how to become a spellcaster

Right here on Collegelearners, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on how to become a spellcaster sims 4 cheat, how to become a spellcaster sims 4, sims 4 types of magic, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.


Spellcaster is a new life state in The Sims 4: Realm of Magic. It allows you to cast Spells, Curses, conjure up Familiars, and more in the World of Glimmerbrook.

What is a Spellcaster in The Sims 4?

A Spellcaster is a new life state, like Vampires and Mermaids. It is a magic class and focuses on casting spells, brewing potions, conjuring Familiars, and inflicting Curses. Unlike other life states, it has little effect on appearance so they’ll still look human bar some cool eye color options and optional outfits.

Once your Sim becomes a Spellcaster, they’ll gain access to their own Spellbook, which includes Perks and castable Spells, and a Glimmerstone which lets them fast travel back to The Magic Realm from anywhere without needing to use the Mystical Portal. They will also gain the Spellcaster Charge meter. This is essentially their Mana, with the bar increasing the more they use magic.

Spellcasters can be a part of four Schools of Magic: Practical Magic, Mischief Magic, Untamed Magic, and Alchemy. It all depends on which types of magic they’re learning and there’s no need to stick to one, either – your Sim can be under all four at once if they so wish.

How to Become a Spellcaster

To become a Spellcaster, your Sim will need to give up any other life state it may have before it can transform. Unfortunately, The Sims 4 doesn’t allow for hybrid Sims at this moment in time, though we’ll update you if they do!ADVERTISEMENT

Once your Sim is eligible, they need to travel through the Portal and into the Realm of Magic to begin their journey to becoming a Spellcaster.

Portal Location

The Portal is very hard to miss as there’s an icon on Glimmerbrook’s map for it, just behind the waterfall on the west side of the World. The only way to get to it is on foot.

The easiest way to find the Portal is to travel to Glimmerbrook Watch and then follow the dirt path. You’ll eventually spot it on a large stone circle in the middle of the river, just in front of the descending waterfall.

Click on the Mystical Portal > “Travel to The Magic Realm” to send your Sim through to The Magic Realm where they’ll be just a few moments away from becoming a fully-fledged Spellcaster.

Sages and Magical Motes

Once in The Magic Realm, your Sim will be standing outside of the Magic Headquarters – this is where they will learn magic. Make them enter the mansion to find three Sages: Morgyn Ember, L. Faba, and Simeon Silversweater. Each of them will have a rune floating above their head so it’s easy to distinguish them from other folk.

Speak to any one of them and make your Sim introduce themselves. Once more conversation options open up, click on “Ask How to Use Magic” and the Sage will ask your Sim if they’re ready to learn how to become a Spellcaster. This starts a timed quest so make sure your Sim’s needs are filled before accepting it.

The Sage will then ask you to collect seven Magical Motes from around the Realm of Magic and return to them. While that may sound daunting, it’s actually incredibly easy. Your Sim will be given the Mote Sight moodlet which allows them to see the Motes. It lasts for eight in-game hours, so you’ll need to be somewhat fast to complete the request.

Magical Motes appear in the World as purple and pink glowing orbs and if you follow the main path out of the HQ, you’ll find all seven in no time at all. They’re out in the open and not hidden so it’s just a case of walking around until you find them all, which, as mentioned previously, is very easy to do and not challenging at all. Simply click on one and select “Collect Mote” to pick it up.

Once your Sim has collected all seven Magical Motes, have them return to a Sage. This can be any of the three and not the one who gave you the request. They’ll congratulate you and kick off the Rite of Ascension which will then turn your Sim into an Apprentice Spellcaster – yay!

Check out our Spells page for all the Spells your freshly-appointed Spellcaster Sim can now learn.


Alternatively, if you want to skip the above and make a new Sim in Create-a-Sim, you can. This can be done with a new save file or a new Household within an existing save.

To do this, enter CAS and click the “Add Sim” button in the bottom left corner. Then select “Add Occult Sim” > “Add Spellcaster.” And that’s it!

If you want to turn an existing Sim into a Spellcaster, you can do so with cheats. Check out our Realm of Magic Cheats guide for the full list of Cheat Codes.

How to Turn Sim Back Into a Human

If you’ve decided the Spellcaster life isn’t for your Sim, you can force them to change back into a human. Return to the Magic HQ in The Magic Realm and speak to a Sage. Click into the Magic conversation category and then on “Ask for Rite of Dissolution” to make them human again.

This isn’t permanent, either – you can switch them back and forth however many times you’d like.

Spellcaster Ranks

There are six Spellcaster Ranks that your Sim can unlock. Each Rank unlocks Spellcaster Perks and gives you Spellcaster Points that you can spend on the Perks, though more on this below. Your Sim will automatically earn experience towards the next Rank by casting spells and participating in magic.

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