graz university of technology notable alumni

The Graz University of Technology , known as TU Graz , is one of the largest universities in Austria, and one of the leading universities for technology and science in Europe. It has been ranked among the best 100 universities in the world. The university claims notable alumni such as Ernst Mach , Nobel laureate in physics; Erwin Schrödinger : Nobel laureate in physics and a pioneer of quantum mechanics; Carl Bosch , founder of chemical research at IG Farben ; Joseph Lauber , Nobel prize for chemistry recipient and researcher on luminescence; Hans Fischer , discoverer of the Fischer–Tropsch process for turning carbon monoxide into gasoline ; Carl von Linde , inventor of the system used to produce hydrogen today; and Peter Žaloudek , famous inventor of forerunner to web browsers .

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Graz University Of Technology Notable Alumni

Graz University of Technology or Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz) – public higher education institution in Austria. The history of TU Graz can be traced back to1811 . The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Graz.

University ranking. In the recent years Graz University of Technology has a stable position in the top 20 universities of Austria and does not plan to give it away. Graz University of Technology is highly renowned as a university that managed to stay in the top 5% worldwide rankings.

Application process and the cost of tuition. The university shares the popular system in Austria that divides the academic year into semesters. Studying bachelor’s at TU Graz is relatively inexpensive – only 2,000 USD per year. The master’s degree will cost an applicant about 1,677 USD per an academic year. The students of the university can also receive their degree online. On the official website of the university ( you can read more about the programs and associated tuition fees.

The composition of the university. Being a medium scale university, Graz University of Technology teaches more than 14 thousand students. Both citizens and foreigners are able to apply. More than 2500 teachers are employed by the university. The university offers its students and the academic staff to participate in the international exchange programs. TU Graz has the following social media pages Itunes, Youtube, Linkedin.

Financial Matters

11 Notable alumni of
Graz University of Technology

The Graz University of Technology is 2228th in the world, 715th in Europe, and 15th in Austria by aggregated alumni prominence. Below is the list of 11 notable alumni from the Graz University of Technology sorted by their wiki pages popularity. The directory includes famous graduates and former students along with research and academic staff.

  1. Nikola TeslaNikola TeslaBorn in Croatia1856-1943 (aged 87)Studied in 1875-1878inventorelectrical engineermechanical engineerphysicistindustrial engineerNikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
  2. Karl von TerzaghiKarl von TerzaghiBorn in Czech Republic1883-1963 (aged 80)civil engineerinventoruniversity teachergeologistKarl von Terzaghi was an Austrian mechanical engineer, geotechnical engineer, and geologist known as the “father of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering”.
  3. Lisa KalteneggerLisa KalteneggerBorn in Austria1977-.. (age 44)astronomerphysicistuniversity teacherLisa Kaltenegger is an Austrian astronomer with expertise in the modeling and characterization of exoplanets and the search for life. On July 1, 2014, she was appointed Associate Professor of Astronomy at Cornell University. Previously, she held a joint position at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg where she was the Emmy Noether Research Group Leader for the “Super-Earths and Life” group, and at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA. She was appointed Lecturer in 2008 at Harvard University and 2011 at University of Heidelberg….+ show more
  4. Wilhelm BlaschkeWilhelm BlaschkeBorn in Austria1885-1962 (aged 77)Studied in 1904-1906mathematicianuniversity teacherWilhelm Johann Eugen Blaschke was an Austrian mathematician working in the fields of differential and integral geometry.
  5. Herbert EdelsbrunnerHerbert EdelsbrunnerBorn in Austria1958-.. (age 63)mathematiciancomputer scientistuniversity teacherHerbert Edelsbrunner is a computer scientist working in the field of computational geometry, the Arts & Science Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics at Duke University, Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), and the co-founder of Geomagic, Inc. He was the first of only three computer scientists to win the National Science Foundation’s Alan T. Waterman Award….+ show more
  6. Gerald TeschlGerald TeschlBorn in Austria1970-.. (age 51)mathematicianphysicistuniversity teacherGerald Teschl is an Austrian mathematical physicist and professor of mathematics. He works in the area of mathematical physics; in particular direct and inverse spectral theory with application to completely integrable partial differential equations (soliton equations)….+ show more
  7. Gerhard WoegingerGerhard WoegingerBorn in Austria1964-.. (age 57)mathematiciancomputer scientistGerhard J. Woeginger is an Austrian mathematician and computer scientist who works in Germany as a professor at RWTH Aachen University, where he chairs the algorithms and complexity group in the department of computer science.
  8. Vjekoslav HeinzelVjekoslav HeinzelBorn in Croatia1871-1934 (aged 63)architectVjekoslav Heinzel was the Mayor of Zagreb from 1920 to 1928. He is best remembered for great development projects of the 1920s that significantly expanded the city.
  9. Lajos PetrikLajos PetrikBorn in Hungary1851-1932 (aged 81)Studied in 1874chemistceramicistLajos Petrik was a Hungarian chemist, ceramist and teacher of inorganic chemical technology in Hungarian Royal Public Secondary Industrial School and the predecessor of today’s Petrik Lajos Bilingual Vocational School of Chemistry, Environmental Protection and Information Technology. Later in his career, he was the principal of that school….+ show more
  10. Gustav von EscherichGustav von EscherichBorn in Italy1849-1935 (aged 86)mathematicianuniversity teacherGustav Ritter von Escherich was an Austrian mathematician.
  11. Friedrich EmichFriedrich EmichBorn in Austria1860-1940 (aged 80)chemistFriedrich Emich was an Austrian chemist. Emich is recognized as the founder of microchemistry and worked at Graz University of Technology. Together with his colleague from the University of Graz, Fritz Pregl he perfected the work in small scales analysis. Fritz Pregl was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1923 for his work on microanalysis….+ show more

