Greek Life University Of Miami


Dormsgrade C minusBased on housing cost, capacity, student reviews and additional factors.On-Campus Housing AvailableYesFreshmen Required to Live on CampusNoFreshmen Live On-Campus89%Undergrads in College Housing38%Average Housing Cost$8,460 / yearPOLL38%of students say overall dorm quality is great. 135 responsesPOLL69%of students say the dorms’ social atmosphere is great. 259 responsesTake a Virtual Tour


Campus Foodgrade B minusBased on meal plan cost and student reviews on the food.Meal Plan AvailableYesAverage Meal Plan Cost$6,198 / yearPOLLWhat are the best food options on campus?Based on 366 responsesReport

  • The food court in the SAC16%
  • The rat16%
  • UC Food Court13%


Some parties, mixers, buses to South Beach clubs. A lot different than a state school.Ashley

Greek life has been getting more and more popular very quickly. We have 11 fraternities and 7 sororities, but we are adding another sorority within the next few years to accommodate the growing number of girls interested in rushing. Some fraternities have houses, but no sororities do. Fraternities often get buses to south beach, football games, and some other events, which is free for girls. There is a panhellenic building on campus where all of the greek organizations that do not have houses can have meetings or hang out during the day.Ashley

Greek life has been getting more and more popular very quickly. We have 11 fraternities and 7 sororities, but we are adding another sorority within the next few years to accommodate the growing number of girls interested in rushing. Some fraternities have houses, but no sororities do. Fraternities often get buses to south beach, football games, and some other events, which is free for girls. There is a panhellenic building on campus where all of the greek organizations that do not have houses can have meetings or hang out during the day.Alana

In the Spring, Sororities and Frats go through their recruitment and pledging process, so It’s very big then but other than that they only have a large presence if you want them to. If you are looking for a party, almost every weekend a frat house will have one. If you are not into social frats, then there are plenty of service, academic and professional frats if you look for them.Cory

Greek life is a big part of UM, but not as much as many people think. The percentage is something like 20% of students are in Greek life. From what I’ve seen, if you’re interested in Greek life, especially sororities.. Join it! I don’t know many guys in fraternities but multiple girl friends of mine are in sororities. As far as I know, all of them love it and are so happy they became a part of it. However, know that if you do want to join, it involves a lot of socializing (obviously) and it’s a BIG time commitment.Alyssa

Some fraternities have houses on campus but the girls DO NOT. Girls and “excess” fraternities have suites in the panhellenic building. Girls aren’t allowed to have houses because they are “brothels.” The most sexist thing is, however, UM has a rule only for sororities which states that sororities (women only) must take provided transportation to and from a mixer and must be back before midnight AND sororities only are not allowed to leave city limits when throwing a formal (fraternities are allowed to go to the keys or the Caribbean)! Greek life is not so huge to outsiders, but once you’re inside it will consume you

University Of Miami Sorority Fees

Every chapter in our community has a different cost of membership determined by the chapter and the national headquarters.

Some chapters also include a one-time association and initiation fee. Many chapters offer a payment plan.

The costs listed below are subject to change and are predicated on chapters reporting this information to our office. Actual costs may vary.

ChapterNew MemberActive MemberInclusive Y or N
Alpha Chi Omega$845.25$460.25N
Alpha Delta Pi$692.43$571.82 (fall), $549.50 (spring)Y
Alpha Epsilon Phi$600$480Y
Alpha Omicron Pi$598$711 per yearY
Alpha Phi$927 once$476 (fall), $380 (spring)Y
Alpha Xi Delta$806$485
Chi Omega$815$466Y
Delta Delta Delta$862$432Y
Delta Gamma$795.25$498.62 (fall), $400.12 (spring)Y
Delta Zeta$515$415Y
Gamma Phi Beta$647.50$507.50Y
Kappa Alpha Theta$668.50$503.50 (fall), $326.50 (spring)Y
Kappa Delta$799$410.50 (fall), $395 (spring)N
Kappa Kappa Gamma$735 once$430Y
Phi Mu$892$368 Y
Phi Sigma Sigma$760$485Y
Sigma Lambda Gamma$315$250N
Zeta Tau Alpha$758$426Y
ChapterNew MemberActive MemberHousing Chapter House
Meal Plan
House Director
Alpha Chi Rho$700$550N/AN/AHousing Corp.No
Alpha Delta Phi$950$750$3,200$950 (14 meals/week)²Alumni-OwnedYes
Alpha Epsilon Pi$850$750$3,500 (single), $2,950 (double)N/AEsponda AssociatesYes
Alpha Sigma Phi$950$450$3,900$1,000 (9 meals/week)¹CLVEN Leasing, LLCNo
Beta Theta Pi$750$650$4,100 (single), $4,400 (double)$1,500 (7 meals/week)²Forever AlphaYes
Chi Psi$750$500$4,250 (single), $3,750 (double)$925 (11 meals/week)¹CSL Management Services and Oxford Holdings LLC.Yes
Delta Chi$850$750$4,500 (single), $3,500 (double)N/ABarrister Property ManagementYes
Delta Kappa Epsilon$550$550N/AN/AN/ANo
Delta Sigma Phi$600$600$4,250$1,000Oxford Real EstateYes
Delta Upsilon$700$800/In House $950/Non-resident$3,250 1 year $3,000 2 year$2000 (9 meals/week)²Local housing corporationYes
Kappa Alpha Order$800$550$2,400N/ACollege Property ManagementYes
Lambda Chi Alpha$750$650$5,300 (Sophomores), $4,700 (Juniors/Seniors)N/AHousing corporationYes
Phi Gamma Delta$840$800$4,500 (Sophomores), $3000 (Juniors/Seniors) (plus GPA/leadership incentives)$1,400/14 meals
$950/9 meals¹
Local housing corporationYes
Pi Kappa Alpha$850$650$3,500 (single), $2,800 (double) ($50 parlor fee for non-house members)$1,175 (lunch and dinner, Monday-Thursday, lunch on Friday)¹Dodd Hall, Inc.Yes
Pi Kappa Phi$1,000$800$3,600$975 (9 meals/week)²Executive Outcomes, LLC and national house corporationYes
Sigma Alpha Epsilon$360$588N/AN/AHouse corporationNo

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