graz university of technology tuition fees

Are you thinking about studying at Graz University of Technology? Then check this post out. It features everything you need to know about tuition fees, scholarships and grants as well as accommodation. You can also find information about the staff, language of instruction and application deadlines. We’ve also included a short Q&A section to answer your doubts!

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Graz University Of Technology Tuition Fees

University of Graz or Karl Franzens Universität Graz (KFUG) – public higher education institution in Austria. KFUG began its academic activity in1585. The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Graz.

University ranking. University of Graz is one of the best universities in Austria, taking its rightful place among the top 5 educational institutions of the country. University of Graz is among the oldest and the most prestigious universities of Austria. University of Graz is in the top 5% according to the international rankings. Its expertise lay in the fields of: «Arts and Humanities», «Natural Science». The university is considered to be among the best in the quality of education and ranks in the top 400 in that criterion.

Application process and the cost of tuition. The enrollment is based on the exam results. The university shares the popular system in Austria that divides the academic year into semesters. KFUG has affordable bachelor’s programs that cost less than 2,000 USD/year. The master’s degree will cost an applicant about 1,677 USD per an academic year. Despite the tuition gees being quite low, the students often participate in scholarship programs. On the official website of the university ( you can read more about the programs and associated tuition fees.

The composition of the university. University of Graz is classified as a large university with more than 20,000 concurrent students. The university accepts both local and foreign students. Among the students every 8 is a foreigner. The academic staff includes more than 1300 teachers and professors. The academic staff mainly consists of foreign specialists The university offers its students and the academic staff to participate in the international exchange programs. KFUG has the following social media pages Twitter, Youtube, Facebook.

Infrastructure of KFUG. The university has a functioning library. For those who require accommodations dormitories on and off campus are offered. University of Graz is a part of the following groups European University Association (EUA), OECD-IMHE, Coimbra Group, Utrecht Network, Universities Austria (uniko), European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN), International Assiocation of Universities (IAU).

Ranking  1452   11
Technische Universität Graz
Bachelor (foreigners)1,677 USD/year.
Master (foreigners)1,677 USD/year.
Bachelor (citizens)822 USD/year.
Master (citizens)822 USD/year.
Living expenses$605 -1,103 USD/month

 General information

Finance typeNonprofit
Organization typePublic
AbbreviationTU Graz
Academic calendarSemesters
Gender limitationNo limits
Campus typeUrban
Distance learningAvailable
Exchange programsAvailable
Wissen – Technik – Leidenschaft
• Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, Österreich
• European University Association (EUA)
• TU Austria


World ranking1452
Country ranking11
International rankings
UniPage World University Ranking1452

Cost of living in Graz

Expenses – USD/MonthMin.Med.
Communications and utilities92146
Sports and leisure1878
Accommodation in GrazUSD/Month
Shared room outside of centre235
Shared room in city centre276
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre396
1 bedroom apartment in city centre436

Alternative title

GermanTechnische Universität Graz

Location on map

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  • advise you on education abroad,
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Free consultationWhy choose UniPage Universities related to Graz University of TechnologyUniversities in this cityInformation is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school. Advanced searchShowing 1-5 of 7 items.

4194University of Graz1,677 USD1,677 USD
8749Medical University of Graz1,677 USD1,677 USD
25University of Applied Sciences of Joanneum1,000 USD1,000 USD
27Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark1,000 USD1,000 USD
31University of Music and Performing Arts Graz1,000 USD1,000 USD

Universities in this countryInformation is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school. Advanced searchShowing 1-5 of 79 items.

1451University of ViennaVienna1,730 USD1,730 USD
2462University of InnsbruckInnsbruck1,677 USD1,677 USD
2903Vienna University of TechnologyVienna1,677 USD1,677 USD
4194University of GrazGraz1,677 USD1,677 USD
6075Johannes Kepler University LinzLinz1,677 USD1,677 USD

Financial Matters

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Graz University of Technology is a very reputable university located in Austria. It is one of the leading universities in the country when it comes to research and teaching and employs management facilities and methodologies to ensure that students get the best education and training. The university has a very high acceptance rate and only an elite few get to study there, making it one of the most prestigious universities in Austria.

Read on to to learn more on Graz university of technology tuition fees, university of Vienna acceptance rate
, university of technology admission requirements for international students, Graz university of technology qs ranking, university of Salzburg acceptance rate, Graz university of technology masters, universities in Austria with high acceptance rate, university of innsbruck acceptance rate on collegelearner

Graz University Of Technology Masters

Graz University Of Technology Acceptance Rate - College Learners

As the name suggests, TU Graz is located in the centre of Graz, the second biggest city in Austria. With eight institutions of higher education, Graz is a real student city and is regarded as one of the cities of central Europe and the European Union with the highest quality of life. Get an initial idea of the services and structures of the University.

ITalent South East Master Award, 2018


The diversity of University of Graz is characterized amongst others by the internationality of its students. More than 4,000 international students decided to accomplish their education and research at University of Graz.

Study Opportunities

More than 100 study programs are offered at six faculties.

