how to become a certified scrum master

Becoming a certified scrum master is the best way to show employers, clients and colleagues that you are not only familiar with agile methodologies but also have experience implementing them in real life. The best part is that you can take these courses from anywhere in the world, on your schedule!

how to become a certified scrum master

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a popular framework that aims to enable teams to work together. With the help of scrum, teams can:

  • Learn from experiences
  • Self-organize working on problems
  • Reflect on their victories and losses 
  • Provide deliverables efficiently
  • Use time and money effectively 
  • Divide projects into timeboxed iterations called sprints
  • Provide better visibility to all team members
  • Incorporate feedback from clients and customers regularly and
  • Focus on the efforts of individual team members

Next up – all you need to know about the role of a certified scrum master. 

Who is a Scrum Master?

A scrum master is the scrum team leader and takes charge of handling the project, guiding the team as well as the product owner, and ensuring that team members follow agile values and practices. A scrum master enables communication and collaboration between the business, the product owner, the team, and other individuals involved, and works behind the scenes and is not included in product ideation or strategy.

So now, let’s find out what the responsibilities of a scrum master are. He/ she has a high-level view, enabling them to help the team understand technical and organizational dependencies while handling chokepoints. 

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Responsibilities of a Scrum Master

  • Ensuring that the team incorporates agile practices into their work
  • Performing daily scrum meetings to help the team reach an understanding of What work they did yesterday, what they plan to do on that day, and the obstacles they faced
  • Ensuring there’s a pleasant relationship between the product owner and the team, as well as with other components outside the team
  • A scrum master also ensures that the team is making progress, making sure they are working on the right tasks, removing any obstacles they might be facing, and protecting them from distractions

Are you wondering how a scrum master helps the other essential components of a scrum framework? Here the answer:

1. The Product Owner

  • The scrum master helps ensure that the team has a strong understanding of the project’s scope and goals.
  • Assists and  maintains the product backlog along with the product owner
  • Sets up events like daily standups (scrum events) as and when required

2. The Development Team

  • Scrum Master coaches the development team to be self-organized
  • Helps in removing obstacles faced by the devs
  • Sets up scrum events like daily standups (per the requirement)

3. The Entire Organization

  • The scrum master helps the organization incorporate the scrum methodology into their workflow
  • Coaches the organization to transition into a working scrum framework
  • Keeps the organization and the project’s stakeholders informed about the scrum team’s progress on their projects

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