franciscan university engineering

Franciscan University of Steubenville has a 100-year-long tradition of engineering education. It all begins with a rigorous pre-engineering program for bright students taught in the classroom, laboratory, and through field activities.  

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Engineering Degree Program, Major | Ohio | Catholic University

Franciscan University Engineering

Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Program Overview

Grow in your Catholic faith while you start on your engineering bachelor’s degree at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. This dual degree program lays the strong foundation you’ll need to finish your engineering degree at one of Franciscan’s engineering partner schools: The Catholic University of America, University of Pittsburgh, Gannon University, University of Notre Dame, and Saint Francis University. You may also transfer to other private and public universities — in Ohio or across the United States.

Study engineering in a strong Catholic environment

With an engineering degree through Franciscan University, you’ll learn from faculty who have graduated from some of the nation’s most prestigious universities. These expert teachers and researchers integrate Catholic faith and reason into all of your classes, helping you discover — and answer — God’s call for your life. They’ll also connect you with research and internships that could lead to top jobs in engineering.

rograms Related to the Bachelor’s in Engineering

Still undecided? You might also be interested in these other undergraduate degree programs at Franciscan University:

  • Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Business
  • Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biology
  • Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Computer Information Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering 
  • Minor in Cybersecurity

Notre Dame: BS In Engineering
Franciscan: AS In Natural and Applied Science and BS in Mathematical Science

(Program of Study)

Second Year

First Semester

EGR 215Rigid Body Statics3
MTH 220Discrete Mathematics3
MTH 261Analytic Geometry and Calculus III4
MTH 335/CSC 335Junior Seminar1
MTH 401Mathematical Statistics I3
PHY 222University Physics II3
PHY 223University Physics II Lab1
Total Credit Hours:18

Second Semester

EGR 216Rigid Body Dynamics3
MTH 265Differential Equations3
PHY 224University Physics III3
PHY 225University Physics III Lab1
History Core 33
PHL 212/PHL 512Foundations of Ethics3
Total Credit Hours:16

Third Year

First Semester

EGR 217Strength of Materials3
MTH 305Introduction to Abstract Algebra3
MTH 434Senior Thesis1
American Founding Principles Core3
Social Science Core3
Total Credit Hours:16

Second Semester

MTH 333Intermediate Linear Algebra3
EGR 218Engineering Thermodynamics3
Literature or Art Core3
Theology Core3
Theology Core3
Total Credit Hours:15

For consideration of transfer admission to Notre Dame, students must:

  1. Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3
  2. Earn a grade of C or better in all courses
  3. Complete at least 60 credit hours that can be transferred to satisfy Notre Dame engineering degree requirements.
  4. Receive recommendation for admission by the relevant department chair at Franciscan.

At Notre Dame, students must complete two additional courses for the BS in Math from Franciscan: Speech (FUS ENG 290) and Business & Professional Writing (FUS ENG 320).

The following courses are typically taken by students during their fi two years at Notre Dame. These courses will not be offered at Franciscan and must, therefore, be taken at Notre Dame as applicable after transfer admission: AME 20211 Intro to Aeronautics; AME 20212 Intro to Mechanical Engineering; AME 20213 Measurements and Data Analysis; CE 20130 & 20131 Methods of Civil Engineering I & II; and CE 20500 Engineering Geology.

Franciscan University Celebrates 75 Years - Opera News

apply to franciscan university

Application Procedure

A candidate for admission should follow this procedure:

  1. Complete the application for admission online at  
  2. Send an official copy of the high school transcript, showing completion of coursework through the junior year, to the Office of Admissions. A final official transcript is required of applicants upon completion of  high school graduation.
  3. Request that SAT or ACT scores be sent to the Director of Admissions. If forms are not available at your high school, a copy may be obtained by writing directly to: Scholastic Aptitude Tests, College Entrance Examination Board, PO Box 881, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 or at, or to American College Tests, PO Box 414, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 or at

Upon notification of acceptance, a student who intends to enroll must submit:

  1. A deposit of $300. This deposit is non-refundable.
  2. A Confidential Health Record Form.
  3. Final official transcripts of all high school course work.
  4. Resident students must submit a housing contract.
Mechanical Engineering Degree | Ohio | Catholic University

franciscan mechanical engineering

Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Program Overview

Jumpstart your mechanical engineering career at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Your mechanical engineering degree will prepare you for a variety of career paths as a professional engineer in design, aerospace, manufacturing, and project management.

