How to become a certified vet tech

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One of the toughest and most frustrating aspects about becoming a new vet tech is learning how to become a certified vet tech. While there may be many vets out there that don’t wish for new techs to get certified, I think it’s one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. Here’s why:

There are many ways to become a certified vet tech. If you are interested in becoming a certified vet tech, you should first find out if the certification is necessary for your job or career goal.

If you’re still unsure about whether or not it’s right for you, consider the following:

What is a certified vet tech? A certified vet tech is someone who has been trained to work with animals and their owners. They treat animals when they are sick or injured and help them recover from illness or injury. They also educate owners about how to care for their pets properly, including diet and exercise routines.

What does it take to become a certified vet tech? In order to become a certified vet tech, you must complete an accredited education program that lasts at least one year. These programs usually take place at community colleges, technical schools or universities. They involve classroom lectures as well as hands-on training with animals so that students learn proper techniques for treating them when they are sick or injured.

Once you have completed this training program, you will need to pass an exam administered by either the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) or American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB).

How to become a certified vet tech

Step 1: Earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school

  • Earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school.
  • Get experience working in the field of veterinary medicine.
  • Pass the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE).

Step 2: Pass the VTNE exam to become a licensed vet technician

To become a licensed vet technician, you must pass the VTNE exam.

You can take this exam in the state where you plan to work as a licensed vet tech or after becoming licensed in any other state. You can also take it in any country where English is an official language and where the VTNE is offered (these include: Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador and Peru).

Once you’ve decided when and where to take your exam, contact your state board for information about how to register for it. The VTNE is administered on a computer at testing centers throughout the US using Pearson Vue Testing Centers’ computer-based system.

Step 3: Apply for jobs and continue your education

If you’re considering becoming a certified vet tech, it’s important to understand the job requirements and how continuing education will help you in your career. Vet techs are charged with helping animals and their owners, so they must be able to keep up with new veterinary technology as well as learn about advances in veterinary medicine.

Vet techs can find jobs in both private practice and animal shelters; however, there are different types of certifications for each type of setting. Some states require all vet techs to be licensed while others have voluntary certification programs that offer additional benefits to vets including greater liability protection from malpractice suits (as long as the vet follows best practices).

Becoming a certified vet tech requires schooling, testing and experience.

To work as a certified veterinary technician, you’ll need to complete the necessary schooling and testing. You can get started by following these steps:

  • Get your degree. The most common way to become a vet tech is by attending an accredited school specializing in vet techs. This will take two years of study and cost around $20,000-$30,000.
  • Pass the certification exam. After graduating from your specialized program and getting some real-world experience under your belt, it’s time for the next step: taking an exam created by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The test lasts about four hours and consists of multiple choice questions based on textbooks and other sources of information on animal health care. If you pass this part of certifying as a vet tech, then you’re ready for…

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