Florida Institute Of Technology Faculty

Meet Our Faculty Members

Among Florida Tech’s faculty, you will find accomplished researchers, leading practitioners and outstanding teachers. You will find scientists and engineers, entrepreneurs and analysts, authors and astronauts. You will find experts, mentors and groundbreakers. To learn more about our faculty members’ research and accomplishments, browse or search the table below by name, academic category (which includes colleges, schools, departments and classifications such as “emeritus” or “research”) or keyword. You may also view a list of Florida Tech’s tenured faculty.

NameAcademic TitleAcademic Category
Abdulla, Ugur G.ProfessorMathematical Sciences
Aberdein, AndrewProfessorSchool of Arts and Communication
Addante, Richard J.Assistant ProfessorSchool of Psychology
Akhremitchev, BorisAssociate ProfessorBiomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences
Aldrin, AndrewAssociate ProfessorResearch
Allen, WilliamAssociate ProfessorComputer Engineering and Sciences
Allison, KyleAdjunct FacultyNathan M. Bisk College of Business
Anagnostopoulos, GeorgiosAssociate ProfessorComputer Engineering and Sciences
Aragon, PatrickDirectorSchool of Psychology
Archambault, MarkAssociate ProfessorAerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
Ariza, Aldo FabregasAssistant ProfessorComputer Engineering and Sciences
Aronson, RichardDepartment HeadOcean Engineering and Marine Sciences
Arrasmith, WilliamProfessorComputer Engineering and Sciences
Baarmand, MarcProfessorAerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
Baika, Baika, GabriellaAssociate ProfessorSchool of Arts and Communication
Barker, MaryAssociate / Assistant DeanLibrary
Barranti, JohnAssistant ProfessorNathan M. Bisk College of Business
Bashur, ChristopherAssociate ProfessorBiomedical and Chemical Engineering and Sciences
Batcheldor, DanielVisiting Assistant ProfessorAerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
Bean, LuAnnProfessorNathan M. Bisk College of Business
Becker, AnnieEmeritus FacultyNathan M. Bisk College of Business

Florida Institute Of Technology Tuition

How much does it cost to attend?

Sticker Price


Books and Supplies$1,200
Other Fees$750
Room and Board$12,880
Other Expenses Budget$3,600

Annual Prices

The annual list price to attend Florida Institute of Technology on a full time basis for 2018/2019 is $60,150 for all students regardless of their residency. This fee is comprised of $41,720 for tuition, $12,880 room and board, $1,200 for books and supplies and $750 for other fees. Out of state tuition for Florida Institute of Technology is $41,720, the same as Florida residents.All price data is sourced from the 2019/2020 U.S. Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics survey.

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Net Price

Net price is indicative of what it actually costs to attend Florida Institute of Technology when typical grants and scholarships are considered. The net price varies by family income and financial need.

Average Net Price 2018/2019


Family IncomeNet Price Paid
$0 to $30,000$26,604
$30,001 to $48,000$27,860
$48,001 to $75,000$30,323
$75,001 to $110,000$32,188

The average reported annual net price for Florida Institute of Technology for students receiving grants or scholarship aid was $32,776 in 2018/2019. Net price includes tuition and required fees, books and supplies, and average cost for room and board and other expenses

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