Becoming a better man doesn’t need to mean learning some sort of special education. It’s a simple matter of taking the time to think about what you can do that will have a positive impact on your life. By focusing on the things that matter, making small changes over time, and improving yourself slowly and steadily, you will begin to see results, both at home and at work.
How to Be a Better Man
1. Get Comfortable ‘Being a Man’
We live in a world today where it’s almost ‘taboo’ to be masculine.
But if we want to become powerful, effective men, we need to let go of our culture’s weird ideas about manhood.
Learn to become comfortable in your own skin. Own your masculinity. Take pride in who and what you are.
This is undoubtedly the first step to becoming a better man.
2. Pay Your Bills and Wake Up on Time
In other words, get more responsible.
No more missed bill payments. No more showing up for work late.
Show up to work on-time or 10 minutes early. Take control of the things in your life that need to get done, and make sure that they get done on time.
As Jordan Peterson says, “Pick up your responsibility. Pick up the heaviest thing you can, and carry it.”
Stop staying up till all hours of the night playing video games, then rolling into work late, hung-over, and sleep deprived.
Have more pride than that. You’re capable of so much more.
3. Run A Lot, and Pick Up Heavy Stuff
SaveArnold Schwarzenegger: 5 Rules for Success Part 1motivationdrive.comArnold Schwarzenegger is an inspiration for all of us and surely a true success story. This man succeeded in each and every venture he entered. He is a true source of inspiration and motivation for millions of people. From bodybuilding to acting, from acting to politics, he came out as a winner everywhere. He conquered the unconquerable. Let’s explore his five rules for success:
In other words—start working out.
Run, stretch, and lift weights.
Make it a daily habit.
Whether it’s yoga, boxing, hiking, etc. Get your body moving.
Increasing your exercise levels will drastically improve your health, get you laid more often, help you to feel better, and make you happier.
It just makes you a better man—pure and simple.
4. Adopt a Healthier Diet
Drink more water. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, cut out junk food, and stop eating bullsh*t.
The statistics on obesity in the United States are absolutely shocking.
In 2017-2018, the prevalence of obesity in the US was 42.4%.
Obesity-related conditions like Type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and heart disease are on the rise.
You owe it to yourself to be better and healthier than that.
Cut out sugar. Eat raw foods that’ll nourish your body.
Fuel your body for performance, and you’ll start feeling and performing better.