Georgetown Mpp Acceptance Rate

Georgetown Mpp Acceptance Rate

The Georgetown MPP program has a weighted average acceptance rate of about 33%. This number takes into account the applicants’ GMAT scores, GPA and other factors. The total acceptance rate is higher than that of many other master’s programs in public policy in the United States. The program is selective, but not as selective as some other programs in this field.

Georgetown Mpp Acceptance Rate


A Master’s degree in Public Policy is a great fit for students interested in working in government or supporting public service. Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service offers a Master of Public Policy (MPP) program that is ranked 17th in the country by U.S. News and World Report, with a faculty that includes experts on immigration and refugee policy, environmental issues, and international development projects.

The program is based on thorough analysis of public policy, with an emphasis on practical experience and applied research to ensure graduates are well prepared for careers as leaders who can make a positive impact in their communities. All MPP students work closely with faculty advisers while pursuing internships with local governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or advocacy groups focused on issues they are passionate about. MPP graduates commonly go into careers as analysts within government agencies, policy researchers at think tanks or universities, or other roles that focus on community outreach and engagement

A highly-ranked program and a diverse student body

The MPP program at Georgetown University is ranked 17th in the country. The program’s admission rate is low, but it offers a rigorous and exciting curriculum that prepares you for a career in public policy. If you’re looking to leave your mark on the world and you’re ready to take on a challenge, this may be the school for you!

The MPP program’s diverse student body is one of its biggest assets. Students come from all over the United States, as well as from other countries around the world—including China, India and Mexico. Diversity helps create an inclusive learning environment where all students can learn from each other’s unique perspectives and experiences.

Georgetown University’s Master of Public Policy Program is ranked 17th in the country.

You can find the rankings here.

This program is ranked #17 in the country, and #1 in the world for public policy and management.

The MPP Class is composed of about 50 students, with about half coming from outside the United States.Hoyas frequently engage in international service and study opportunities, including activities with non-governmental organizations, local governments, and political advocacy groups.

Georgetown is a great place to study public policy because it is located in the heart of Washington, D.C., one of the most important cities in the world. The student body is also diverse, with students coming from all over the world.

This degree focuses on applying critical analysis to public policy and how individuals can improve communities through leadership.

The Master of Public Policy (MPP) degree focuses on applying critical analysis to public policy and how individuals can improve communities through leadership. The MPP is designed for students who want to be more effective at influencing policy makers and policymakers, as well as for those interested in careers in government, nonprofit organizations, or the private sector. The degree requires 48 semester hours of coursework. Georgetown’s MPP offers an interdisciplinary approach that draws from economics, political science and sociology among other disciplines. Students take core courses on public policy theory or specific policy areas such as health care or international development along with electives that allow them to gain deeper knowledge within their focus area.

You can learn more about this program at Georgetown University’s website:

MPP is a great fit for students who want an analytical, rigorous experience in an exciting city.

If you’re an analytical, rigorous person who wants to learn about public policy and pursue a leadership role in government or the private sector, MPP may be the right fit for you.

The program includes courses in finance and accounting; economics; statistics; research methods; policy analysis & design; health care systems & management; evaluation methods for social programs & community development projects; international development policy & practice (applicable only if you are from outside the United States); American foreign policy (applicable only if you are from outside the United States); economic growth through innovation & international trade (applicable only if you are from outside of the US), among others.

You’ll have plenty of time for extracurricular activities as well: every semester offers plenty of opportunities for internships, study abroad trips abroad (selective countries), clubs/organizations on campus like Model UN Club and Georgetown International Relations Society along with leadership roles within those clubs/organizations such as treasurer or secretary general at GUIRS which allows students to gain experience working with people both inside and outside of their class schedule while also strengthening personal relationships among themselves through shared interests.


I hope that this information has been useful to you as you consider whether or not Georgetown’s Master of Public Policy Program is right for your future. I am very happy with the direction that my education here has taken me, and I believe it will do the same for anyone who chooses to come here. The faculty members are truly committed to their students’ success, and they have been there every step of my journey thus far.

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