The program manager salary at Google has been revealed as part of a new lawsuit and the figures are crazy. Which is why I’ll show you how to make a lot more in your role, working for a mid-sized business. Before we get started can I ask you a question? Let’s just say you were offered a job at Google or another large company like it…
The salary of a Program Manager at Google is based on their role and experience, as well as the location and size of the company you work for. A Senior Program Manager in San Francisco, CA will make more than someone with the same title in Ames, IA. The chart below shows average salaries by job title and experience level. To find out what your own salary would be within Google, simply enter your information into the search bar above or click on one of our suggested jobs to get started!
Program Manager salaries at Google can range from $76,010 – $240,839.
The Google program manager salary can range from $76,010 to $240,839. This means that the average Google program manager salary is $121,924.
The median base salary for a Program Manager at Google is $120,000 (median of all salaries). The most common job titles for this role are Product Manager, Mobile App Developer and Software Engineer.
The highest paying area for Program Manager jobs in San Francisco, CA 94105 is Bayview-Hunters Point where the average salary is $140K; followed by Financial District ($137K), Mission District ($133K), South Beach / SoMa ($133K) and Castro / Noe Valley ($132K). The lowest paying area for Program Manager jobs in San Francisco is Outer Richmond with an average salary of $119K; followed by Inner Sunset ($119K), Bernal Heights ($118K), Lower Pacific Heights/Noe Valley ($)and Inner Richmond ($117K).
This estimate is based upon 154 Google Program Manager salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.
This estimate is based upon 154 Google Program Manager salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. See all Program Manager salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market.
When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a Program Manager at Google can expect to make an average total pay of $132,220 .
In addition to a base salary, Program Managers at Google receive bonuses and additional compensation. These can vary widely depending on the employee’s performance and the company’s internal policies.
In addition to a base salary, Program Managers at Google receive bonuses and additional compensation. These can vary widely depending on the employee’s performance and the company’s internal policies.
See all Program Manager salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market.
You can see all Program Manager salaries on the right. It’s helpful to see how you stack up against other employees in the same field, at your level and at other companies.
Google is a company that is known for paying its employees very well. In fact, the average salary for a program manager at Google is around $250,000. This is more than twice what most companies pay for this position, which can range from $100,000 to $150,000.
Program managers at Google are responsible for coordinating projects and ensuring that all aspects of the project are completed on time and on budget. They also oversee budgets and make sure that employees are following policies and procedures correctly.
A program manager at Google may be required to have a bachelor’s degree in engineering or another related field but typically no experience in project management or business administration is necessary.
The average program manager salary at Google is $300,000.
The median Google program manager salary is $180,000.
The range of annual salaries for Google’s program managers is between $100,000 and $400,000.
If you’re looking for a job at Google, the best way to get started is to search our job listings and apply for jobs that are right for you. You can also explore other career opportunities or browse popular jobs on Glassdoor.