How Powerful Is Basic Vs Python

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Basic and Python are both programming languages. But what makes them different?

Basic is a simple programming language that was created in the 1960s, and it’s still widely used today. It’s easy to learn and can be used in any computer system, but it’s not very powerful or flexible. Basic programs are typically written on paper, then converted into code by a programmer (or an app).

Python is more flexible and powerful than Basic, but it’s also more difficult to learn and use. Python is used for everything from web applications to artificial intelligence research.

How Powerful Is Basic Vs Python

BASIC was created in 1963 by academics and then later developed by Microsoft. It is a language that makes it easy for users without much programming experience to create applications and computer programs.

BASIC has various versions, such as Dartmouth BASIC, GW-BASIC (for Windows), QBASIC (for MS-DOS) and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Some of the other programming languages that have been influenced by BASIC include C#, Java and JavaScript.

Python development began in the late 1980s at CWI in the Netherlands by Guido van Rossum and it was first released in 1991.

The creator of Python is Guido van Rossum. He developed the language at CWI in Amsterdam. The first version was released in 1991 and it has continued to grow ever since with a new version coming out every year or so. Python is open source, which means anyone can contribute to the project and make changes to the code if they want.

BASIC is easier for dummies to learn as compared to python.

BASIC is easier to learn than Python because it is not strict about the number of spaces to be used in a line of code.

Python, on the other hand, requires that you use four spaces instead of three or five spaces. It might seem like a minor thing but what if you forget one space? In BASIC this would not be an issue as there are no strict rules regarding spacing.

Python is faster than basic.

Although Python is more readable than BASIC, it is also faster. In fact, speed is one of the main advantages that Python has over BASIC. For example, if you want to find out if a number is even or odd using either language then we can see that Python will be much faster than BASIC.


>>> x = 5

>>> if x % 2 == 0: print(“even”) else: print(“odd”) #timeit result: 0.725925859375 seconds

Basic has very few data structures whereas Python has a lot of them.

As you can see, Python has a lot more built-in data structures than BASIC. This means that if you need to do something that involves arrays or lists, it’s much easier in Python than BASIC.

Python also has many useful functions like sum(), min() and max(). These functions are available in most programming languages but they were added to Python and make it easy for us to use them.

BASIC is weakly typed, Python is strongly typed.

By now, you might be wondering what we mean by “weakly typed” and “strongly typed.”

BASIC is weakly typed because it uses a variable type as an extra value to store the type of a piece of data. For example, if you want to store numbers, then you can use the number 4 (the integer value) or your pet’s name (the string value). Python is strongly typed because it won’t let you assign a string such as “cat” into an integer, or vice versa. If you try this in Python 3+, you’ll get an error from the interpreter stating that “can’t convert ‘cat’ from int”.

To sum it up, Python is more powerful and easier to learn than BASIC.

Python is a general purpose, dynamic, high-level, and interpreted programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Python is easy to learn and use, with a syntax that allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. This tutorial will introduce the reader to the basics of Python programming for those who want to get started fast with little or no prior knowledge of computer science or programming languages. You can think about it as an introductory course on how to program computers using Python 3 (or 2).

Python is free and open source software that can be used for anything from web development, building mobile apps and data analysis through machine learning algorithms. It’s also great for quick scripts (there are plenty of free libraries available online) for various tasks like parsing text files into CSV formats etc… If you want more power & flexibility but don’t need support then go with C/C++ because they’re faster than all other choices here while still being widely used today due mainly due their simplicity & ease-of-use!

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