How to become a kindergarten teacher

“Finding your passion is not just about career and money. It is about finding your own authentic self.” A quote which most of us strongly identify with. Each one of us is passionate about something, having thoughts that excite us, charge us and make us feel alive and that we have found our purpose in life.

Becoming a kindergarten teacher is a challenging but rewarding career choice, especially for those who like working with young children and sharing in their learning experiences. In this guide to becoming a kindergarten teacher, you’ll learn some helpful tips along with details about the training process and job outlook.

How to become a kindergarten teacher

If you are an individual who is empathetic, patient and loves to nurture young children in the age group of 2-6 years, then carving a career as a Kindergarten Teacher is your calling for life and the right career for you! Working with young, energetic curious minds can be so rewarding! There are many benefits to being a kindergarten teacher. No doubt it involves a world of patience and the capacity to relate to youngsters who are likely to be facing their first classroom environment. So, How to become a Kindergarten Teacher?

Step 1: A first look into the realm of Kindergarten

student teaching requirements

Visiting a kindergarten or an early year’s childcare and learning classroom to see it in action is a must. This will give a prospective kindergarten teacher the opportunity to perceive, talk to and learn more by observing the “Young Inquiring minds” in action and from the experienced kindergarten teacher.

Step 2: Become a Certified Trained Kindergarten Teacher

If you intend to become a kindergarten teacher, two fundamentals that need to keep in mind are:

  • Gain a Diploma certification (rigorous one year training) through a professional Teacher Training and Education Programme.
  • Develop the necessary skills, attitude and gain the required knowledge to teach and facilitate the Early Year’s Childcare and Learning classroom.

Both the above points are imperative, as a kindergarten teacher not only teaches but also truly touches lives of young learners. Hence the Institute you select for your training and development should be well equipped with the right background of Education and Experience of having the philosophy and ethos. This results in producing Empowered Teachers by offering you both of the above.

Step 3: Selection of the Right Institute and Course:

This is the most important step for your future career as a prospective Kindergarten Teacher. Those amongst you who have identified teaching as your calling in life and who aspire to teach young children should be comprehensively trained in all aspects and developments in Early Childhood Care and Education. Needless to add here, that selection of the right Institute is imperative.

In the course of the Training and Education, the Institute selected should:

  • Help the Student Teacher gain an in depth understanding of theoretical knowledge and the fundamental principles of Early Childhood and Education, based on Child Development.
  • Hone and help the Student teacher to acquire the attitudes, skill, insights and techniques necessary to adapt to play based and “Active learning Classrooms” and “Teaching and learning strategies”
  • Augment the learning to organize, plan and administer a preschool in case the Student teacher wishes to start her own Pre-school and for developing and planning pre-schools.
How to become a kindergarten teacher

Step 4: Complete Student Teaching Requirements

  • Teaching Portfolios – In the Course of Training, the Institute will create professional teaching portfolios. Such portfolios incorporate teaching philosophy statements, Readiness Activity files, Actions plans, Case studies, Creativity Files, references, resumes, certifications, professional development activities and lesson plans. This portfolio is an exhibit of core competencies developed and enhanced in the due course of learning by the Student Teacher.
  • Internships – The Institute you select should facilitate one or two semesters of student teaching in classrooms. During the classroom internship, experienced educators and Teachers mentor Student teachers on topics such as Classroom management, Effective Cohesive lesson plans, Student evaluation, Parent-teacher communication and Value Additions. They are also evaluated on their classroom performance.

Knowledge of Important pre-requisites before embarking on the above mentioned steps to begin your career as a Kindergarten teacher

Degree FieldEarly Childhood Care and Education
Degree Level – Eligibility CriteriaHigh School Diploma (minimum) or Bachelor’s degree and ECC.ED Degree
CertificationDiploma –One year comprehensive Diploma
ExperienceWork Experience with Preschool Children
Core skillsCreativity, empathy, Nurturing demeanor, Soft skills and verbal communication, language acquisition and social skills classroom Management techniques, Curriculum Transaction skills Physical environment Management skills, Material Management skills, Computer skills of Data entry for anecdotal records, record keeping, Administrative skills
SalaryDependent on the School Board (if affiliated to a High School) or the Location, Parent community and Pre-school you will be working with
Arena of WorkPublic or Private Schools, Pre-schools, Day Care Centers, Child development Facilities, Privately Owned Preschool

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