how to become a carrier for amazon

Becoming a carrier for Amazon is not as hard as you think. In this article, we will go over how to become a carrier along with the benefits and requirements.

how to become a carrier for amazon

How to become a carrier for Amazon? I know this might be a question that is on all your minds, but unfortunately it’s not as easy as walking into your nearest DMV office and filling out the application. But don’t worry, you’re in the right place to find out about how to become an Amazon driver and start delivering packages for the tech giant.

What are the costs of becoming a carrier for Amazon?

Costs of becoming a carrier for Amazon have been increasing at an astonishing rate. In fact, Amazon’s financial report for the second quarter of 2018 revealed that their shipping costs rose by 40 percent.

That’s because they were paying the USPS to sort packages and private carriers to transport them from one destination to another. In addition to paying the Postal Service, Amazon pays regional shippers and private carriers for delivery.

These costs are going up, and the company is making huge investments in their logistical network.


How to become a carrier for amazon

Peak periods are driving up costs

While the Amazon Partnered Carrier Program is highly cost-effective for small businesses, shipping and receiving processes can be difficult and time-consuming, particularly during peak periods. In addition, the pickup and delivery of packages by an Amazon Partnered Carrier isn’t seamless, and the FC has no control over cancellation or expedited shipping, and the shipments can only be shipped to the contiguous U.S. They’re not suitable for dangerous goods.


Needing to join the Amazon Flex program

In addition to becoming a carrier for Amazon, you will also need to join Amazon Flex, a delivery service partner program. This program requires you to work in a carrier facility that houses Amazon employees.

The costs of becoming a carrier for Amazon will depend on your region and the services you provide. Once you’ve signed up for Amazon’s Flex program, you’ll receive an initial set of training and contracts.


Costs of getting started with the Amazon Flex program

Getting started on the Amazon Flex program is not cheap. The cost is $15,000 per piece, and the work requires significant training. Amazon uses hundreds of carriers around the world to deliver packages.

Some of these companies pay upwards of $4.50 per piece, and it’s possible you’ll earn more than $1.50 per delivery. Amazon isn’t only aiming to compete with large carriers like UPS and FedEx, but to provide additional capacity to smaller businesses.

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