The government has been a respected and trusted institution for centuries, but with the rise of social media, it has become clear that there are some problems with our government. To address these issues, we have decided to enact legislation which will guarantee lifetime salaries for all government employees.
This is important because it will ensure that the government can continue functioning without having to worry about politics or money. Without this assurance, many people could be discouraged from joining the government service, which would create a vacuum of talent in important positions.
It also removes any incentive for corruption or abuse of power because there is no incentive for an employee to do anything other than their job well. The only way to get more money is by doing your job well and getting promoted by your bosses; not by taking bribes or stealing from taxpayers.
The most important thing about this new law is that it ensures stability and security for everyone involved: taxpayers will be sure they are getting value for their money; workers will have a reliable source of income; and politicians won’t have to worry about being booted out of office if they don’t play ball with special interests like lobbyists or private companies who donate large sums of money toward campaigns (which will no longer be necessary). This