How to Become a Security Guard in California

Right here on College Learners, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on How To Become A Security Guard In California, California Security Guard License Requirements, Security Guard Training in Los Angeles, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

How to Become a Security Guard in California

Becoming a Security Guard in California is similar to a lot of other states: you need to meet basic requirements such as age, language proficiency, and other usual secHow to Become a Security Guard in Californiaurity licensing requirements of this nature.

Furthermore, to get a Security Guard license in California, you need to take a government approved Security Guard licensing course:

This security licensing course is called “Power to Arrest.”

In CA, the government body that controls a California Security Guard’s license (BSIS Guard Card) is the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service. So, it is the BSIS that will have to approved the CA Security Guard Power to Arrest licensing providers.

The BSIS approved providers is any Power to Arrest course taught by California Local Education Agency (LEA) certified institutions.

On top of this, you will need BSIS approved on the job training courses after you get hired.

Once you submit the proof of your ability to meet the requirements to the BSIS, you will get your California Security Guard license and officially be registered as a Security Guard with the state of California with your BSIS Guard Card.

Investigator Aptitude Test

California Security Guard License Requirements

BSIS Guard Cards California

Age: You must be 18yo or older.

Criminal Record: You cannot have a criminal record of any kind or be under investigation for a crime. You will need to submit a request form for a California Department of Justice record check and an FBI record check in you application.

Fingerprints: You need to submit your fingerprints to the BSIS.

U.S. Citizen: You need to be an American citizen or be legally allowed to work in California. You will have to submit a copy of government ID to the BSIS.

English: You must be able to speak and write in English.

California Approved Security License Course: You need to take a CA approved security course called Power to Arrest before getting hired. This course needs to be certified by California Local Education Agency (LEA) to be accepted by the BSIS.

Ongoing Security Training: You will be required to take a 32hr security training course within six months of obtaining your Security Guard license. After, You will need 8hrs a year in ongoing security training.

Specialized Security Guard: There are multiple specialized security fields you can enter, such as armed security. These fields require CA approved education.

Submitting: The documents you submit can be sent to the BSIS via mail or online uploading/ Guard Card online California.

Security Guard Training in Los Angeles

Becoming a security guard in the city of Los Angeles can be an amazing experience. Depending on where you apply (and of course, where you’re accepted), you can work in places like the Staples Center, Rodeo Drive, the Convention Center, and any other busy places that need people like you to keep those places safe.

With that said, there are some security guard training requirements that you must first fulfill before you can even become a guard in Los Angeles. Here are the California state-wide requirements outlined for you below:

If you’re already an unarmed security guard in the State of California and would like information about becoming an armed guard and holding a firearm while on duty, please click here.

Obtain Your Guard Card


The first thing you must do is collect your Guard Card. This is a permit or license that illustrates that you have passed certain background checks through a fingerprint scanning process.

This is required and there is no exception.

To obtain your Guard Card, you must first complete an 8-hour “Power to Arrest” training course and pass the examination.

This course, which can be done in-person at a certified training facility, or conveniently online. Most people prefer online because it’s convenient, but either way you’ll have to pay anywhere between $50 and $100 to take this course.

You have 3 attempts to pass the exam (online or in person), and once you successfully complete it you will receive a certificate of completion and LiveScan Fingerprint Forms, which are required for the next step.


The next step it to take the forms you received from your 8-hour training course, fill them out (all of them – there are 3 copies for different locations) and take them to a local LiveScan provider. Click here to find LiveScan locations near your residence.

At the LiveScan location, you will be fingerprinted.

Please note that there will be a fee of about $60 for this part of the process.

Also, some training facilities and companies will offer a solution for this entire process for you, so please check with them so you can save time and effort.

During this step, the LiveScan provider will fill out the bottom portions of your forms for you, and give you an ATI number, which is needed for the next step.


In this step, you’re going to submit all of the forms on the California State website at the following address (or you could do it via US Mail as well if you wish):

Total fees here will run you about $50.


Here, you’re basically just waiting for approval from the state.

You can check your status on the State Bureau of Security and Investigative Services website.

It may take up to 2 to 3 weeks to be approved, after which you will receive your Guard Card in the mail.

Total cost is about $150 at this point.

After You Get Your Guard Card

After you get your card in the mail, you will have to complete 16 more hours of training within the first 30 days after getting hired. The training requirements are mostly “on the job” training requirements and will be handled and explained by your employer.

After that, you’ll need to complete an additional 16 hours of training with the first six months after getting hired, which is administered typically again by your employer.

In total, including the 8 hour Power to Arrest training course you needed to get your Guard Card, that’s 40 hours of total training.

There are several training facilities online and offline that you can choose from. Please check the job board for possible positions in the Los Angeles area.

Good luck!

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