayer portion of the game (which requires an online connection), and enough money for supplies and equipment (which can be earned by completing missions). Once you’ve gotten both of those things squared away, follow these steps:
1) Find A Store That Sells Goods You Want To Trade In – This can be done by visiting any general store.
How To Become A Trader Rdr2
How to be a Trader: A Professions Guide to Red Dead Online
These important tips will tell you how to get started as a Trader in Red Dead Online and run a successful, thriving business as one of the new professions in the latest summer content update.
by Sergey_3847
Rockstar Games has just released a new summer content update for Red Dead Online, titled Frontier Pursuits. It adds new gameplay elements to the mode, as well as three new professions — Bounty Hunter, Trader, and Collector — which players can pursue to make more money.
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Whether you’re playing with friends or randos, trading is probably the safest and most profitable job in Red Dead’s multiplayer (though the other two professions certainly have their merits).
If you are looking take on the role of Trader in Red Dead Online and ultimately maximize your efforts, then follow our tips guide below.
Getting Started as Trader in Red Dead Online
Here are the details for what you need to do to start your business:
Go to any Post Office
Collect a Letter from Cripps.
Open the letter and read it.
Open the map and look for a new marker.
Travel to the closest General Store (indicated by the marker).
Purchase the Butcher’s Table (15 gold on Xbox One; free on PS4).
Open the map and look for another new marker.
Find a wagon indicated by the marker.
Bring it back to your Camp.
Cripps will now be your partner in trade, which opens the doors for lots of business and money-making opportunities.
Deals, Skills, and Items
After you’ve become a trader, you can start selling goods that you and Cripps have produced using the Butcher’s Table. These are the three basic steps you need to go through to complete a full trading deal:
Get materials: Hunt animals and bring them back to your camp.
Get supplies: You can either buy supplies for $20, or you can start a resupply mission from your camp at no cost.
Produce goods: Give your materials and supplies to Cripps, who will turn them into goods, which you can distribute for money and XP.
When you’ve managed to produce enough goods, you’re ready to start selling your specialty goods to grow your business. It’s worth noting that you can make more money by trading to rural clients.
It’s also worth noting that Traders have special skills and items that will help you make money:
Rewards What They Do
Stew Pot Camp upgrade. Unlocks stew recipes to boost cores
Hammer A hard-hitting melee weapon
Ingredient Satchel
Upgrade Store more items in your Ingredients Pouch
Awareness Identify rival Trader wagons at an increased range
Canine Warning Dog warns you when thieves try to raid your camp
Med/Lg Delivery
Wagons Upgraded wagons that can hold more goods
Weapons Locker Store weapons for later use
Lance Knife A knife style only available to Traders
Efficiency Increase the number of usable materials from perfect carcasses
Materials Satchel
Upgrade Store more items in your Materials Pouch
Hunting Wagon A sturdy capable of carrying multiple carcasses, hides, pelts
Protection Reduce the chance of raids at your camp
Kladruber Horses Distinctive, strong and steady horses
Trading Tips and Tricks
There is a natural progression to this profession. Here are some tips to help you survive in the highly competitive trading business of Red Dead Online:
Improve your hunting yields with a Hunting Wagon at Level 10.
Improve your Delivery Wagons and sell larger quantities of goods.
Improve your Pot Stew to maintain a steady source of food in your camp.
Purchase a dog for your camp to protect it from raiders.
Raise a white flag in your camp during item drop off.
Only do hunting missions. Forget fishing since it’s not economical.
Hunt Turkeys.
Hunt Alligators and Deer.
Bring more horses when hunting to carry more animals.
That is all you need to know on how to become a successful Trader in the game, and for more Red Dead Online guides, check out the list below:
How to Win Horse Races
How to Make Money Super Fast
How to Form a Posse and Play With Friends
Infinite Money Exploit Guide
How to Unlock Fast Travel
How to be a Bounty Hunter
How to be a Collector
Bard’s Crossing Treasure Map Guide: How to Find and What You’ll Get
Red Dead Online is out now for the PS4 and Xbox One. Players must own Red Dead Redemption 2 to play the online multiplayer/co-op mode. For more on Rockstar’s Wild West epic, be sure to head over to our official review.