Highest paying careers for enfj

I am a big fan of infographic resumes. They look really impressive and creative, thus they are very eye-catching so if you have a strong resume, it will definitely leave a great impression on the hiring manager who will be able to see your expertise right away. Anyway, in this article I will talk about the highest paying careers for enfj personality type.

Find out more about list of careers for enfjs, what is an enfj job, job titles for enfjs, careers for enfj personality type, best jobs for an enfj, professions for enfjs, jobs for the enfj personality type, the best jobs for the enfj personality type, top jobs for the enfj personality type on careerkeg.com.

The ENFJ personality is a rare combination of idealism and practicality. They’re natural-born leaders who can see the big picture, but they also have the skills to get things done. They’re enthusiastic about helping others achieve their goals, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

That’s why enfj careers are so diverse—they can apply their skills in nearly any industry or field. But some jobs pay better than others. Here are some of the highest-paying careers for enfj:

1) Financial advisor: According to Glassdoor, financial advisors make an average salary of $90K per year. The top 10% earn over $120K. This might not be an obvious choice for enfjs, since it requires them to work long hours and be comfortable with risk, but if you enjoy helping other people manage their finances and want a high salary, this could be your dream job!

2) Marketing manager: Marketing managers also make an average salary of $90K per year, according to Glassdoor; however, the top 10% earn over $150K annually—and that’s before bonuses! If you enjoy working with people and have an eye for detail

Highest paying careers for enfj

The top career for ENFJ personalities is as a teacher, followed closely by careers in marketing, management and human resources.

As an ENFJ, you’re good at teaching and marketing. You’re also good at listening and communicating. These abilities make you a great teacher, marketer and/or manager.

Teachers can earn salaries ranging from $40k to $90k depending on their level of education and experience. With teaching as your profession, you’ll have the opportunity to teach people who may not understand something that they need to know in order to succeed in life! It’s a rewarding career path with plenty of professional satisfaction guaranteed.

Marketing managers earn between $60k – $150k annually depending on the company they work for (and if they currently have an MBA). Basically: If you’re good at marketing yourself through social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter then this job might be right up your alley! As a marketing manager for some Fortune 500 company like Apple or Amazon.. imagine how many products you could sell just by posting about them every day! And if those products happen to be high-end electronics then even better because everyone wants those things anyway… especially when it comes time for Christmas shopping season which starts right around now so get ready!!

Career counselors often recommend that ENFJs look for careers that involve working with people.

Career counselors often recommend that ENFJs look for careers that involve working with people. Careers in this category include being a teacher, human resources manager, salesperson, psychologist or counselor. These positions provide opportunities to help others grow and learn while also providing ENFJs with a chance to interact with people in meaningful ways.

ENFJs tend to have strong communication skills and usually enjoy talking to others and helping them work through their problems.

  • ENFJs tend to have strong communication skills and usually enjoy talking to others and helping them work through their problems.
  • ENFJs are often good at following directions and meeting deadlines. They can also be very organized, especially when they have a clear idea of what needs to be accomplished.
  • This type is also skilled at communicating with others, both verbally and non-verbally (e.g., via body language). In fact, they may have an innate ability to sense what another person is feeling or thinking just by observing behavior patterns or facial expressions—which makes them excellent when working on teams or in groups!

ENFJs are typically charismatic, friendly and outgoing people who get along well with coworkers and clients.

ENFJs are typically charismatic, friendly and outgoing people who get along well with coworkers and clients. They are also persuasive communicators that can motivate others to take action on a project or to help them learn something new.

ENFJs usually have a good sense of humor and enjoy making others laugh by telling jokes, or pulling pranks on friends. ENFJs often know what other people are thinking because they’re great at reading body language, making them excellent leaders within organizations where teamwork is critical for success.

Careers that involve routine work or that are primarily focused on data are not usually well suited for ENFJ personalities.

  • Careers that involve routine work or that are primarily focused on data are not usually well suited for ENFJ personalities.
  • Because of the way ENFJs think and process information, they tend to gravitate towards careers that allow them to use their creativity and express themselves.
  • Just like people with other personality types, ENFJs can find themselves struggling in a career where they have to work alone for long periods of time, or even deal with numbers or data analysis at all—they need a certain amount of human interaction in order for them to be happy.

Establishing a career doesn’t need to be hard; find out which path is right for your personality type!

It can be difficult to figure out where to begin when it comes to a new career. If you have an ENFJ personality type, you may find yourself drawn towards fields that allow you to interact with others and make a difference in their lives. It’s important for ENFJ types to choose careers that are focused on people and give them ample opportunities to interact with others in meaningful ways. Avoid routine jobs or careers that require long periods of isolation or anonymity; this could lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and alienation from your work life.

If you’re looking for some guidance while deciding on what kind of job would fit your personality type best, consider talking with a career counselor who can help guide you through the process of finding the right fit for yourself at any stage in life!

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