Graz University of Technology – Notable Alumni

Notable Alumni

  • Karl Kordesch, fuel cell and battery designer
  • Hans List, technical scientist and inventor, entrepreneur
  • Hubert Petschnigg, architect
  • Nikola Tesla, inventor, physicist, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist (Did not receive a degree and did not continue beyond the first semester of his third year, during which he stopped attending lectures)
  • Karl von Terzaghi, civil engineer and founder of soil mechanics
  • Richard Zsigmondy, chemist (Nobel Prize 1926)

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university of graz english programs

Studying a subject in depth, applying knowledge in practical projects, doing research autonomously, studying abroad – all of these elements can feature in a TU Graz master’s degree programme, which is the next stage after a bachelor’s degree and is designed to prepare students to enter a relevant profession.

The degrees Diplom-Ingenieurin or Diplom-Ingenieur (DI or Dipl.-Ing.) or Master of Science (MSc) are gateways to many career opportunities in Austria and abroad and are also the qualification required to study for a doctoral degree.

  • Master’s programmes taught in English
  • Master’s programmes taught in German

Information and Advice for Prospective Students

  • Academic Advisory Services offered by TU Graz
  • Academic Advisory Services offered by Student Representatives
    Division for student counselling
  • Complete List of Services for Prospective Students

E-journal: Master’s degree programmes at a glance

Master’s Degree Programmes Taught in English

  • Advanced Materials Science*
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biorefinery Engineering
  • Biotechnology*
  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering*
  • Computational Social Systems
  • Computer Science
  • Environmental System Sciences / Climate Change and Environmental Technology*
  • Geosciences*
  • Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering
  • Information and Computer Engineering
  • Mathematics*
  • Physics*
  • Production Science and Management
  • Software Engineering and Management
  • Technical Chemistry*
  • Technical Physics*

graz university of technology qs ranking

Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) is ranked 277 in QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities and has an overall score of 4.3 stars, according to student reviews on Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities from all over the world.

On this page you can see how the university is ranked on international rankings and find out what students are saying about their study experience.

Student Reviews

4.3 20

Latest positive review:

I have started my Master’s studies at TU Graz. The professors and study curriculum are the best in the world! The students and professors are very helpful and you can reach anyone for doubt clearing, projects or general discussions by email and everyone responds quickly!

Latest critical review:

Environment is quite good, facilities is average, teaching is low average, teaching Assistent is low average Why are student reviews important?

Study in Austria

In Austria, you can find some of the most affordable education institutions in Europe. At public universities, degrees are free for all EU/EEA citizens, while non-EU/EEA students pay affordable fees, usually under 2,000 EUR per year. The Austrian education system achieves this without sacrificing academic quality, as local universities are regularly ranked among the best on the continent. Austria is also one of the safest nations in the world, where you will enjoy a high quality of life and top-notch infrastructure and services. For art lovers, there are many museums and galleries to explore, and we shouldn’t forget Austria’s gifts to music, which include Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, and others. Sports enthusiasts can enjoy activities like alpine skiing, mountain biking, hockey, swimming, etc.

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