BSN Degree – Nursing Major (RN-BSN Students)
Registered Nurses looking for online BSN programs have several advanced placement options. Recent graduates of Iowa schools approved to participate in the Iowa Articulation Program may receive 64 s.h. of credit upon admission to Graceland. Students may also receive 64 s.h. of credit after successfully completing three Iowa Articulation courses that are offered at various community colleges in the state. Students from out of state may receive 28 s.h. of upper division escrow credit upon successful completion of NURS3460 Professionalism in Nursing and payment of recording fees for upper division courses. For complete information see School of Nursing brochure “articulation options”.
The following required nursing courses will be met by the Iowa Articulation Program or escrow credit:
NURS2420 Introduction to Nursing – 3 s.h.
NURS3120 Fundamentals of Health Care – 4 s.h.
NURS3250 Adult Health Care I – 4 s.h.
NURS3260 Adult Health Care II – 4 s.h.
NURS3270 Psychosocial Aspects of Client Care – 4 s.h.
NURS4220 Maternal and Newborn Care – 4 s.h.
NURS4240 Pediatric Nursing – 4 s.h.
NURS4910 Leadership Roles in Nursing – 1 s.h.
Nursing courses required to be taken at Graceland:
NURS3110 Health Assessment for Practicing Nurse – 3 s.h.
NURS3160 Evidence Based Practice – 3 s.h.
NURS3430 Pathophysiology and Related Pharmacology – 3 s.h.
NURS3460 Professionalism in Nursing – 3 s.h.
NURS4160 Leadership Roles in Nursing – 3 s.h.
NURS4280 Global Health and Policy Issues – 3 s.h.
NURS4350 Population Health Nursing – 3 s.h.
NURS4411 Informatics for the Practicing Nurse – 2 s.h.
NURS4420 Current Issues in Healthcare – 2 s.h.
NURS4460 Senior Capstone – 3 s.h.
Required Supporting Courses:
BIOL3420 Human Anatomy – 4 s.h.
BIOL3440 Human Physiology – 4 s.h.
BIOL2350 Introduction to Microbiology – 4 s.h.
HLTH2560 Nutrition – 3 s.h.
MATH1380 Introduction to Statistics – 3 s.h.
SOCI1300 Introduction to Sociology (preferred) or
SOCI1350 Cultural Anthropology – 3 s.h.
PSYC1300 Introductory Psychology – 3 s.h.
PSYC2250 Developmental Psychology – 3 s.h.
Courses Offered
BIOL2350Introduction to Microbiology
BIOL3420Human Anatomy (3-2)
BIOL3440Human Physiology (3-2)
HLTH2560 Nutrition
MATH1380Introduction to Statistics
NURS2420Introduction to Nursing
NURS3110Health Assessment for the Practicing Nurse
NURS3120Fundamentals of Health Care
NURS3160Evidence Based Practice
NURS3250Adult Health Care I
NURS3260NURS3260 Adult Health Care II
NURS3270Psychosocial Aspects of Client Care
NURS3430Pathophysiology and Related Pharmacology
NURS3460Professionalism in Nursing
NURS4160Leadership Roles in Nursing
NURS4220Maternal and Newborn Care
NURS4240Pediatric Nursing
NURS4280Global Health and Policy Issues
NURS4350Population Health Nursing
NURS4411Informatics for the Practicing Nurse
NURS4420Current Issues in Healthcare
NURS4460Senior Capstone
NURS4910Leadership Roles in Nursing
PSYC1300Introductory Psychology
PSYC2250Developmental Psychology
Course DescriptionsBIOL2350 Introduction to Microbiology – 4 s.h.
Students will learn about immunology, bacteriology, mycology, and virology. Emphasis will be placed on the cellular mechanisms and role of microbial pathogens (bacteria) and agents (viruses, prions) affecting human health and how they are treated. Credit is not allowed for this course and BIOL2360. Prerequisites: CHEM1330 or BIOL2100 or instructors consent or enrollment in the RN to BSN program.BIOL3420 Human Anatomy (3-2) – 4 s.h.
A study of gross human anatomy utilizing charts, three dimensional models, computer simulations, and dissection of mammalian animals. The course will discuss regional and surface anatomy to establish the relationships of the various organ systems of the body. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: BIOL1400 or BIOL2100 or PHED1240. Goal 1ABIOL3440 Human Physiology (3-2) – 4 s.h.
