How Much Is A Registered Nurse in Colorado Worth?

Yes, the registered nurse salary in Colorado is competitive, but do you know why? Let’s explore some of the factors influencing the average RN salary in Colorado!


Nursing is an occupation with a high level of responsibility, and that responsibility tends to be rewarded with higher-than-average salaries. If you are considering becoming a nurse, it’s natural to wonder just how much money you can expect to make by getting your degree, graduating, and entering the workforce. As you begin exploring your options for what kind of nursing career might be best for you, keep in mind that registered nurses in Colorado enjoy some of the best pay in the country. Let’s take an in-depth look at why this is true and how you can maximize your salary potential by choosing the right specialty within nursing or working in a certain facility type within Colorado.

Nurses are in demand in Colorado despite the number of nursing schools and the number of nursing graduates.

Nurses are in demand in Colorado, despite the number of nursing schools and the number of nursing graduates. This is due to a variety of factors:

  • Colorado has a high population of seniors who need care.
  • Colorado also has a high population of people with chronic health conditions like heart disease or diabetes that require regular medical treatment.
  • The state also has a large population with mental health issues including depression and anxiety, which can lead to self harm or suicide if not treated properly by nurses who understand how to handle these situations appropriately.
  • Finally, substance abuse is an issue across the country but particularly so in Colorado where marijuana use is legal for both recreational and medical purposes (although it should be noted that there are still limits on how much you can possess).

The average registered nurse salary in Colorado is $71,800 per year.

A registered nurse’s salary in Colorado depends on a number of factors, including the location and years of experience. The average annual salary for all registered nurses in Colorado is $71,800 per year.

The median annual pay for all RNs in Colorado is $65,090 per year; however, some RNs earn more than others. Using data from the BLS (2018), we can see that their data shows that RNs with an associate degree typically make less money than those with a bachelor’s or higher degree. Additionally, experienced nurses will also see increases in their yearly income compared to less experienced ones as well as general increase based on location and other factors such as specialization within nursing practice (ex: maternity versus pediatrics)

The average hourly wage for a registered nurse in Colorado is $34.62.

The average hourly wage for a registered nurse in Colorado is $34.62.

The average salary for a registered nurse in Colorado is $71,800 per year.

The average salary for a registered nurse in Colorado is $34.62 per hour.

In comparison to other states, the average nursing salary in Colorado ranks 14th highest.

In comparison to other states, the average nursing salary in Colorado ranks 14th highest.

Colorado is higher than the national average for registered nurses, which is $64,720.

Colorado’s RN average is also higher than the average for the Midwest ($60,000), Mountain region ($62,000), and all 50 states combined ($57,910).

A wide variety of factors can affect a registered nurse’s salary in Colorado.

Your location can have a big impact on your salary. The cost of living in Colorado is higher than many other states, but because of the high demand for nurses and the proximity to major cities such as Denver, Colorado Springs, and Boulder, you may find that the pay is still higher than in other states.

Type of facility

If you work at a hospital or large medical facility with an emergency department or intensive care unit (ICU), you will likely earn more than if you work at a smaller clinic or private office setting. This is because working in these settings requires more responsibility and skill set than some other types of nursing positions—you’re dealing with life-or-death situations every day! In addition to this type of setting, there are also different types of nursing specialties that can affect your potential salary:

  • Acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) specialize in providing primary care services for patients suffering from acute illnesses such as pneumonia; they usually work under the supervision of an MD but do not require advanced education beyond an RN license

Registered nurses can earn much higher salaries by working in certain locations or facilities within the state of Colorado.

Your salary as a registered nurse depends largely on where you work and the type of facility you choose to work at. For example, in Colorado, registered nurses who work in hospitals tend to earn higher salaries than those who work in nursing homes or other types of facilities. The same goes for working in an urban area versus rural area: Urban RNs earn more than their counterparts living in smaller towns or rural areas.

In general, nursing jobs in Colorado pay well above the national average, and there are opportunities to make even more money.

If you’re looking for a job in an exciting state, Colorado might be the place to look. It’s not just a popular destination for tourists and retirees—it’s also home to some of the highest-paid nurses in the nation.

In general, nursing jobs in Colorado pay well above the national average, and there are opportunities to make even more money.

Registered nurses in Colorado are paid an average of $56,400 per year. This is about $25.71 per hour for a full-time employee.

The salary for registered nurses in Colorado varies by experience, education level, and location. Registered nurses with a bachelor’s degree earn $56,400 per year on average; those with a master’s degree earn $59,600 per year; and those with a doctorate earn $64,500 per year.

In addition to earning an average salary of $56,400 per year, registered nurses also receive several benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans.

Registered nurses in Colorado earn an average salary of $93,520 per year.

The top-paying industries for registered nurses are:

  1. Offices of physicians
  2. General medical and surgical hospitals
  3. Outpatient care center


So, if you’re planning to become a registered nurse in Colorado, what does this mean for you? It means that Colorado is a relatively good market for registered nurses. You can expect to be paid well working in Colorado, and there is no shortage of job opportunities. It also means that your best bet for earning the highest salary possible is to get some experience under your belt and earn a higher education degree. A master’s degree or doctoral degree will likely open up new opportunities for you. And even if you don’t want to pursue a higher education degree, it’s worth knowing that many employers are willing to pay more money for experienced RNs with bachelor’s degrees than they are willing to pay inexperienced RNs with bachelor’s degrees—so it always pays off to have as much experience as possible!

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