What is the average police salary in Georgia? Well, it depends. In the state of Georgia, a law enforcement officer’s salary is partially dependent on many different factors. These factors might include location, experience, and education level. The highest paid police officers in Georgia are experienced veteran police officers who have gone through the ranks and have graduated from professional police departments such as the Georgia State Patrol
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Police officers in Georgia earn an average of $56,300 per year. The highest paid police officer in Georgia is a detective, who makes $88,000 per year.
The state of Georgia has two separate agencies that employ police officers—the state patrol and the county sheriff’s department. The average annual salary for these two types of jobs is $42,000 and $58,000 respectively.
Highest police salary in georgia
Highest Police Salary
The average starting salary for a Georgia police officer is $36,338. In contrast to the national average of $32,937, the cost of living in Georgia is lower than most states.
There are many factors that influence what an individual’s salary will be as a police officer in Georgia. These include education level and prior experience as well as where one works within the state’s law enforcement system (for example: county versus city).
The average police officer starting salary in Georgia is $36,338. However, with the cost of living being lower than the national average, it is still a fairly decent salary. But like every other profession, there are a number of factors that will determine what an individual’s salary will be as a police officer in Georgia.
The average police officer starting salary in Georgia is $36,338. However, with the cost of living being lower than the national average, it is still a fairly decent salary. But like every other profession, there are a number of factors that will determine what an individual’s salary will be as a police officer in Georgia.
Salary is determined by a number of factors including:
- Experience: The more experience you have as an officer, the higher your pay will likely be. This also depends on where you work and what kind of job you do though; some places give bonuses for time served and others don’t.
- Location: Police officers who work in large cities tend to make more than those who work in small towns or rural areas because there are more opportunities for overtime or night shifts which come with higher pay rates.
- Size Of Department: The size of your department can affect how much money an individual makes over their career because different departments have different salary structures based on union agreements etc., so again we’re talking about differences between departments/cities/counties here too!
Police officers in Georgia have an annual salary of $36,338.
The Georgia state police department employs the highest number of police officers in the state, but they do not make the most money. The average annual salary for a Georgia officer is $36,338.