How Much Do Radiologic Technologists Make?

radiologic technologist salary in california


Radiologic technologists in the state of California make more than $10,000 more per year on average than those in other states. This is because the cost of living in California is rather high and salaries are pretty high, too. If you’re considering becoming a radiologic technologist in California, this guide will help you better understand the career to determine if it’s right for you.

California radiologic technologist salaries

  • Radiologic technologist salaries in California vary from location to location. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the highest-paid radiologic technologists work in San Francisco, where they make an average of $105,480 a year. In San Diego and Los Angeles, it’s still possible to earn more than $100,000 per year as a radiologic technologist (nearby Riverside even pays more). However, some of the lowest-paid radiologic technologists work in Modesto and Bakersfield—most likely due to lower costs of living.
  • The same may be true for you! The cost of living varies greatly across the state; if you’re hoping that moving somewhere will mean higher pay—or vice versa—it’s best to crunch some numbers using our cost-of-living calculator before making any decisions about where you’ll live next year.

San Diego radiologic technologist salary

The average radiologic technologist salary in San Diego is $70,000. There are some jobs where the pay can be higher than that. In the San Diego region, radiologic technologists can expect to make $100,000 or more.

The median salary for a radiologic technologist in California is $70k/year as of May 2017, according to Payscale data analyzed by MONEY this summer.

Los Angeles radiology technician salary

The average salary for a radiologic technologist in Los Angeles is $70,000. This is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as Payscale and

A radiologic technician with 10 years of experience can earn $85,000 per year. A radiology technologist with 20 years of experience can earn up to $100,000 in California. This salary information comes from Payscale and as well as BLS data published by the US Department of Labor (DOL).

San Jose radiology tech salary

According to Indeed, the average salary for radiologic technologists in San Jose is $82,000. The average salary for radiologic technologists in California is $92,000; this figure reflects an annual pay of approximately $41.67 per hour (based on 2,080 hours worked per year).

The national average salary for radiologic technologists is $81,000; this figure reflects an annual pay of approximately $40.00 per hour (based on 2,080 hours worked per year).

Fresno radiology tech salary

The average salary for radiologic technologists in Fresno is $60,000. The average annual salary for radiologic technologists in California as a whole is $69,000.

The highest paying company for radiology techs in Fresno is Sutter Health at $54 per hour, or approximately $110,000 per year.

Radiologic techs who work at Kaiser Permanente earn an average of $91 per hour ($178K annually).

Sacramento radiological technologist salary

In Sacramento, the average salary for a radiologic technologist is $77,000. The average salary for radiologic technologists in California is $84,000. Salary ranges from $72,000 to $88,000.

Salary is based on experience and education level; the more experience you have as a radiologic technician or radiographer, the higher your salary will be.

Long beach radiology technician salary

The average salary of a Radiology technician in Long Beach is $55,000. This is the second highest average salary in Los Angeles County.

Long Beach is located on the Pacific Ocean, just south of Los Angeles. It’s approximately 45 miles away from Los Angeles and has a population of 462,257 people. The city covers over 50 square miles, which makes it the largest city by area in California and one of the largest cities by area on the West Coast of the United States (excluding Alaska).

Oakland x ray technician salary

In Oakland, the average annual salary for a radiologic technologist is $128,000. The median hourly wage is $65.50. In California as a whole, the average annual salary is $110,820 (and the median hourly wage is $59).

The highest paying employers in Oakland are:

  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Highland Hospital – Oakland

Bakersfield radiologic technologist salary

Bakersfield radiologic technologist salary: $43,000 to $75,000

Radiologic technologists are responsible for performing a variety of different imaging tests that include X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). They then help interpret the results of these tests. A bachelor’s degree in radiologic technology is required as well as continuing education. The work environment varies depending on the setting where you work. Some hospitals may have their own radiology departments while other clinics may contract with a hospital for services.

There are three main areas of specialization within the profession including diagnostic radiologic technology; nuclear medicine technology; radiation therapy technologist; ultrasound technologist; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technician; fluoroscopic dental x-ray technician; mammography technician; nuclear medicine technologist/technician/radiographer technician/technician/radiographer

Anaheim radiology tech salary

The Anaheim, California area has a wide range of radiologic technologist and technician schools. In fact, there are 14 names that show up on the list of top institutions for radiologic technology programs in the area. These schools include:

  • California State University-Long Beach
  • Grossmont College
  • Irvine Valley College
  • Orange Coast College
  • Saddleback College

Radiologic techs in the state of California do very well.

The state of California is known for a lot of things. It’s got great weather and beautiful scenery, but it also has some of the highest median income levels in the country.

Radiation therapists in California earn a median salary of $92,000 per year. This can be attributed to both the high cost of living in this state and its proximity to Hollywood—which means there will always be demand for radiology techs who understand the latest trends in skin treatments and makeup applications.

If you’re interested in getting into this lucrative industry but don’t know where to start your search for jobs, we’ve got just what you need: a list of top employers who are looking for qualified medical technologists right now!

The average radiologic technologist salary in California is $60,000.

There are a lot of factors that can affect how much you get paid as a radiologic technologist, so it’s important to know what those are before you start looking for work.

What is the average radiologic technologist salary in California? In this article, we’ll tell you exactly what the average radiologic technologist salary in California is, so you can make sure that your salary is competitive and fair when applying for jobs.


We hope that this information is helpful to you as you decide on the best career path for yourself. For more information, please visit our website.

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