how to become a cardinal

how to become a cardinal may be the first question that comes to mind. To tell you the truth, there is no certain process to be a Cardinal because it depends on the Church’s decision, though there are things you need to do to get rated as one.

how to become a cardinal

Have you ever wondered how to become a cardinal? If so, then you are in the right place. I’m going to show you the exact steps that you need to take to become a cardinal

These days, the prospects of becoming a cardinal are no longer increased by being a nephew of a reigning pope or by belonging to an illustrious and noble Italian family. Yet it is still no easy office to acquire.

Cardinals are mostly drawn from the archbishops of major metropolitan sees, usually within capital cities.

The likelihood of elevation to the College of Cardinals is increased if archbishops serve as president of their bishops’ conference. Indeed, it may be viewed as an indicator of disfavour if such a person is overlooked for promotion and a bishop of lesser stature within the same conference is elevated in their place.

Cardinals are also drawn from those senior archbishops serving within the Roman Curia, and from a small but distinguished number of prelates over the age of 80.

Sometimes, priests (such as Blessed John Henry Newman) are made cardinals, but the College is usually drawn from bishops.

A person’s chances of becoming a cardinal therefore increase if they are a bishop, a leader of a local Church or a Vatican dicastery, or a priest of such holiness and talent as to attract the attention of the pope.

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