Caring for others is what most nurses do every day. They see patients of all ages, giving nurses a unique perspective of health and wellness. Nurses also help protect healthcare workers from life-threatening infections by following infection control guidelines. Are you interested in being a nurse? Once you know the major responsibilities of being a nurse, it will make it easier for you to evaluate whether this career path is right for you.
Registered nurses in Jacksonville earn an average of $70,450 per year (or $33.87 per hour).
Nationwide United States $82,750
Jacksonville, FL 14% lower than the national average $70,450
Jacksonville registered nurses earn 14% lower than the national average salary for RNs, at $82,750 (or $39.78 per hour).
Registered nurse salary range in Jacksonville, FL
10% $48,930 | MEDIAN $74,940 Annual Salary | 90% $94,800 Hourly Wage |
90th Percentile | $94,800 | $45 |
75th Percentile | $77,050 | $37 |
Median | $74,940 | $36 |
25th Percentile | $60,070 | $28 |
80% of Jacksonville RNs earn between $48,930 and $94,800.
Cost-of-living adjusted registered nurse salary in Jacksonville
Cost-Of-Living Adjusted Jacksonville, FL $73,156
Overall Average Jacksonville, FL $70,450
Adjusted for cost-of-living, Jacksonville RNs earn about $73,156 per year. Cost-of-living in Jacksonville is 3% lower than the national average, meaning they face lower prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.
Highest paying cities in Florida for registered nurses
Fort Lauderdale, FL | $74,220 per year |
Gainesville, FL | $73,980 per year |
Cape Coral, FL | $73,420 per year |
Clearwater, FL | $73,380 per year |
Naples, FL | $73,360 per year |
Jacksonville nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where registered nurses are paid the highest is Fort Lauderdale, where the average RNs salary is $74,220 and 53,110 registered nurses are currently employed. The Gainesville area comes in second, with a $73,980 average RN salary and 6,010 registered nurses employed.
How much do similar professions get paid in Jacksonville, FL?
Nurse Anesthetist | $177,010 per year |
Nurse Practitioner | $109,050 per year |
Physical Therapist | $88,870 per year |
Dental Hygienist | $72,230 per year |
Licensed Practical Nurse | $47,340 per year |
Pharmacy Technician | $36,200 per year |
At a $70,450 average annual salary, RNs in Jacksonville tend to earn less than nurse anesthetists ($177,010), nurse practitioners ($109,050), physical therapists ($88,870), and dental hygienists ($72,230). They tend to earn more than licensed practical nurses ($47,340) and pharmacy technicians ($36,200).
Registered nurses are in high demand in Jacksonville, Florida. The average salary for a registered nurse in Jacksonville is $75,000 per year. This can be higher or lower depending on the number of years of experience and the type of employer you work for.
Jacksonville has many hospitals that offer opportunities for registered nurses to grow their skills and expand their expertise. There are also many private practices that would love to have you join their team as well as schools and other non-profit organizations that could use your skills.
If you’re looking for a new job or an increase in pay, it may be time to consider moving to Jacksonville, Florida!
Registered nurses are licensed practitioners who help provide crucial care to patients in a wide variety of settings. Generally, they work under the supervision of a doctor or a nurse practitioner. Their day-to-day responsibilities depend on the specialty in which they choose to practice. Some of the most common specialties include ICU, pediatric, and medical-surgical nurses.