Our students take courses such as Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Dynamic Systems and are trained in Franciscan’s mechanical engineering lab where you can design and build mechanical engineering prototypes while receiving hands-on instruction. You can then apply your knowledge in real-world situations through practical opportunities and internships.

With our Catholic core courses and passionately Catholic university culture, Franciscan University’s mechanical engineering students learn to promote positive change in the industry as well as increasing your scientific, design, and technological skills.

Fusing Engineering, Business, and Catholicism

Students at Franciscan University in Ohio master the key technological and scientific skills needed to succeed as professional engineers and in other areas of the workforce.

In the major degree program, you can further expand their knowledge through business or management concentrations. A minor in mechanical engineering is also available to undergraduates in other programs. As a mechanical engineering student at Franciscan, you may also expand your knowledge with graduate study in our Master of Business Administration. In the graduate program, you learn to apply the concepts of mechanical engineering to the corporate world. The 4+1 program allows students in just one further year of study to complement their ME degree with an MBA that will give them project management tools and help them form productive client relationships.

Studying mechanical engineering at a faithfully Catholic college makes all the difference as students are equipped as strong Catholic leaders for this growing professional field.

Pre-Engineering: 3+2 Program with Notre Dame, Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Notre Dame: BS In Engineering

Franciscan: AA In General Studies and BS in Mathematical Science

(Program of Study)

First Year

First Semester

CHM 111General Chemistry I3
CHM 116General Chemistry Laboratory I1
EGR 201Engineering Innovation I2
EGR 202Engineering Innovation II1
MTH 161Analytic Geometry and Calculus I4
MTH 171Matrix Theory I1
PHL 113/PHL 503Philosophy of the Human Person3
Social Science Core3

Second Semester

CHM 112General Chemistry II3
MTH 162Analytic Geometry and Calculus II4
MTH 172Matrix Theory II1
PHY 220University Physics I3
PHY 221University Physics I Lab1
ENG 103Freshman English I3
PHL 211/PHL 511Metaphysics3

Second Year

First Semester

EGR 215Rigid Body Statics3
MTH 220Discrete Mathematics3
MTH 261Analytic Geometry and Calculus III4
MTH 401Mathematical Statistics I3
PHY 222University Physics II3
PHY 223University Physics II Lab1

Second Semester

EGR 216Rigid Body Dynamics3
MTH 265Differential Equations3
MTH 335Junior Seminar1
PHY 224University Physics III3
PHY 225University Physics III Lab1
History Core3
PHL 212/PHL 512Foundations of Ethics3

Third Year

First Semester

CSC 144Object-Oriented Programming3
CSC 280Numerical Computing3
EGR 217Strength of Materials3
MTH 305Introduction to Abstract Algebra3
MTH 434Senior Thesis1
American Founding Principles Core3

Second Semester

MTH 333Intermediate Linear Algebra3
EGR 218Engineering Thermodynamics3
Catholic Traditions in Fine Arts Core3
THE 101Foundations of Catholicism3
THE 110The Word of God: Scripture and Tradition3

For consideration of transfer admission to Notre Dame, students must:

  1. Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3
  2. Earn a grade of C or better in all courses
  3. Complete at least 60 credit hours that can be transferred to satisfy Notre Dame engineering degree requirements.
  4. Receive recommendation for admission by the relevant department chair at Franciscan.

At Notre Dame, students must complete two additional courses for the BS in Math from Franciscan: Speech (FUS ENG 290) and Business & Professional Writing (FUS ENG 320).

The following courses are typically taken by students during their fi two years at Notre Dame. These courses will not be offered at Franciscan and must, therefore, be taken at Notre Dame as applicable after transfer admission: AME 20211 Intro to Aeronautics; AME 20212 Intro to Mechanical Engineering; AME 20213 Measurements and Data Analysis; CE 20130 & 20131 Methods of Civil Engineering I & II; and CE 20500 Engineering Geology.

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