The application procedure for the English taught Master programmes within the NAWI Graz study programmes is being conducted by Graz University of Technology and takes place once a year for the following academic year.

Joint Degree Programmes

The University of Graz offers many Joint Degree Study Programmes. These are programmes offered in cooperation with other universities.

The Office of International Relations is responsible for the admission for Joint Degree programmes. The admission requirements can be different. Therefore, please check the admission requirements for Joint Degree programmes on the programmes’ homepage.

Who Will Be Regarded As An International Student Within The Application Process?

Applicants are considered international students if they obtained documents, which enabel them to study, abroad. This means international students are:

  • EU/EEA Nationalities
  • Third Country Nationalities
  • Austrian Nationals

with Foreign General University Entrance Qualification (Secondary School Leaving Certificate or University Degree)


The application and admission procedure is supported and processed by two staff members of the Academic Affairs at University of Graz.

Personal consultation regarding the application and admission process will be carried out during the opening hours. Please read first of all the information on our website and use the Admission Guide!

If you plan or think about studying in Austria, you should know that many international students rated their study abroad experience in this country as excellent. The main reasons were:

  • The high standard of the academic environment at Austrian universities
  • Student-centred classes and teaching methods
  • Austria is one of the safest European countries
  • Universities charge low tuition fees

Keep on reading as we provide more details about tuition fees and living costs in Austria.

1. Tuition fees for international students in Austria

Tuition fees for EU/EEA & Switzerland students

At public universities, EU/EEA students who pursue a full-time degree or enrol for an exchange programme don’t have to pay any tuition fee. They only have to pay a fee of 20 EUR/semester, which covers the student union membership and the student accident insurance.

Find Bachelors in Austria

Tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students

In addition to the 20 EUR/semester, non-EU/EEA students will have to pay on average 726.72 EUR per semester for tuition fees.

Many public universities make exceptions for students from developing countries, who are not charged any tuition fees. To see if your country is on the list, check the information on the official university page.

Tuition fees at Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

Universities of Applied Sciences can decide how much they charge for their study programmes. EU/EEA students usually pay 363 EUR/semester. For non-EU/EEA citizens, costs range between 727 – 7,500 EUR/semester.

Tuition fees at private universities

Private academic institutions are more expensive than public universities. While tuition costs vary from one study programme to the next, foreign students should expect to pay anywhere between 3,000 – 23,000 EUR/year. Some specialised programmes demand tuition fees of 35,000 EUR/year or more.

Find out more details about tuition fees in Austrian universities.

Universities we recommend in Austria

  • Central European University (CEU)
  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
  • WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Check out the best universities in Austria according to global rankings.

2. Student living costs in Austria

Considering the high quality of life in Austria, one can say that living costs are quite affordable. Prices vary from one region to another.

In Vienna and Salzburg, you should prepare a monthly budget of 900 – 1,300 EUR to cover all your expenses (accommodation, food, social activities and public transportation).

In other student cities, like Linz or Graz, living costs range between 900 and 1,000 EUR/month.

Graz University of Technology (Graz, Austria) - apply, prices, reviews |  Smapse

graz university of technology application deadline

Application Deadlines

The receipt stamp at the university applies!

Application deadline international students
Winter semesterBachelor, Diploma, Teacher Training: from May till September 05th (end of general admission period)
 Master: from May till November 30 (end of grace period)
 Doctorate: extended deadline (not clearly stated, varies from academic year to academic year)
Summer semesterBachelor, Diploma, Teacher Training: from December till February 05 (end of general admission period)
 Master: from December till April 30 (end of grace period)
 Doctorate: extended deadline

We recommend to not submit your Master application shortly before the grace period ends as admission for the intended semester can not be guaranteed. The registration is only possible till the end of the grace period, which means 30.11. or 30.04.!

Please know that processing applications can take several weeks. Therefore, we advise to hand in applications as soon as they are complete.A precise processing time cannot be given.

Handing in incomplete applications may lead to a longer processing time.

Applications handed in before the start of the application period will not be processed before the start of the application deadline.

History - TU Graz

graz university of technology courses in english

hat should I study? TU Graz offers a wide range of degree programmes in technical and scientific subjects.

A bachelor’s degree is the first stage of your university education. It is designed for you to build up a broad knowledge of your subject and get first experiences of practical work. After a regular study duration of six semesters you graduate with the degree Bachelor of Science (BSc). This degree qualifies you for entry to a master’s degree programme to study your subject in greater depth.

Bachelor’s Degree Programmes from A to Z

  • Architecture
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical and Process Engineering
  • Chemistry*
  • Civil Engineering Sciences and Construction Management
  • Computer Science
  • Digital Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering
  • Environmental Systems Sciences / Natural Sciences-Technology*
  • Geodesy
  • Geosciences*
  • Information and Computer Engineering
  • Mathematics*
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics
  • Molecular Biology*
  • Physics*
  • Software Engineering and Management 
  • Teacher Education – Subject Computer Science
  • Teacher Education – Subject Descriptive Geometry

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