A systems oriented study of the function of the human body on the cellular, tissue, organ, and organ-system levels with an emphasis on medical physiology. Laboratory includes computer simulations and use of Biopac equipment. Additional fee required. Prerequisites: BIOL3420 (grade of C or better strongly recommended) and one semester of chemistry. Goal 1AHLTH2560 Nutrition – 3 s.h.
A study the principles of nutrition as it relates to health, exercise, sports and disease. Students will be presented with applied content that includes research-based guidelines meant to help students differentiate between nutrition recommendations that are backed by science and the overabundance of false and misleading information. Goal 1AMATH1380 Introduction to Statistics – 3 s.h.
Data analysis and measures of central tendency, dispersion, and correlation. Introduction to probability. Estimation and hypothesis testing. Bivariate regression. Elementary ANOVA. Introduction to nonparametric techniques. Prerequisite: 1 year high school algebra. Goal 3A, ELO6 MathNURS2420 Introduction to Nursing – 3 s.h.
Introduces the roles and responsibilities of professional nursing. Introduces students to the historical, economic, political and legal/ethical trends in nursing. Introduces concepts necessary for scholarly writing using APA formatting.
Graceland University Tuition
Sample Financial Offer – Helping make a Graceland education possible
Source | Aid Amount |
Graceland Scholarships | $20,500 |
Outside Scholarship(s) | 1,600 |
Federal/State Grants | 6,345 |
Student Employment (students must work to earn) | 1,000 |
Federal Student Loans | 5,442 |
TOTAL | $34,887 |
In this sample offer, the remaining amount due (balance due) is $6,843. There are several options open to covering this balance.
Note: this total does not cover the cost of books, supplies, personal expenses or health insurance.Options For Covering Your Balance
Additional Programs
- Master of Science in Data Science & Analytics – OnlineFeeCostTuition$550 per semester hourProgram Support Fee (online courses)$18 per courseUniversity Technology Fee$4 per credit hour (online)
- Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance – OnlineFeeCostTuition$460 per semester hourProgram Support Fee (online courses)$18 per courseFocus Session Fee$90 per day
- Master of Science in Religion – Seminary, Independence CampusFEEAMOUNTTuition$300.00 per semester hourContinuing Education Unit (CEU) Charge$240.00 per courseAuditing Fee$450.00 per courseExtension Fee (for incomplete course, non-refundable)$100.00Non-Degree Seeking Administration Fee (Missouri program students have a three business day right of rescission.)$50.00 per courseProgram Support Fee (online courses)$18.00 per courseReactivation Fee$50.00
- Bachelor of Science: Elementary Education – Independence CampusFeeAmountTermTuition$380.00per semester hourBackground Check35.00one time
Campus Fee (Independence Campus)80.00per yearC-BASE Testing Fee60.00Education Technology Fee (nonrefundable)110.00year oneiPad Initiative Fee (nonrefundable)460.00optionalProgram Support Fee (online courses)18.00per courseStudent Teaching Fee185.00 - Bachelor of Science: Business Administration and Organizational Leadership – OnlineFeeCostTuition – Online (courses for major, electives and general education)$375.00 per semester hourLate Registration Fee100.00 per occuranceProgram Support Fee (online courses)18.00 per courseProgram Re-sequencing Fee (nonrefundable)100.00 per occurance
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN-RN) – Independence CampusClick here for more detailed information including costs per semester.FeeCostFull-Time Tuition (semester hours 10-18)$10,380 per semesterPart-Time Tuition (semester hours less than 10 or over 18)$745 per semester hourDeposit (due 30 days after acceptance – nonrefundable)$200Late Registration Fee$100Reactivation Fee$550
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN-RN) – OnlineFeeCostTuition – RN-BSN Programs$495/semester hourTuition: All Other Programs$530/semester hourClinical Resource Fee (Annually assessed in June each year)$25/annuallyLate Registration Fee$100/occuranceProgram Support Fee (online courses)$18/courseCLEP Exam Recording Fee (nonrefundable)$20/semester hourDantes Exam Recording Fee (nonrefundable)$20/semester hourExcelsior Exam Recording Fee (nonrefundable)$20/semester hourRe-Sequencing Fee$100/occuranceResearch Fee (Intro to Evidence-Based Nursing)$50/course