High school biology teacher salary with masters

Do you have several years of experience teaching high school students and are you thinking about becoming a biology teacher? If so, know is a great time to pursue a teaching career. Check out more information about high school biology teacher salary with masters below.

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High school biology teachers with masters degrees typically earn a starting salary of $38,000 per year. They also have the potential to earn up to $59,000 per year.

High school biology teachers with a master’s degree can expect to earn an average of $38,000 per year. The median hourly wage for high school biology teachers is $19.15 per hour. In addition to experience and education level, factors such as location and years of experience can greatly impact these figures.

If you’re looking to advance your career as a high school biology teacher with a master’s degree, there are several ways to do so. You could consider taking on additional responsibilities within your current job or applying for positions at other schools. You could also go back to school and get another degree in order to further enhance your skillset and marketability as an educator.

High school biology teacher salary with masters

What is the salary of a high school biology teacher with a master’s degree?

The average salary of a high school biology teacher with a master’s degree is $56,000. This is according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS also reported that the median salary for all secondary school teachers was $57,170 in May 2017.

A master’s degree can help you get a higher salary and/or position as well as qualify you to teach at the college level.

How much does a high school biology teacher get paid in Pennsylvania?

The average salary for teachers in Pennsylvania is $45,000. The lowest-paid teachers live in Philadelphia, where they make an average of $40,000 per year. Teachers who work in the state’s counties bordering New York City or in suburbs to the north and west of Philadelphia get paid more than their peers elsewhere in the state—but only by a few thousand dollars.

Masters degrees don’t make much of a difference when it comes to teacher salaries; those with masters degrees earn just over one percent more than those with just bachelor’s degrees (this doesn’t include special education positions). But biologists with masters degrees can expect higher pay than other types of biology teachers: about $56,000 for high school biology teachers with bachelors vs $60-65k for those with masters

Is having a master’s degree in education necessary for teaching high school biology?

While it’s true that you don’t necessarily need a master’s degree in education to become a high school biology teacher, having one might help your chances of getting the job. Some schools require teachers to have their master’s degrees; others do not. If your school requires applicants to have a master’s degree, it will likely be listed as a requirement on the application form or job description.

If your school doesn’t require teachers to have their master’s degree but still wants someone with experience teaching in college settings, then having this kind of experience will certainly help make you stand out from other candidates. In addition, some states may also require teachers who work directly with students under 18 years old (teachers who teach middle and/or high school) to hold at least an undergraduate level degree plus either 30 credits of coursework or two years working under supervision in a K-12 setting within three years before applying for certification through national testing organizations such as ACTFL or NDTESL

How much does a high school biology teacher get paid in Kansas City?

How much does a high school biology teacher get paid in Kansas City?

The average salary for a high school biology teacher in Kansas City, Missouri is $67,000 per year. If you’re curious about what’s considered the “average” pay for this position in other cities, check out our post on what does it cost to teach biology and chemistry at an independent school.

Kansas City, Kansas offers slightly less than its namesake across the state line: The average salary for a high school biology teacher there is $52,000 per year. This means that if you live within commuting distance of both cities (and are willing to move), it’s possible to earn more than teachers do on average by taking advantage of two different districts’ budgets!

How much does a high school biology teacher get paid in Dallas, TX?

You can find out how much a high school biology teacher makes by using online salary calculators. You can also ask your friends and colleagues who work in this field to get a rough idea of what you can expect to make as a high school biology teacher. However, it’s important to note that the amount will vary depending on state and school district—you may need to read up on local news articles or look at websites like Glassdoor for more information about salaries in Dallas, TX specifically.

Good schools for teaching high school biology that offer master’s programs.

Teaching is a noble profession. If you are passionate about helping students learn new subjects, then becoming a teacher might be for you. A master’s degree in biology will help you get higher pay and have more opportunities for advancement within your school district.

Here are some schools that offer high school biology teachers with a master’s program:

  • University of Washington – Seattle
  • Florida State University – Tallahassee, FL

High school biology teachers are vital to education, and getting more qualifications can help you get higher pay.

In order to be a high school biology teacher, you must have a bachelor’s degree in biology and complete the required coursework for teaching. If you want to get paid more, getting a master’s degree can help you get higher pay.

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